This morning as I sat watching the rising sun, I could hear the distant church bells ring a familiar tune. I began singing along,
“Praise to the Lord the Almighty the King of Creation……….”
I was a little surprised that I was able to sing along four times, as the lyrics of all four verses came flooding back!
Recently I have found myself singing more.
I have become more sensitive to that ‘still small voice’ or ‘gentle breeze’ of the Holy Spirit, recalling a line or a tune from the catalogue of songs in my memory.
Last week I entered my 70th year, and after seventy years of listening and singing songs that’s a large catalogue to draw from.
There are those simple childhood choruses and then the traditional hymns from the Presbyterian hymnbook we sang every Sunday at church (often chosen the night before by my Mum and Dad)
Add to that the heartwarming Wesley hymns from the Methodist hymn book Hilary introduced me to, and then again those ancient gems by Tersteegen and Gerhardt rediscovered and set to new tunes by a brother in Bangor where the Celtic monks from the Abbey under Comgal had offered up continuous praise for hundreds of years.
Then there are those anointed songs birthed out of the charismatic renewal…… and of course my own songs which are not a few.
Beyond these there are all the other songs I heard on “Top of the Pops”, piped into shops, at wedding receptions, and on and on…… for nothing cannot be infused and reused by the Holy Spirit to convey a timely message such as “I get by with a little help from my friends.” or “The times they are a- changin”” or the one I usually sing at the start of the Freedom retreat to introduce people to Rivendell, the old Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young number….
“Our house is a very very very fine house,
With two cats in the yard
Life used to be so hard,
Now everything is easy ’cause of you.”
I then go on to explain that the two cats who used to be in the yard (Frodo and Izzy) are now under the yard, and that the ‘you’ is of course Jesus, whose ‘yoke is easy’ and whose ‘burden is light’.
(During the night after writing this. The Lord woke me and spoke this to me,
“ I have placed BIDEN as a heavy BURDEN on the shoulders of America, so that they will come to me, whose yoke is easy and whose burden is light.”)
I find that when I yield to the song that the Holy Spirit is bringing to my awareness, and begin to sing out, it is never the same. Made in the image of our Creator Dad we too as his kids are endlessly creative as we yield to his Spirit. Ted from Pensylvania wrote recently, “Ascent of the Bright Hostage is blessing me mightily (again) recently.” The wind of the Spirit brings fresh life to these gifts from the past.
This afternoon I went for a bike ride and “God Works All Things Together For Good” was the song that rose up.
As I yielded, I found myself repeating with a different cadence,
God works all things together for good, for good, for good for good.
God works all things together for good for good for good for good.
Then as I became more aware of the other people out, sharing my sunny afternoon, it became,
“your good, your good, your good, your good” as I appointed my song and the promise of God in their direction!
So the next time you hear that whispered song……
Let It Rise!
….To bless the Lord, confound the devil, transform the neighborhood, and uplift the singer : – )