Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet Trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. (James 1:2-4)
After a very ‘people-intensive’ few days around the FREEDOM! retreat, this morning I got up early and went for a run on the trails around Theodore Wirth golf course and cross-country ski resort. It must be 6 months since I’ve done this. I knew they had been building a grand new clubhouse out front, but found in behind, a whole new network of broadened trails where 6 months ago there had only been narrow, tree lined, dirt paths. Obviously the woodland had gone through some difficult Trials in order to produce these beautiful new Trails!
I thought how our last retreat was about 6 months ago and once again last weekend we were inspired hearing the FREEDOM! family’s stories of how even over those months God had presented them with difficult Trials. As they had faced these trials honestly, with their brothers and sisters, utilizing the 5 keys or steps taught in Unbound prayer, they had not succumbed as victims but had overcome as victors. It was obvious they had grown stronger in faith and in love, and moving through these trials, were now able to share beautiful new Trails with those who had come to hear and who needed to make that same journey.
This is the advantage of doing FREEDOM! in a home with a committed spiritual family who know one another intimately. Having walked “in the light” together over many years, we are familiar with each other’s broken beginnings before we were first connected by the Lord, and have traced the real progress over many years in one another’s lives from that first ‘prayer time’, as layers of the onion have been peeled back to bring deeper and deeper levels of healing and deliverance.
These current and growing, not static historic testimonies, impact newcomers deeply. Hearing the team share so honestly, a story that began so sadly but is now obviously progressing to ever higher realms of joy and greater depths of peace, brings them hope!
As they pick up this rare atmosphere of absolute honesty, unconditional acceptance and longterm commitment of the group to one another, the nervous spectators on the first night are transformed and able to open their hearts in the prayer session the next day and finish liberated, literally free ‘to dance and sing’ in the closing session. A 27 hour miracle!
One of our prayer partners, Eugene in Ireland, had been prompted to send a short, funny, youtube video – Dad is always there
Raine who had moved back to the Rez a few months ago, had a ‘battle’ driving up from South Dakota. She had lost perspective and some of the old dark patterns of thinking and behaving arising from her father-wounds were looming up again. After that first session Raine shared with me through tears that she found it hard to watch the video and was struggling not to return to her experience of flawed human father figures rather than trusting that her heavenly father had always been there for her. She said, “If I get up to share, I think all I will do is cry!”
After a good night’s sleep and many, many hugs and smiles from her family she stepped to the front and gave her most powerful and confident testimony ever, affirming once more the truth that had set her free – that her heavenly Father had never rejected or abandoned her or ever let her down.
That evening through smiles, she recalled to me how just that past week she had found a troubled little Mni sitting on the outside doorstep with a black eye and scraps on her abdomen….and mumbling something about “a dog”. Raine realized the neighboring Rotweiller was the dog….. but that he must have just knocked her over….. had he attacked her – she would have literally lost her beautiful little face!!
“Yes, Dad has always been there for me and for Mni!” she affirmed.
Each person shared their own ‘highlight’ in the final talking circle.
For me it had been when I was about to start singing “Good Morning’ Dad.” and our eldest son, Robin walked into the room, guitar in hand.
“Good Mornin’ son!” I said, ‘Good Mornin’ Dad.’ he smiled back. and together we lead off with the song……
“I open my eyes, I see your smiling face, warming my heart – “Good Mornin’ Dad”
This was something that a few years ago would not have been possible as he was going through his own difficult Trials – now becoming Trails for others
That evening I asked someone to read the story of the ‘running father‘ (better known as the ‘prodigal son’) That person couldn’t read the small print and said to the person sitting next to her, “Hey Robin could you read it for me?” He did.
Later that night I smiled when my ‘getting healthier’ son, now beginning to coach others in how to become whole in spirit, soul and body, sent me another great youtube video, teaching on the “Carnivorous/Ketogenic” diet.
I laughed when it described why it was, that the father had killed
– the ‘fattened calf’
….. for his son’s homecoming party : – )