I had more responses to last week’s blog than to any other. They included the double witness (below): a drawing from Rob in IL. and a photo from Collins in MA. of the ‘tree of life’ in their backyards – sent independently!
The first occurrence of the “cherubim” is in Genesis 3:24 in the context of “the tree of life”.
“After sending them out, the LORD God stationed mighty cherubim to the east of the Garden of Eden. And he placed a flaming sword that flashed back and forth to guard (keep, preserve) the way to THE TREE OF LIFE.”
So this week I decided to linger ‘in the garden’ – of Symphonizing, before proceeding to the second ‘S’ in the series. This was confirmed when Hilary and I had to abandon our bike ride today because of the weather and ended up instead, working together – ‘in the garden’! While we pottered around, one of our grandchildren played around.
Interestingly her favorite phrase at the moment is, “I can do it my-seeeellff!”
As Hilary pulled out our gardening gloves she said, “You should pull those burrs out of yours.”
Well my initial thought was, “Why? That would be such a waste of time. They work fine the way they are. It will just delay my getting a more valuable job done!” Well there you have it, ‘valuable’ from my point of view, but what is required of me is that I acknowledge there is another point of view that is just as valid, and that I in fact need, to be wholly ‘Me’
In the garden of Eden (Delight) a ‘side’ was taken out of Adam i.e. Mankind, to create two out of the one – male and female. It was then after the disobedience that, we read, “and their eyes were opened” (Gen.3:7) – and Adam exclaimed “Wo- man!” : – ) What previously had been understood as another aspect of ‘Me’ became an ‘other’ It was at this point that I believe fear of an ‘other’ entered in (Gen.3:10). An aspect of this was the fear of losing that which is meant to be part of the whole integrated ‘Me’ that is in Christ. This ‘falling’ apart of Mankind is what Christ came to bring together.
“And he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment – to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ.” (Eph.1:9.10)
Recognizing my fallen desire to assert my independence and do things ‘my-seeellff’ – my own (male) way, I turned from ‘the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’, and instead began to eat from the One who is ‘The Tree of Life’. As I plucked out the burrs my attitude changed from a begrudging concession to an embracing with heartfelt gratitude the perspective of my partner ‘cherubim’s’ different view which is the complement and completion of the true and full ‘Me’ in Christ.
I only realized afterwards that the ‘Before’ (above with burrs) and ‘After’ (below without burrs) photos I had taken included alongside the ‘man’s glove’, the ‘ladies’ gardening gloves, also the two chairs….. poised for a conversation, and the two flower pots in the ‘faucet’ (UK – tap) holder, for it is out of such ‘dwelling together in unity‘ in true accord, that the water of life flows. (Ps.133)
I want to repeat this ‘Symphonizing’ is not the preserve of married couples. This morning I had the same symphonizing experience with another brother and this afternoon Hilary and I with another couple in Ireland via FaceTime!!
Neither is this accord spiritual as opposed to practical, on the contrary if the spiritual and practical do not flow together in accord….it is not true accord! It is ‘the cherubim’ of heavenly knowledge AND grounded love that “keep the way” to“The Tree of Life” who is perfectly Son of God and Son of Man so that we can, together hear him speaking.
“O send forth your light and your truth; let them lead me.” (Ps.43:3)
P.S. On a practical note Hilary and I are being lead to cross the Atlantic again around September time, and would value any ‘light and love’ that the cherubim on the European side might receive about this : – ) Thank you for listening with us.