“Do you notice a change when you come back to visit in Ireland?” People will frequently ask us.
The most obvious change is the building development everywhere. I think of the story Jesus told about the man who was driven to pull down his barn and build a bigger one and then died and was called unexpectantly to give account. More is not always better, and motive is everything!
The other change we see is the ever increasing speed and associated stress of life here.
For example it used to be people would “drop in” spontaneously to one another’s homes. This is happening less and less now, everyone leads such “busy” lives.
In the last blog I talked about our new grandson and his name Luke meaning Light being a sign that God wants to increasingly shed light on our understanding and awareness of his presence in our lives and in the world around us.
This was confirmed to us when Hilary went for an eye test last week and discovered at 71 her eyesight is actually improving and she no longer needs contacts or glasses. The test was done at SpecSavers. We believe God is offering us spiritual Specs so we can see as never before the extent of His gift of Salvation..
So when I pondered the photo above I realized there was a message in it. In order to experience this Luke/Light we need to Slow Down so that we can see and hear our Father.
A few days ago we visited and prayed with Paddy and Breda deep in Fermanagh before driving to visit friends in Lurgan……and then back to Belfast, arriving home after midnight yet again! Breda’s prayer was simple, “Father, may Paul and Hilary be able to take time aside for themselves.” So yesterday when I was visiting with another friend in The Old Inn, Crawfordsburn, I sensed I was to book us in and give Hilary a “surprise”night aside.
I awoke during the night and Father showed and told me many things, but it was the next morning as we left that we discovered the final confirmation that this Slow Down delight had been just what Dad had ordered as we found a plaque on the wall below the bedroom we had been sleeping in.
Hilary (meaning Cheerful) and I had followed unwittingly in the footsteps of another loving couple who had rested here 50+ years before – Jack and his wife, Joy : – )