At the end of our time in the BRith-ish isles, we hosted a FREEDOM! retreat in Belfast in our friend’s coffee shop, The Loft. If Established is worth the visit for the coffee, The Loft is worth the visit for our friend Claire’s home baking!
Father gave us a beautifully ‘home baked’ version of our retreat through the various contributions of poetry, song, story and humor from our local friends and family there.
We teach 5 Steps to Freedom, all beginning with the letter R.
One friend with deep insight into the heart of the Irish problem, (which of course is the problem of the Irish heart) came up with a comically tragic 5 Steps to Bondage (Northern Ireland Version.) all beginning with the letter B
1. Believe: God is like a disapproving headmaster patrolling his rules with a big stick. He is out to get you.
2. Beat: When you do something wrong and feel guilty, beat yourself repeatedly and conclude that you must be bad. Now embrace your new identity: shame.
3. Bury: God is unsafe (see step 1). Bury your pain and shame and close the door tight. Deny it’s there. Do not acknowledge disappointment.
4. Behave: Either a). Obey the rules, work hard and try to please
or b). Rebel, what’s the point? You’re never going to measure up.
5. Become: Keep separate from your heart and avoid vulnerability. Keep control and become hardened.
(I suspect these steps are familiar to many outside NI)
The 5 R’s are.
- Repent. Change your thinking to fit the truth about God, yourself and your circumstances.
- Release. Let go to God all offenses as he has released yours
- Renounce the works of the world the flesh and the devil in your life.
- Rebuke the devil – he must flee from you (James 4:7)
- Receive your Father’s love – and be free!
It was only toward the end of the retreat that someone twigged we had another BR!!! In fact it is as we move from the 5 Bs through the 5 Rs (B->R) that we find ourselves free to experience our Father’s love in the whole of life!
At the start of these retreats we show the following hilarious Scottish skit
There is one key in journeying to freedom. I think of this life as “The Great Humbling” Jesus invites us to identify with his life in us as the one who is “gentle and humble in heart”. If we don’t choose to humble ourselves we will be humbled (even by a “failed American actress”) The humble heart is the true…..
that leads to FREEEEEEDOM!
Today Hilary and I went for a fall bike ride. I realized every single leaf (in my photo above) shares a common fate. Every one will die and end up in free fall making a final flight over which it has no control back to the earth from which it came.
“The other day I saw the leaves fall and I knew there was only thing that mattered” I said in a song. “How did you fall? Did you fall gloriously: did you love truly? Did you fall victoriously: did you trust fully?”
For in the end of the day, the only thing that matters is ‘faith expressing itself in love’ (Gal.5:5) and it is only as we stop trusting in ourselves and trust fully in His victory that we are set free to become our true ‘child-of-God’ selves……manifesting His glorious love.
“Aye! die you will” said William Wallace …….and yet you may remember that in the movie he did not die because his seed was carried on. BRaveheart was a type of Christ. It was Edward I, a type of earthly kings, who hears on his deathbed the news that his line would end. It is those who have been impregnated with the ‘living and enduring word of God’ who now carry that ‘holy seed’ that will never die. (1 Pt.1:23)
“Yet to all who received him, who believed in his name he gave the power to become children of God.” (Jn.1:12)
.……and so we finish, or maybe just begin, our B->Rith – ish (covenant man) adventure!!
P.S. If the last paragraph seems obscure it might be worth revisiting the movie Braveheart or at least the last few scenes.
P.P.S The mystery of the Oxford bag at the end of the last blog was solved!! Our Dutch friends Pieter and Loes visited us this summer. Loes wrote: “Haha, the bag was mine and I have no clue whatsoever why we left it behind, but now I know!”
P.P.P.S. Our next FREEDOM! retreat will be here at Rivendell 11th and 12th November. We’d love to see you or one of your friends! Contact us if you are interested.