A few nights ago I woke, as often happens, after about three hours of sleep.
Like Samuel I’ve learned when this occurs to say, “Speak Lord for your servant is listening.”
My attention was then directed to the Father’s day card pictured above that I had spotted on my rather cluttered bedside table. Someone (likely Hilary) had just put it there.
All five ‘Ss” of this series are mediated by the Spirit of God whose “still small voice” alerts us to our Father’s words coming to us continuously in the midst of life, Simply, Specifically, Sovereignly, Scripturally and Symphonically.
The Symphonic voice was that of our daughter who picked the card and mailed it across the ocean to her Dad. It was a Simple message. It was sent Specifically to me. The repositioning of the card to my bedside that day was Sovereign as my heavenly Dad then whispered in the night from the truth of Scripture;
“You ARE LOVELY…… because you know you ARE LOVED.”…………..“..and we who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory are being changed into his likeness with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.” (2 Cor. 3:17)
At our FREEDOM! retreats here at Rivendell at one point we play the following clip from Lord of the Rings:
“Liar! Thief!! Murderer!!!” You can fill in the blanks for yourself…..”Rebel! Heretic! Lawbreaker!” are some of the other accusations we have fielded over the years.
This is the voice of the “accuser of the brethren”, the ‘father of lies’ He works on the basis that we are still living with an Old Covenant mentality feeding off “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil”, and so the accusation is always
“You are wrong!”
The way to answer is not to protest, “I am right!” but to move the dialogue to the foot of a different tree, “the tree of life” who is JESUS, and reply,
“I AM LOVED!……..and every wrong, true or imagined, has been covered by the blood of Christ.”
That is the key (better than the ring) that Smeagol discovers….. that sets him free to recover his lost innocence. “Master looks after us now!” (Notice what is standing behind Smeagol in this dialogue when he has this revelation!)
For us it is even better, “Our Father looks after us now! He is our loving Creator, our merciful Redeemer and Sovereign Lord over all things!”
Each one of us too then breaks free “to dance and sing” with Smeagol, “Free! Free! __________ ‘s free at last” as we learn to identify the true voice of God speaking in our hearts.
I started this blog just before Hilary and I drove north to our friends near Duluth. Kevin has just finished a series about how the seed of the gospel can grow and flourish within the culture that Creator gave the Ojibwe people. It is said this was the genius of Patrick in winning the Irish. He understood the Celtic culture that God had given in order that the gospel message might be received into it – “As a hand into a glove”
It is Jesus Christ who Redeems and Full-fills every culture
As we were leaving, Carol said, “I have made something for you, and disappeared inside.” She reemerged with this.
The Dreamcatcher traditionally in Native culture was hung above a bed to catch bad dreams allowing only good dreams through.
Carol received from the Holy Spirit that she should put the tree of life in the centre of the circle. Beneath the circle she had hung a cross enfolded in eagle feathers.“…how I carried you on eagle’s wings and brought you to myself” (Ex.19:4)
The circle of course also appears in the Celtic Cross – acknowledging God’s work both of creation and of redemption.
Carol knew nothing of my writing that morning about ‘the tree of life’, nor of the question I had wanted to ask them that day, “Is the Dreamcatcher – good or evil?”
I reckon our Father who knows all things also knows what we need to know and when we need to know it!!!
This is the scripture and prayer she had also been given:
Once more a lesson not to feed off “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil”… but off “the tree of life”.
I remember Esther de Waal once making the comment the Celtic Church was not creation centered, it was Christ centered and creation filled. As I placed our new gift in my study, Izzy our cat seemed to give both the Indian and Irish Christ centered cultures her nod of approval : – )