Abraham was called ‘friend of God’. As he was the first to have revealed to him the New Covenant, we too can hope to become friends of God and experience this intimacy by grace through faith.
Jesus said to his disciples, ‘I no longer call you servants….instead I have called you friends’, and then went on to describe the nature of true friendship as something that Knows (walking ‘in the light’) Shows (walking ‘in covenant love’) Grows and Goes
“You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love each other.” (Jn.15:14-17)
While in Ireland I met another ‘friend’ of God appropriately called Christine (as in Christ -in). She wrote to me from America telling a wonderful story about a shillelagh.
She described how when her mother and grandmother emigrated to the US from Northern Ireland in the 1950s, they brought with them the shillelagh pictured above. She wrote comically about the way growing up she and her brother used it to try and ‘clobber’ each other and how it now hangs on a wall in her home. She continued the story…….
“So it goes, back in November 2022, I was sitting in our living room & thinking of my Ma, and I said “Dear God, I miss her terribly at times & this is a time.” Shortly after, my eyes fixed on the Shillelagh. I picked it up giving it a look over, and read Pal Kyle. Now it just dawned on me that this was someone’s name. I reflected back to all the times I looked at that name, and as a child thought it was an old Irish saying of some sort, and one time I asked my gran as it was in my hand, “What does it mean?” well I just got the old norm, “Put that back where it belongs!” So I never pressed for an answer, just said something along the lines of, ‘geeeeze I was only asking a question!’ in a mumble, as a scolded child would.
So, there I was, thinking & smiling to myself, “I wonder if this Pal Kyle was the wee friend that made this as a parting gift? Could Pal be Pal as in friend, and his name was Kyle, or was Pal as in Paul was his name.” So that lead me to search for Pal Kyle with no luck, then onto Paul Kyle, and up came your blog. In reading your posts such a wonderful feeling overcame me with goosebumps, I like to think a confirmation from the Holy Spirt that I was meant or led to find your blog. Mr. Kyle your music and your blog are gifts!!!
I thank God I found you all. Many Blessings to you & yours!!!!
Best regards
When I got round to repliying to Christine today what a timely encouragement the Pal Kyle story was for me, she wrote further….
“I felt, it was the Lord lifting me up in a time of sorrow & showing me “You are not alone, you are on the right path, you’re not losing your head” and yes, he was introducing me to his friend (YOU) as he knew it was what I needed, and could relate to, on a few different levels. He checked off all the boxes, as he knows me well!
As I read your blog, encouragement, faith, and love was filling me, and things that have been going on in the world, my husband & I have been paying attention to & praying over for quite a few years now. So seeing you share some of this was in a sense also confirming to me (I’m not out of my head) lol
It seems the Great Awakening may be starting (Praise God!!)”