We enjoy our avocados, and with a household our size go through them like a knife through butter. Come to think of it we go through an awful lot of Kerrygold butter too on our ketogenic friendly diet!
We do most of our bulk shopping at Costco where we have an account. It is in St. Louis Park, known colloquially as St Jewish Park. The customers there are pretty ‘well heeled’. Today I noticed the avocados had gone up in price so thought I’d pass on them and swing by ALDI’s on the way home to see if they were still cheaper there (thrifty Ulster Scot that I am!). ALDI’s is a different kind of discount store in a very different neighborhood, or should I say – it’s in The ‘Hood.
There, the healthy green fruit (or is it a vegetable?) had shot up from 59 pennies to $1.29 each and so it was a mere savings of 4 pennies per avocado. I carefully selected three plump ones and went to check out. As usual it was pretty chaotic. One line had a CLOSED notice so I moved to the next line with only two customers in front of me. Then the cashier at the register that was supposed to be closing started inviting the people behind me to come to her line! I saw the lady in front of me flinch with the injustice of it. I dropped down into my spirit and asked Father what was going on with this ‘delay’
I noticed this first lady, a bright little Asian mom, had gathered up just a few things for her family in a box – mostly vegetables and fruit, a few eggs and some cheese. Then I noticed the African-American lady in front of her, and my spirit groaned. Her trolley was packed full with her weekly shop, but it was all unhealthy stuff; white bread, pasteurized milk, and bags and bags of chips and candy. Probably less nutrition and certainly more poison in her trolley full than in the first mom’s small box of wisely chosen groceries. This lady was very overweight and had another sort of heaviness hanging over her. I noticed her 10 year old daughter already showing signs of encroaching obesity. I looked at her 5 year old son, still innocently fit looking, but I pictured him in a few years time ‘blown up’ – another casualty of that shopping trolley!
I found myself in intercession for these beloved ones trapped in addiction and depression and enslaved by the sin of a system of marketing and commerce that has used and abused them.
It wasn’t for me to point anything out to them at that time, but as I lifted them up to the ‘throne of grace‘, I thought of Jesus words,
“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care….So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”(Matt.10.29-31)
I knew it was not for the three plump ones sitting on the conveyor belt but for these three plump ones standing beside it, worth infinitely more than 12 pennies, that I had taken the detour!!!
Last week I mentioned the young Native American woman who had been lead to intercede for the President…. one of my Ulster Scots tribe who sinned against her people.
“Well that’s nice” you might say?
No!! – “That’s world changing!”
According to Acts 17:26,27, the Dakota tribe were given by the Creator the responsibility for this place where we now live. “From one man he made every race (Gk:ethnos=people group) that they should inhabit the whole earth, and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.” This young woman is a direct descendant of the best known of the Dakota chiefs. She reminds me of Queen Esther.
Interestingly this weekend is Purim when Esther’s courage is remembered in petitioning for her people before the king It resulted in their and our salvation! The best known quote in this story is,
“And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14)
For this one story that is on public record in the bible there are thousands of others involving those who have throughout the ages been humbled and prepared through their sufferings in this life in order to “stand in the gap” at critical times for individuals like the three in ALDI’s, or for people groups like the Jews or Dakota, as forgivers, lovers and overcomers in union with the ROYAL one who “ever lives to make intercession for us.” (Rm.8:34, Heb. 7:25)
Only the end of this age will reveal the hidden heroes.
P.S. After last week’s blog, Cowboy Pete wrote to me. I love introducing members of the royal family to one another, so here is what he said:
Your blog, dated Feb 28th, touched my heart and stirred my thoughts in regards to Father’s voice and the unity of the Body of Christ. Our work here, in Nebraska, is a high school youth outreach the Lord has named ‘Father’s House’. In our home, we welcome young people for a time of fellowship, prayer, an evening meal, and ministry. We teach about Father’s love, Father’s heart, and hearing Father’s voice! We teach them through the fundamentals of Christian faith from the Scriptures and work to invite them into the life of the Kingdom, as opposed to giving their lives to the pressures, the passions, and persuasions of all the clamoring voices that are not the Father’s.
We have found as we work with the young people, that the sweetness of Father’s voice, His grace, mercy, and forgiveness are more than a welcome change from the clamor, deception, and betrayal that they experience when they attend to the many voices that are not His.
That in hearing Father’s voice, they finally find that which their hearts have been seeking. They become aware that the empty voices are only preying upon the natural desires given them, by Father, to find Him! All the voices, not His, are revealed as diversions from what they were purposed for and the corruption of His intention for their lives is exposed.
We believe, in our day, young people have come full circle and are heartily sick of empty promises made by empty voices.
Your allusion to Cowboys & Indians, and the antagonism represented in those age-old conflict(s), we find melting away as we hear the one true voice, who knows all hearts, and all lives. He is intimate with all pain and heals all, restores all, and both fulfills and fills all!
In Him, then, we come to know that we are reconciled to each other and to Him! When young people hear this voice, they can’t get enough.
Thanks for all you do!
Pete Lundin
P.P.S. The following article about how our diet in America is killing us arrived in timely fashion on my desktop this morning!