I quite often at the last minute will be lead to switch my blog message. This is another example of the verse I have often quoted, “Be very careful then how you live…… not as unwise but as wise making the most of every opportunity……..for the days are evil.” (Eph.5:15)
In scripture the word ‘live’ and ‘walk ‘and by extension ‘run’…..are synonymous, for we move forward in life one step at a time.
Last night Father had me make one of those last minute switches changing where I set my foot, so as to speak, with this blog. He reminded me of my morning run along the windy, circuitous, narrow, hilly paths in our local wood.
I have over the years learned where to place my feet along this path so as not to trip, but this morning I noticed that because of the heavy rains this summer, many roots that had not been visible before, were now poking up above ground…… so I had to be extra careful!
“I AM exposing the roots” Dad whispered.
Then as I turned around to run home, the second part came.
“Justice is coming.”
When I got home I discovered there had just been released the second movie by the makers of probably the most viewed and most banned documentary of all time. PLANDEMIC II INDOCTORNATION. I would encourage you to watch with an open mind and judge for yourself. Click here.
I then began reflecting on certain developments in the past week or two within the US Department of Justice. An FBI lawyer has pled guilty over falsifying a document completely reversing it’s meaning by adding the simple word, ‘not‘. This single step will likely lead to further steps uncovering a treasonous plot to remove a duly elected President.
The Mainstream Media who for four years focused incessantly on what have now proven to be groundless accusations against the President of Russian and Ukrainian collusion….barely mention this piece of substantial news that is true and not spurious propaganda.
Attorney General Barr’s solid Christlike character is illustrated in this humorous review of the recent hearing by Larry Adler.
The name of the FBI lawyer who plead guilty was Clinesmith, or might that be C lying-smith?
God has set his Barr as the standard of justice.
Just a few days ago someone from the political right was also indicted illustrating the impartial nature of the justice that is coming. Bannon happened to be the name of the person the Ban was put on.
Barr’s first name, William means ‘will helmet’ In 1 These. 5:8 is we are told to put on “the hope of salvation as a helmet.”
Who writes this stuff? The answer is in Romans 15:13.
“May THE GOD OF HOPE fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit.”