‘What would you like for lunch?’ Lyn asked. ‘What about an omelette?’
‘Sounds great’ We replied.
Hilary and I had just arrived in Belfast again from the US. A tasty omelette and a walk at Seapark later, and we were ready for bed.
That night I wakened and our Dad who is ‘hooked on phonics’ jokingly whispered, ‘Homlette’
I realized he was pointing me back to the one movie I had been lead to watch on the transatlantic flight, Kenneth Branagh’s rendering of Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’……..all 4+ hours of it!
I recalled the final scene where all the major actors in the tragedy lay dead on the stage. …….and then remembered the childhood joke,
Q. “What did the mother hen say when she saw the omelette?’
A. ‘There go my crazy mixed up kids’
Fast forward a few months, and back in Minneapolis we get a notification that Hamlet is playing at the local Guthrie theatre. The same day we hear that Hamlet is also due to be performed at RiverTree, our grandchildren’s school!
I realize ‘Father is not done with Homlette yet🙂!’
Rush tickets bought, we make our way to our row 17 balcony seats, ready for another Homlette refresher.
‘To be or not to be, that is the question.’ …reminded me of my first acquaintance with the play as often quipped by the 12 year olds in our 2B (or not 2B) form in Grosvenor High School.
‘………..something is rotten in the state of Denmark’ – was another quote that has often come again over the past few years.
As a child when I would watch my father tune in to the BBC News my inward response would be, ‘How boring!…….same old, same old!’ I would look to escape the boredom in the imaginary world of fiction.
Interesting how things have reversed!
Scrolling through the scores of options on the airlines fictional movie menu I found myself bored……until the Holy Spirit nudged me towards ‘Hamlet’, where I discovered the ‘fiction’ come alive in real world events in our time…….
Now the BBC News is being uncovered as one of the arch villains in our human ‘tragedy’ Check out for example regular, serious, in depth analysis of the culprits at https://www.ukcolumn.org/
The Beeb is of course just one example of the globalist propaganda machine that gets exposed in this clip from Ivor Cummins,
And yet it is also a heavenly ‘comedy’ with the exposure of real life villainy being juxtaposed with the emergence of real life heroism in His-story…….. the One story of ‘the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ’, which is unfolding day by day as prophecy is fulfilled. In the final act we ‘Arise and shine’ with Him who is the true One…..for Heroes, for He – rose!
If you still doubt the depths of evil and the height of good going on outside The Truman Show or Matrix bubble, be prepared to be awakened. This ‘Silver Chair’ moment is revealing the predatory giants who have been seeking to consume humanity.
In the next few weeks. Plandemic3 will be screened for the first time. You can sign up for the livestream here…
Then on July 4th the long awaited Sound of Freedom premiers. More information here.
Get ready for the pain, but as Johnny Enlow says, ‘The pain is for the awakening and the awakening is for the children.’
In expounding Revelation 6:2 Johnny explains how the Greek word for ‘bow’ as carried by the evil rider on a white horse, who seeks to bring death to humanity, is only used one time in scripture. It is the word ‘toxon’ from which we get the word toxin. It can also be translated ‘needle’. The Greeks had a unique way of dipping their arrows into poison before shooting them into the flesh of their enemies. This shockingly describes how the Covid shots have been used as a depopulation weapon!
Here is the link to this teaching …..
I recommend you watch 10 minutes from 1hr 17 min mark………….and see if this does not whet your appetite for more! Episodes 55 and onward are filled with the hope of our position in Christ to become the change agents in the midst of these worldly horrors!
Echoes again of Hamlet, were the blood poisoning (With snake venom? Metaphorical or real? ) takes out all 5 of the lead characters.
Hamlet’s loyal friend Horatio (meaning ‘hour’) remains alone to tell the tale…….to be the ‘‘Hornblower’ ‘For such a time as this’
Echoes in the real world where just last week the heroic Dr Rashid Buttar who spoke truth fearlessly was also likely poisoned.
And yet above it all our ‘mother hen’ Father God, who says, ‘there go my crazy mixed up kids’ does not despair for He has it all scripted …….right up to the glorious end.
Above all the play reminds us of the title of my brother Chris` album, ‘Temporary Residence’, for death comes to all…..from ‘poor Yorik’ whose jestless skull skulks beneath a chair to that black bird pretender perched for a moment upon a throne, from Hamlet senior, to Hamlet junior.…from you to me!
But what a time to be alive…….and to be dialing in to a new and terrible and yet terrific reality, for as with all the actors when the final curtain falls and the play is done, we know God has promised that ‘every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father….. for from Him and through Him and to Him are ALL things’
………..for I AM is indeed the Author……..who wrote even Shakespeare’s book.