One thing leads to another…………
I spoke with a good friend in New Mexico after posting the last P.S. blog, about the number 44 representing the Chosen. He and his wife have both experienced within a few weeks the trauma of a parent dying, resulting in them having to make some major life decisions. He shared how they had experienced Father’s “beautifully precise and personal care” guiding them in these decisions…… and then the blog arrived answering the question he had been asking for some time about the meaning of the number 44 which kept cropping up in his life. The blog confirmed that he was indeed, “Chosen”
….. But I also realized that not only was HE chosen but that THEY were chosen – chosen to be together as husband and wife, and that WE were chosen to be together as brothers and sisters through countless ups and downs over these 27 years!
It only takes 27 hours at the FREEDOM! retreat for the same spiritual and relational reality to begin to form.
Sitting in a circle at the close of this intense experience we pass the cross pictured above around, giving each one the opportunity to give testimony to what the retreat has meant for them. Beyond comments about personal breakthroughs, “Fellowship as it’s meant to be” is an oft heard comment as our Father works yet again, ‘the miracle of community‘ in our midst. Yet each one has ‘paid their dues’ as they have come in humility and with courage to seek help from the Lord through their brothers and sisters who ‘walk in the light’ as they ‘get real’ in testifying about their own journeys from darkness to light.
The retreat starts with a focus on Paul’s words in Ephesians 1 about being Chosen. Although each one needs to first grasp this in a uniquely personal way, look how Paul writes this truth,
“Blessed be the God and Father of OUR Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed US in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places even as he CHOSE US before the foundation of the earth that WE should be holy and blameless before him.“
Hilary and I have been catching up on the episodes of The Chosen series whose success has been another miracle. What a great title, because although Jesus was The Chosen One it begs the question so “Who then are these ones he has chosen?”
Much of the story revolves around the refining process overseen by Jesus as the relationships develop between these diverse characters who are often ‘butting heads’ Yet they are destined to become bonded together as the future apostolic foundation of the ‘dwelling place’ God is going to build with ‘living stones’ to become ‘The Community of the King’. (When we were given that name “Community of the King” for our fellowship in Belfast it was not to describe who we were, but whose we were. We knew there was much work to be done for us to become, a true reflection of King Jesus, to whom we had bowed the knee.)
I have started reading a book that just came into my hands, by being rescued from a box, destined for the local ‘Thrift Store’!
When I opened it up, and the front cover snapped off (to become a useful bookmark : – ) I realized it had sat for 30 years without ever being read. It’s time was now! Just as Humility was the Andrew Murray classic that burning itself into my soul at the start of my journey, it was as if this was his ‘bookend’ book for me! The Power of The Blood of Jesus describes the golden thread in scripture of this foundational fountain…….. that I remembered I had written about in a song.
There is a river whose streams make glad the City of our God
A river of love that’s flowing now from his throne above
Even the foulest sinner is covered by his blood
So join me as I run and dive into redemption’s flood! **
With spiritual warfare at a height within God’s creation we need to remember the description of The Community of the Chosen in Rev. 12. “THEY overcame him……. by the BLOOD of the lamb, and by the word of THEIR TESTIMONY.”
Oh and yes, that most important line…….”and they loved not their lives unto death.” That essential ingredient that is recognizable in every member of that CHOSEN COMMUNITY – and depicted in the Orthodox cross above, where life blossoms out of death.
Indeed it is “As we walk in the LIGHT as he is in the LIGHT then we have fellowship with one another and the BLOOD of Christ cleanses us from all sin.”
This is God’s prescribed pathway to experience the miracle of His Chosen Community, that we,
I noticed the latest merch’ from The Chosen highlights a line Jesus is given to speak after offending the corrupt, self serving, establishment leaders by breaking their man made traditions in order to remain faithful and true to his heavenly Father.
“Sometimes you gotta stir up the water.” he explains to the disciples, as he walks in the shadow of three crucified men. He knows this is where his destiny will lead. This ‘brood of vipers” will instigate his death. He will submit to the cross. Then as he bears the sins of the whole world he will speak the words, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”
This too is how we are called to walk as His Chosen Community.
Father confirmed I should post the following video by Canada’s Amazing Polly when I got to minute 47. An immigrant from Romania says to a Trucker,
“Please don’t leave. Please stay. GOD CHOSE YOU to free this country.”
“I know He did.” The Trucker replies.
We have never lived in a communist country but visited Romania on a skiing trip just before the fall of the Ceaușescu regime. We sampled the terror of tyranny in our hotel room the final night. We were praying for and gifting a bible to our beloved instructor, when there was knock on the door. The color drained from his face as room service entered with our order. When the waiter left Gelu explained to us that it was against the rules for him to be there and that every other person was in the employ of the SS. Thereafter a photo of Gelu remained on our fridge door for many years as the family fervently prayed for his safety and his salvation, That is one story I cannot wait to hear the ending of!
How inspiring to see God’s sons and daughters of LIGHT, being formed into a Community of the Chosen and ‘stirring up the waters’ as they hold fast in humility and with courage to a testimony that we pray will reveal the wisdom, power and love of God in Christ Jesus!