THE GREAT SATAN is a name that has been coined by some in the Islamic world to describe America. I was pondering if there might be some underlying truth giving traction to this damming description and was directed to Jesus strong rebuke to Peter, “Get thee behind me Satan”
Peter had just been affirmed by Jesus that he had indeed received a revelation of the Spirit from the Father stating, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (Matt.16:16)
Peter’s mistake was that he did not realize that this revelation had come to him entirely as a gift, and so with some confidence in his own ‘brightness’ or ‘rightness’ he immediately steps up to rebuke the Lord when He disclosed that His way would be one of Restriction – suffering and death.
“Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. “Never Lord” he said. This shall never happen to you!”
Jesus turned and said to Peter, ‘Out of my sight Satan! You are a stumbling block to me, you do not have in mind the things of God but the things of men.'” (Matt.16:22,23)
Peter had quickly become an instrument of “Satan”.
Could we say that Jesus is here identifying Satan with a spirit of Expansionism?
Later, on the Mount of Transfiguration Peter in the same spirit says in effect, “Lord it’s a good job we are here….we can stake a claim and build three houses for you!” Once again he is rebuked for his cocky idea, this time by the Father! (Matt.17:5)
This spirit is so much part of our history as Europeans both on this continent and throughout the world that we think there is nothing wrong with this “expansionist” spirit when as believers we talk about TAKING cities or nations “for God” Have we forgotten the earth is already the Lord’s and the fulness thereof? This spirit becomes “a stumbling block” in the presentation of an authentic gospel.
We’ve been thinning out our books recently and I came across an eye opening one that a Native American friend had given me and had a deep impact years ago. It talks about their forgotten legacy in nutrition and healing, government and architecture. The title says it all:
INDIAN GIVERS: How The Indians of the Americas Transformed the World.
This seems much more akin to the spirit of Jesus, God’s gift to the world, who, as it says in Philippians 2, was in the form of God, but DID NOT GRASP, GRAB or TAKE equality with God, but emptied himself taking the form of a servant ……humbling himself to become obedient unto death on a cross.” Jesus was a GIVER not a TAKER.
As we receive this gift of Jesus (Jn.1:12) and embrace with gratitude rather than resisting in fear His way of personal restriction, the promise is indeed, that His resurrection life will then flow through us.
As our hearts are captured by Him we are changed from those who have been duped by Satan’s ABILITY to LIE to us – filling us with that fear of lack that causes us to grab – to those who know who they are, AS SET forth in the true Word – sons of a giving Father (1 Jn 3:1) and servants of a humble King.(Phil.2)
Thus we are changed from LIE-ABILITIES to AS-SETS in GOD’s work of Transforming, not Taking our world.