Probably one of the best known prophets in recent times is the late Bob Jones.
The first time I came to Minneapolis I ended up that evening ministering alongside Bob to a small group. He said to folk, “God has sent you two loaves of bread. tonight.” referring to my singing and his speaking, bread representing the truth of the prophetic word that feeds and gives life.
I remember the two songs I sang were Good Mornin Dad and What A Dad. The heart of Bob”s calling was also to reveal the loving heart of God our Father or ‘Papa’ as Bob would affectionately call him. ……..the FATHER from whom every FAMILY on earth is named. (Eph.3:15)
At one point Bob said to me. “You’re a prophet and you know it.” I did, and
the way this calling has worked out over the years has often been to do with recognizing God’s action and subsequent commentary on things in our personal life.
A biblical example of this is the prophet Isaiah. He was told to marry, and then to have children and then to give his children certain names. Those names ended up embodying the prophetic message he had been given to deliver.
The final prayer Hilary and I pray every evening before going to sleep is from Psalm 127, “Lord give to your beloved sleep and in their sleep what it is you want us to know that we might best serve you tomorrow.”
As I woke from sleep a few nights ago Father wrote on the blank page of my mind, the scripture from 2 Cor.12:13, “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.”
He then began speaking to me about the name and nature of our first born son, Robin. (a little easier to say than Mahershalalhashbas!) We have been sharing some of Robin’s story with you in recent blogs.
The name Robin as I said previously, is from Robert which means, “bright fame”. Other sources give the meaning “illustrious one” and “brilliance”. It is to do with light.
Father then connected and contrasted our Robin with another Robin who has recently risen to fame. In fact if you search the internet with the Harfung Giant called Google the first person they will present to you that they think you need to know about will be a lady called Robin DiAngelo. Her name translates to angel of light.
An angel is a messenger. (Heb.1:14) Father showed me how the message that Robin DiAngelo was bringing through her book “White Fragility” was flawed, and that Satan was using this lady in the guise of a messenger of light, as an agent of darkness, by utilizing Satan’s weapons of Condemnation and Fear to foster hostility between a shamed white race depicted as VILLIANS and a fearful black race depicted as VICTIMS.
God sends his Holy Spirit to convict us of sin. Conviction is different from the spirit of Condemnation which we are told we are now freed from.
“There is therefore now NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Rm.8:1)
The Conviction of the Holy Spirit is specific, you know exactly where you went wrong, whereas Condemnation from the devil brings a vague sense of guilt and unworthiness.
Conviction brings hope with the promise of forgiveness and the confident expectation of transformation,
“If we confess our sins (this includes sins of discrimination for God is “no respecter of persons”) God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all iniquity.” (1Jn.1:9)
Condemnation by contrast keeps us bound. It leaves us hopeless. No forgiveness is granted, no change expected.
In the case of White Fragility the author asserts that because some are born of a particular race, they are doomed like Lady Macbeth to cry forever, “Out damned spot!” …..the spot however is not red blood but white skin!
Your only hope of salvation as a white person seems to be to hire the Harfung Diversity consultant promoted by the Harfung Tech Giant to train you how to manage your inexpugnable guilt.
Protesting, “Black Lives Matter” with a sign put in your window – real or virtual, might help salve a guilty conscience, ease that shame, and calm the fear – that a brick might, put your window in – real or virtual!
(Yes, you’re right. I did slip into satire there 😊)
Robin Di Angelo peddles her lucrative message from the rarified atmosphere of a pseudo scientific ivory tower.
Robin Kyle lives out his costly message from the trenches of real life.
He is a father raising three children of color, to whom he is a shining example. His earthy wisdom and insights about current racial tensions has been acquired the hard way through honestly trying to support his wife as a leader in the Black Lives Matter movement.
In the last year Robin did in fact suffer two painful amputations. One was having his left leg cut off through surgery The other was having his wife cut off through divorce.
Hilary and I have learned a lot by listening to and observing how our son has handled his suffering. He has returned blessing for cursing, going the way of Jesus to become a true “son of light”
Living together even more intensely over the past 7 weeks, we know he is not perfect, none of us are, but we see Robin striding out along “the highway of holiness” refusing to assume a victim identity his eyes fixed on Christ who became The Victim for the whole world that we might share in his Victory of love over hatred and forgiveness over bitterness.
He has with resilience and self control taken personalresponsibility and weened himself off the pain relieving medications and onto a healing diet and excecise regime, and has with selfless love continually cared for his children and reached out with compassion and acceptance to all, without exception.
Listen to another knowledgeable and wise spokeswoman from the black community..
No one should dispute that black lives do matter, however in practice the Black Lives Matter Organization do.
The God given building block for every society is the family, beginning with a father, a mother and their children. It does not end there, as we have demonstrated throughout our married life. This nuclear family is meant then to open it’s arms to be a place of acceptance and stability for every single person who is sent to become a part of that family, no matter what shape, size or color.
The Black Lives Matter Organization on it’s website however, states that one of it’s main goals is to “disturb” i.e. to disrupt and destroy this “family”, the most basic element for health and welfare of the black, or any other community.
I am reminded of a second evil Shakespearean Queen, Gertrude, in Hamlet, who uttered the self incriminating lines about the queen cast to portray her own betrayal in the counter play, “Thou dost protest too much methinks!”
Those who shout the loudest at others through the Harfung Main – scream media may be the ones who get heard……. but they are likely the ones who, hypocritically, are most guilty of the very thing they accuse others of.
This phenomenon demonstrated in the Black Lives Matter Organization and the book,White Fragility was addressed by Jesus 2000 years ago when he spoke about those who point out the speck in another person’s eye while a huge log, made of the same material, is sticking out of theirs. (As so humorously illustrated above!)
Ha! So Jesus used satire too!😃
I was directed to one more link embodying the two names I have been focusing on over the last weeks. It is an interview by PETER ROBIN-son.
This lady, like ourselves, came to “The land of the FREE and the home of the BRAVE.
The very last question PETER ROBIN-son asks is why she agreed to do the interview. The answer she gives, is the same answer I would give about why I take the risk to write these blogs.