Thankfully we know who was, is and will be, in complete control…..the Sovereign Lord.
Wisdom and Truth from Around the World
In the last blog I invited people to let me know if they noticed instances where I’d been shown to be wrong in some of the things I have said in the blogs over the years. I got three responses from friends around the world.
From another Northern Irish emigre to the US,
“I like your humility in this blog and am reminded of the question the alanon family groups often ask, “Would you rather be right or be in relationship?”
When I came back to Northern Ireland a few years ago I really noticed a religiosity and a self-righteousness in the way people of faith expressed their faith. Not always and not everyone but it was a blind spot. It’s off-putting. It’s not like that in Northern California. There is a lot of love and grace based communications. Less truth. More PC but quite a few great writers have gone there to write because they are drawn to the lack of judgement and the openness in the culture. They have their blind spots too. Every person and culture does.”
I like the “Why BeLOnGings?” section of your blog. There are so many platforms, social media etc. today, it’s good to let others know why you are doing what you are doing :-).”
From a leader in New Zealand,
‘As for me I think you have had a handle on most things because u r working with God on this . It’s not something that you are pulling out of the air.
When u have a continuous conversation with God (which u have done for many seasons now) the results are your writings.
Unlike people who tell me there is going to be 3 days of darkness soon. I tell them I don’t think so. Then they ask me why. I then tell them I haven’t heard from God on that one and they look at me funny.
They then go on to prove to me about the many prophecies out there. I then tell them that they may be right as I think something has to happen. But I also remind them that Jesus is at the right hand side of God. Asking him not to destroy the world.
So as far as your blogs are concerned keep going bro.”
From a former principal at a Christian classic school in the USA, an interesting personal note which emphasizes the importance of first hand knowledge when it comes to making assessments about people.
‘Interestingly, I used to know Steve Bannon. He had two nephews who attended the school I headed for several years. We had several lengthy conversations and exchanged a number of emails. He may be a bit of a bizarre character, but he generously supported Christian Classic education.”
In the last blog I also talked about 2024 as the year of the open doors. I just caught up on the latest two Johnny Enlow Unfiltered episodes where a couple of humble ‘truth seekers’ share more wisdom and encouragements about the open doors to look for in the coming year.
I was about to post this, when “Low and behold!” I ‘just happened’ to read the following blog, that had just posted from another humble truth seeker…….Highly recommend.
Obviously I Was Wrong (I Think)
The title for this blog title came to me last week. As I reviewed what I had written here over the last years, I asked myself the question, “Have subsequent events proved my writings to be true or false?”
As I have attempted to stick to what I believe God has shown me to say and avoid voicing personal ‘opinions’. I can honestly say that only one error came to mind (Please do write, to point out the ‘hidden faults” that I have missed.🙂)
I did seem to get it wrong in the blog where I painted Bill Barr in a positive light and was negative toward Steve Bannon. As the plot has unfolded it would seem I got that the wrong way round…………I think!
I Think……….For God only knows where their ‘roles’ will take them……and who are the ‘white hats’, the ‘black hats’, the black hats turned white, the ‘white hats’ pretending to be black, and so on and on and on!
And yet, “Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.“ (Amos 3:7)
The other night at our HQ gathering on the first day of 2024 I ‘ just happened’ upon my boarding pass from our trip to Ireland. I was explaining it was a Delta flight (Daleth is a door in Hebrew) seat 24 when Bill entered announcing, ‘Your garage door was wide open.” Father seemed to be making a point about this being the year of doors and gates
Ps.24 speaks of the opening of the ancient doors and gates…….’that the King of glory may come in.’
Is. 45 speaks of ‘God’s anointed’ breaking down the gates of bronze. We have been using Andrew Whalen’s Dreams to Change a Nation book as recommended by Johnny Enlow in his Unfiltered episode 88. Although neither prophets originally favored Trump, God spoke to both of them through Is. 45 that he was a ‘chosen vessel’ to deal with ‘the swamp’ of evil.
I also get a ‘heads up’ about this when I was inspired to write back in 2000 in The Flame song,
“When this age shall end and the time has come for the TRUMP to sound…..”
As Johnny Enlow has said, “The whole world will be known as ‘before Trump and after Trump’”
Then yesterday I came across Dr John Campbell’s first video of 2024 The title began Bill Gates……as in the ‘gates of hell’ that will not prevail against God’s church? (Matt.16:18)
Certain things are becoming more and more OBVIOUS to more and more people.
You may remember in the midst of the Scamdemic my referring to Dr John as being like Mr Magoo. I didn’t question his good intentions but as the stakes were so high I was forthright about his ‘not seeing’ what was clear to many other credible doctors who I was referencing in the blogs and that by supporting the ‘official narrative’ people were being tragically mislead about jabs, masking, lockdowns etc.
Dr John has been willing to take his own advice, “Look at the evidence and decide for yourself.” At the 4.30 mark he admits, “I believe now I was taken in.” Then literally at the heart (minute 6) of this (12 minute) video, he nails the heart of the issue when he makes the appeal, “Let’s get some humility back in medicine……..Let’s get rid of this arrogance!” I believe he is able to say so with authority because he has now been seen to have walked that walk by humbly acknowledging he got it wrong.
That is the reason I headlined this blog with the song based on Phil.2 about having the humble mind of Christ.
Dr. John could now be said to be ‘‘prophecying’ according to the definition we received from the first ‘Prophet’’ God sent into our lives over 50 years ago. David Matthew’s’ used to say,
“Prophecy is simply stating the OBVIOUS’
Some are just given to ‘see’ the obvious sooner than others.
I suppose then it is just a matter of time……….until at the end of this age……. all will indeed, prophecy……
”…….and every tongue confess, that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD..”
A Tale of Two Cities, a Village, and 2023 Wrapped.
As I have said before in the “Back to the Future in Belfast” series I believe ‘The Belle of Belfast City.’ song is a prophecy not only for Belfast but about what God is doing bringing forth his beautiful bride and Queen in cities, towns, villages and homes across the world, including in our other home city, the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul.(MSP)
Here is a remarkable story illustrating the same.
In 2012 our youngest daughter Abby (from Abigail = Father’s joy’) got married to Stephen (‘crown’)
The wedding was here in MSP but they planned to then have a service of blessing back in Belfast. We were assigned the task of bringing the wedding dress from here to there.
As we were riding the bus between terminals at Boston airport where we had a connection, Hilary who was carrying the wedding dress, got into conversation with the Asian lady sitting beside her. One thing lead to another and finally she said she attended a church in a village in northern Thailand that was pastored by a couple from Belfast.
‘What are their names?” We asked.
“Carol and Ivor Greer.” She replied
‘What!’ Hilary exclaimed. ‘Carol and Ivor were my best friends at Queen’s University!”
In fact the hotel where 37 years earlier we had our wedding reception was owned by Ivor’s family!
……..and what’s more the hotel was called Abbey-lands!….. Yes – the land of Father’s delight!
We had a little time to spare, so continued the conversation over a cup of coffee. It was then that it came out that I had written the song, ‘Lord Jesus we enthrone You” ‘
Really!!’ Our new friend exclaimed.” Last Sunday in our little rural church we sang that song in Thai!’
Over the last 50 years, this song has been sung billions of times in the languages of many nations, in homes, villages, towns and cities throughout the earth. It is the heart cry of the true bride………. Abigail – ‘the Father’s joy’, as even now he prepares her, a beautiful Belle, as a Queen, fit for Stephen, His crowned one…… our King Jesus!
I was encouraged when I recently received my ‘2023 Wrapped’ report from Spotify.
Apparently this year my songs were listened to on Spotify in 101 countries! My listenership was up 44%, but what brought me the greatest joy was (not the $10 a month income this generates🙂) but that the country with the fastest growing listenership was……..Papua, New Guinea
Somehow in mission terms this country represents, “the ends of the earth.” As with the spread of Lord Jesus We Enthrone You……..God is sovereignly without any help from me sowing the seed of his word through the songs he has given and reaping ‘the harvest of the earth’ which is ‘ripe’
The good news is sounding forth from our Father, that, “On the day you were born I danced over you!”
‘When all the Sons of Heaven’ the song above, is a fleshed out version of this tragedy through mystery to glory story, of our Bridegroom, Jesus, and his Bride. Enjoy as a Christmas gift and hope.🙂
P.S. I just came across this interview again linking Ireland and the USA. Although geopolitical, at the end it is clear that the bottom line for both Hermann and Mel is……..God wins!
Dear friends,
Our next H.Q. gathering will be on New Year’s Day, 1st January 2024. As usual we will begin at 6pm with a pot -providence meal together in our home, 2721 Parkview Blvd. Robbinsdale MN 55422. All are welcome.
We were given the name H.Q. when we began these meetings a few years ago . We were given progressive meanings reflecting the different aspects God is highlighting for us llving in today’s world.
Heaven-Quake…… Heaven is shaking earth
Head-Quarters…… Equipping
Hebrews 10…….Togetherness
I was lead to the following interview the other day which brings together these 4 elements in a remarkable way………
It is a most enlightening reveal of the mechanisms in the psychological and biological attack we have been experiencing for a number of years, or rather our hippocampus has been subjected to, and how to counteract these.
The name hippocampus is a reference to the ‘seahorse’ shape of this part of our central brain.
I would add an important addendum to the interview…..that it is primarily a spiritual warfare.
Consider, “ 11 Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. 12 His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems, and he has a name written that no one knows but himself. 13 He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which he is called is The Word of God. 14 And the armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, were following him on white horses. 15 From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. 16 On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.” (Rev.19:11-16)
The interview is less than 30 minutes. If you are coming on the 1st please try and find a few minutes to watch it beforehand.
Juan O Savin has called 2023 ‘The year of the whistleblowers’ as these folk have courageously like David who wrote Psalm 23 walked through ‘the valley of the shadow of death’ to face Goliath. Johnny Enlow likewise has talked about the rising up of the David company.
As we used to sing……
Well you’ve heard of little David, he was awful small, O Yeah!
Well you’ve heard of little David, half the size of Saul, O Yeah!
Well he didn’t wear his armor, but it didn’t matter much at all
I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you why
He had the Lord on his side on his side. O Yeah!
He had the Lord on his side, on his side. O Yeah!
He had the Lord on his side on his side.
The promise follows in verse 5, “You spread a table for me in the presence of my enemies.” Juan anticipates 2024 as being “The year of justice.” pointing to Psalm 24 when the doors are opened and the king of glory comes in.
If you are a regular blog reader you will have already read about our seeing the outworked significance of Psalms 23 and 24 while we were in Ireland.
As in Adam…….
Last week we heard the sad news that Adam McAteer, a dear friend in Ireland had been knocked down and killed while cycling. We sorrow with his young wife Ashley his three children, and his mother in law Diane who is part of the “Your Smiling Face” team in Belfast………….who are ‘left behind’**
In my song “I AM the Author.’ I wrote,
‘O yes it’s full of tragedy, but laughter too, a mystery.”
Just a few days later we heard that Jimmy Owens had also died. His son Buddy, on his Facebook page said his dad had “passed from death to life.”
Jimmy was over twice Adam’s age as was his life’s partner Carol who ‘passed from death to life’ earlier this same year.
You might remember I mentioned in Part 2 of the blog series that it was exactly 50 years ago when we acted on the word, “Unless a grain of wheat fall into the earth and die……..” in regards to halting the successful run in Ireland of the Owens’ ground breaking musical ‘Come Together in Jesus Name’ I then testified to the signs of the rich harvest of new life appearing now, a jubilee later!🙂
The I AM song continues…..He gives us each a role to play’
The role the Owens played was seen and appreciated by many thousands of people worldwide. But though less visible no less significant was the role God gave Adam to play on this world’s stage.
I believe Father pointed out to me a powerful message contained in the circumstances surrounding Adam’s, “passing from death to life.”
Firstly, his name was ADAM
There are two Adam’s in scripture.
In 1 Corinthians 15 we read,
‘The first man Adam became a living person’ and the father of mankind.
‘The last Adam became ‘a life giving spirit” as the savior of mankind
……… For as in (the first) Adam all die, so also in Christ (the last Adam) all shall be made alive.
Hence Jesus Christ began a New Line. (Hebrews 2.)……..Adam McAteer ‘passed from death to life’ on the New Line Road…….Selah.
Secondly, Adam lived in JORDANSTOWN
The Jordan River, was the place of baptism from death to life. In Joshua 3: 15-16 we read that the Jordan river was ‘cut off’ all the way back to the town of Adam
This prophesies of the reversal of the sentence of death, which traces back to the fall of the first Adam leading to mankind being ‘cut off’ from the presence of God, and this being remedied through Jesus Christ redeeming work on the cross.
Thirdly ADAM was 45 years old.
My last blog series, ‘Back to the Future in Belfast’ focused on God’s preparing a beautiful bride for his son…… A Queen for his King.
Psalm 45 is titled. ‘A love song’ It describes that beautiful Queen as she comes forth to be married to the King (Jesus) The I AM song also says beyond the ‘tragedy’ and the ‘mystery’, God is writing,, “A true romance, to win your heart.”
We are invited to be part of this ‘Greatest Love Story Ever’.
Isaiah 45 describes God’s chosen King.. It says that it is God who ‘creates calamity’, or’ tragedy’ from our earthly viewpoint, but then asks, who are we as the pots to tell the potter what to do?
The chapter concludes with the verse quoted by Paul in Eph.2, “Every knee will bow and every tongue swear allegiance to Jesus Christ as Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
This affirms again the truth of 1 Corinthians 15 that, as in Adam all have died so in the end in Christ all shall be made alive as they acknowledge Jesus as Lord.
(You may have also noticed that the 2 post scripts to the series I was lead to post ‘just happened’ to contain in their titles the numbers 4 and 5. ( I am clearly not writing this stuff! 🙂)
Our friends, the Cloud family, joined us a few weeks ago for Thanksgiving. (Fern joked, “What would Thanksgiving be without some real Indians.”🙂)
We went around the table taking turns to give thanks. Raine lived with us for 3 years while she studied her native Dakota language which she now teaches back on ‘the Rez’
She said, “I’d like to thank God that at 45 years I am sitting in such a sweet spot in my life. I am thankful that I have the privilege of being with and learning from the few remaining Dakota first language speaking elders in our community and also being with and seeing this passed on to my daughter and her generation.”
Mathematically the number 45 is a bridging number.
From a human point of view there is a deep lament over the loss of Adam and of an anticipated future together here on earth. Yet we are told every one of our days are written in God’s book whether they be the 93 years worth that Jimmy was given or the 45 years worth allotted to Adam. (Ps.139)
We cannot but believe that from Adam’s new perspective, he too acknowledges that he is indeed after 45 years of life, ‘sitting in a sweet spot’ …..between generations past and future.
……..And that one day when we obtain that same perspective, we too will acknowledge to the Sovereign Lord, who is ‘the potter’, with a whole heart ……..
“Your work is perfect (not ideal in the sense of not what I would have dealt myself……but yes! -perfect ) and all your ways are just.”(Deut.32:4)
I listened again to this first track of Come Together while looking at the album cover depicting the millennial age of peace and harmony foretold in Isaiah. 11, that we had just heard read at our grandchildren’s school service of nine lessons and carols.
The prayer at the end of this track, was prayed many times at the start of each of our Come Together presentations in Ireland…….
‘ Lord we ask you to give us a better understanding of who Jesus really is and of everything He’s done for us.”
I realized that at the end of 2023 ( 20 = Redemption. 23 = Death and Resurrection) that prayer is even now being answered for Jimmy, Carol and for Adam, as it will……. in the end of the day, be answered for every son of Adam and daughter of Eve, as we all finally Come Together in Jesus name
** The top photo we ‘happened upon’ is of Adam wearing my jacket that had been ‘left behind’ by me in their home. He said he quite fancied it. I think I quite fancy his new jacket too🙂
P.S. A ‘Gracious Turning’ in just 5 minutes.
Just after posting the last P.S. “Tsunami of Truth”,someone sent me the following short video. Even though it is a few years old, I thought it a balancing P.S. to the Part 5 blog message! Some of you might remember Paul from Manfred Mann, ‘back in the day.’
P.S. Another ‘Tsunami of Truth’ in just 4 minutes.
………and another’TSUNAMI of TRUTH’ …… just one verse,
”Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!’ (Psalm 46:10)
Back to the Future in Belfast Part 5.
I thought I’d finished this series, when the other day on the phone I mentioned the title Back to the Future in Belfast to Paul McAree, and as an aside he said,
”Yes. Belfast……Of course that’s where the Delorean car, the vehicle in the movie that took them back to the future was built!’
As the psalmist would say…….Selah.
So I realized there was meant to be another part to this series, and as I pondered it, here are the ‘pieces’ that came together.
Prophetically a vehicle represents a ministry but a train represents a movement of the Holy Spirit.
Just yesterday. I was talking to a brother who had a dream recently that the car they were driving, ran into a train, and they were catapulted forward by the train through the air eventually landing safely. This following our conversation that this next ‘movement’ of God’s Spirit will not be merely, ‘another revival” but be ‘utterly other’ than anything we have known heretofore, as I have said before. The feasts of the Lord provide the template as we move from Passover to Pentecost and now into the third and final feast of Tabernacles.”
I was then reminded of the final ‘treat’ at the steam train museum in Whitehead, pictured above. The carriage being restored is the last 12 wheel carriage (authority) in Ireland and is also unique in that all three classes of travel are accommodated in this one carriage, 1st class, 2nd class, and 3rd class.
As we anticipate ‘the first resurrection’ (Rev.20:6) we understand from 1 Corinthians 15: 20ff. that this is the first of three ‘squadrons’ or harvests as in the barley the wheat and the grape harvests. Dr Stephen Jones has written extensively about this harvest of the whole earth, and his books are freely available at
When we were in Ireland, Mike Johnson was appointed Speaker in the US House.
I believe I heard Father say it marked, ‘A turning point.’ Then He pointed me to the name ‘son of John’ John meaning ‘Yahweh is gracious’
I believe God has graciously brought us to ‘a turning point’ as a NATION.
Then I was alerted to the fact that Hilary’s maiden name was also Johnston, and thought how God had through her, graciously brought me to ‘a turning point’ as a PERSON
So when I discovered the pastor of Every Nation Church in Belfast was named Johann, also John, I realized this was also a sign that God was graciously bringing Belfast to ‘a turning point’ as a CITY.
Somehow the book featured on the blog several months ago just ‘turned up’ on my chair!…..and I noticed again my friend the author’s name…..John.🙂
My friend who called yesterday brought yet another confirmation as he related how God had just graciously turned things around after a 12+ year rift between he and his brother with a wonderful deathbed resolution and reconciliation that is bearing ongoing fruit. His brother’s name? John of course.
The number 861 had been assigned to the carriage above. At first It wasn’t obvious to me the meaning, then I realized that 168 represents the Greek letter phi, which is to do with ‘timing’
861 of course is most appropriate for the Back to the Future title as it is a back to front wink from heaven of 168…….
NOW is the time!
How appropriate that I should end up with 5 parts to this blog, the number for grace, as this is the paramount revelation in ‘the great turning’ as we migrate as true Hebrews from an old covenant mindset to a more authentic new covenant understanding and experience of God’s amazing grace!
A final photo from the train museum🙂
This train number points to the following text as from ‘Back to the Future’ we come to the present
”God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains fall into the the heart of the sea, though it’s water’s roar and foam, though the mountains quake with their surging.” Psalm.46:1ff)
There is currently a Tsunami of Truth breaking on our world.
For those who take refuge in God this tsunami of truth will set us free from all fear.
Did you know that there is a train in scripture? ….. in Isaiah’s vision. ‘…..I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up and his TRAIN filled the temple.”
We are that temple of the Holy Spirit on earth that the train of his glory is destined to fill, as God’s promise is fulfilled, and the glory of the Lord covers the earth as the waters cover the sea.(Num.14:21)
When I review some of my songs written years ago I sometimes would like to tweak them knowing what I now know that I didn’t understand when I wrote and recorded them.
In “Always With You” I would now rewrite the last verse,‘Afterwards I know you will MAKE me your glory (rather than ‘take me to glory’) and there I will stay.”
I’ve learned God wants us to focus more on his glory coming to earth through us, rather than ‘our going to heaven’
Enjoy listening to Paul McAree’s wonderful arrangement of the song again, by clicking on the YouTube link at the top, and see can you hear the rhythm of that glory train -a-coming ?🙂
P.S. The ‘quaking’ we read about in this Tsunami Psalm is of the ‘mountains’ of society. Below are two recent documentaries which explain how two of these mountains have been captured by, “the serpent’ but are destined to become, “the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ.”
Back to the Future in Belfast. Part 4.
It is when the heavenly reality and earthly events converge that I get most excited. As I was given in “The Blessing’ “May your feet be always found planted firm on solid ground, and your heart be lost in heaven’s boundless blue.”
I wrote last about such a ‘heaven and earth’ convergence in a ‘church service’ but Father then pointed out to me an even more amazing one that had happened the day before, as we had simply gone about our ‘regular life’.
It was our last day out with our two young Irish grandsons, 2 and 5 years old. Those of you with sons or grandsons of such an age will be aware of the timeless fascination they seem to have with steam trains. (In addition to this one of our boys happens to be called Tom as in Thomas the tank engine🙂)
Well ‘auntie Jane’ suggested to us what might be a special treat for our last day together. She told us about something we had never heard about before……a steam train museum, a short bus and train ride away. So on our 7th Saturday, off we set.
We arrived only to discover that alas! The time for the last tour had passed! ‘No problem’ said Eleanor the guide. ‘I’ll take you around.’ So off we set.
The boys eyes got bigger and bigger until the ultimate happened………
Luke and Tom had their own personal ‘Casey Jones’ experience. ( for my generation🙂)
But ‘the best’ was indeed, yet to come! Eleanor’s final ‘unveiling’ was carriage # 50
This was the carriage that had been customized to accommodate the newly coronated Queen Elizabeth 2 . In 1953 following her being crowned Queen she had visited Northern Ireland and ridden from Belfast to the North West on a steam train……in this very carriage!
I couldn’t but take this very personally, as I had been born in 1953, just 3 months after the coronation, at 7 minutes past 7 in the morning, weighing in at 7lbs 7oz!
Doing more research I discovered this was one of 25 visits the Queen had made to Northern Ireland. Then I came across the following summary of her 25th and last visit……7 years ago…..which is where it gets really interesting!
25. 27th – 28th June 2016
In her final and most recent visit to Northern Ireland, the Queen paid a trip to the Giant’s Causeway on the North Coast.
She also visited the nearby Bushmills where she unveiled a statue to the Victoria Cross recipient Robert Quigg.
The Queen also took a steam train through Coleraine and Bellarena – a trip that harked back to her coronation tour of 1953.
Amazingly this was the identical itinerary the YSF prayer team………a company aspiring to ‘reign and rule with Christ on the earth for a thousand years.’ as the King’s beautiful Queen (Rev.5;10, 20::6)……..had chosen, for our ‘day out’ together, after the retreat!
We too had gone to the Giant’s Causeway and then had also gone to Bushmills for ‘toasties’ (Not sure what Queen Elizabeth had for lunch 7 years previously🙂) We too had then completed our day with a stop in Coleraine where we had a final ‘‘koinonia’ meal together at Maurice and Carolyn’s home!
Another wink from heaven was when I noticed the dates of the Queen’s last visit. It was on our 41st wedding anniversary and the first day of our 42nd year of marriage. 41 represents separation and 42 arrival pointing to the separation of the bride of Christ in preparation for his arrival at his second coming.
The final Psalm 85 ‘kiss’ of the heavenly and the earthly was when I realized the location of the steam train museum – Whitehead.
‘Daniel 7 records, ““As I looked, “thrones were set in place, and the Ancient of Days took his seat. His clothing was as white as snow; the hair of his HEAD was WHITE like wool. His throne was flaming with fire, and its wheels were all ablaze……….“In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed……….As I watched, this horn was waging war against the holy people and defeating them, until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgement in favor of the holy people of the Most High, and the time came when they possessed the kingdom.” ………Then the sovereignty, power and greatness of all the kingdoms under heaven will be handed over to the holy people of the Most High. His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will worship and obey him.’”
Daniel 7:9, 13-14, 21-22, 27 NIV
More next time.
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