I was sitting at a red light and out of the corner of my eye noticed the young man in the car next to me. As our eyes locked I gestured a greeting. I could see he had that Mel Gibson fighting Celt, “Ya wanna pick a fight?” look. So to ensure, as they say in Belfast, that I wouldn’t “get me head in me hands.” I wound down the window and in a friendly tone enquired, ” ‘Bout ye mate?’
“Not too well!” he replied gruffly, lifting a crutch up to the open window.
The lights turned green, and so in the split second remaining I sped off delivering as a parting shot, “May you be healed!!”
I’ve no idea whether he wanted to take a swing at me with his crutch for a bad pun or whether he received it as the genuine blessing I intended.
Immediately the scripture came to mind from the KJV, “Be instant in season and out of season.”
The brief exchange had been both instant and instinct.
Later when I researched further the Greek work here for “instant”, I discovered an alternative rendering was, “Be present” To which I would add…….to the Christ in you and to the Christ at all times all around you, that grace might flow in every instant from a heart instinct as we connect to the grace that at all times and in all things enables us to abound in every good work……even as we’re abounding up the Newtownards Road in our car : – )
At the end of that road I came to my friend’s house where I found the sign I posted above, on the door.
“Ha!….only in Belfast!” I thought again : – ))
I was about to end this brief blog here, but then checked my email. Here’s what Greg from our fellowship in Minneapolis had just sent me….. another motoring story with the same punchline.
“I had a long conversation with an 80 year old man while my oil was getting changed. Our conversation spanned many subjects, politics, life, death, and technology. One thing he said stood out to me. He told me he always drives “a nice cool 60” on the freeway and watches everyone speed by him. He told me “The devil tells us to speed up, God tells us to slow down.” He told me that I made his day by taking the time to talk with him for an hour rather than staring at my phone. His words were a good reminder to me in this busy time to stay present with God and the people around me. “
This reminded me of a dream I had this morning in which I was returning from a trip to take charge of a large community for which I had responsibility. I recognized some anxiety within myself about whether things had gone well in my absence. The anxiety grew when I met and engaged in conversation with a man delaying me even more. However after leaving him I had a reassurance from Father that giving my attention to this man was all I needed to do…….and the anxiety about the “big deal” had left.
I felt the blog was now complete and looking up at the wall of Abby and Stephen’s home where we are staying saw the sign on their wall
P.S. Last week I didn’t blog because the computer went caput! Fortunately (the last) Adam (he said there were several before him!) in the Apple store, helped me reset and restore what had been lost…….Mmmm there’s another lesson in that!