The other day I spotted our neighbor making his way to our door. I smiled at my high level of expectation that I was about to be delivered a message from God from this simple unschooled farmer.
I was not disappointed. John wanted to give me some squash seeds and handed them to me in an old pharmaceutical drug container.
“Now don’t plant them until May 15th.” He said. “We always waited to May 15th on the farm. Timing is critical.”
I had already been given the title for this blog because a friend had reminded me recently of a talk I gave a few years ago based on a project in the local woods to clear invasive species that were choking the wood to death and have the native prairie vegetation return! The talk had 4 headings beginning with E. and R.
Expose and Eradicate then Re-seed and Restore.
That morning Lydia had sent me an interview with John Mark Comer on the same theme. He emphasized how after the E. phase the wood at the back of their home looked ghastly. After such a long hard winter our wood looks pretty dead too!
But then, at the right time, the green shoots will begin to appear as E. morphs to R. as the Re-Seeding begins until the verdant wood is Restored to it’s former beauty and glory!
My friend felt my old talk was more appropriate than ever at a GLOBAL level as we see God EXPOSE corruption as never before in the failing institutions of the ‘Harfang’ corporate giants of Government, Media, Academia, Public Health, Banking, Tech………the list goes on.
We know this is happening so that God might ERADICATE the corruption as he did ‘in the days of Noah.’
“For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.” (Lk.8:17)
The world is in God’s E.R. Room
.…..and so are we PERSONALLY
He wants to change our world one life at a time……. which is why 35+ people have set up appointments with with The Great Physician here next weekend in God’s E.R. Room at Rivendell. For all of us have darkness that needs to be brought into the light. In 1 John we’re told the purpose of this ‘walking in the light’ is ‘that we might have fellowship…’ literally ‘share in a common life‘…..the life of God! For Jesus said that the reason he had come was “… that they might have LIFE, and have it abundantly.” (Jn. 10:10)”For this is LIFE that they know me the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” (Jn. 17:3)
At this FREEDOM! retreat we will again witness the miracle of God creating a ‘safe space’ where people can gather to encounter the disarming love of God as they open up, often about things they have never exposed to anyone before, and find, not judgment and rejection, but acceptance and assistance to learn how to walk into and remain in the FREEDOM! wherewith Christ has set them free!
Our heavenly Father will EXPOSE and ERADICATE the ‘invasive’ species that have been choking out our LIFE, and RE-SEED us with the truth of the “living and abiding word of God.” in order that we might be fully RESTORED to our Father.
I believe John’s little offering, is a picture of how humanly engineered ‘artificial’ systems that merely mask symptoms must give way to God’s ‘natural’ source of LIFE and true health that will burst forth in this next season for both body and soul.
“For you have been born again not of perishable seed but of imperishable through the living and abiding word of God.” (1 Pt. 1:23)
P.S. We have a full house for next weekend, however we may be doing a FREEDOM! retreat in Belfast when we travel to Ireland next month. We are still waiting on Father’s provision of accommodation for this, so if you could help, or are interested in participating please let us know.