Early on in the movie Braveheart, Wallace watches his wife’s throat being cut by the oppressor. This lights a fire under him which becomes his motivating force right up until his agonizing execution as the sacrificial liberator. Just as he is about to die he sees his beloved bride pass through the crowd. (Caution: This scene may be disturbing to some)
This is a profound depiction of Christ. “Likewise husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” As the Bride of Christ we are exhorted to become like our Bridgroom King in his submissiveness to his Father in order to be a fitting Queen. (Ephesians.5)
Revelation 18 depicts the antithesis of the Bride of Christ, the Whore of Babylon, whose nature reflects the one she is wed to, Satan, also depicted as the Red Dragon in Revelation 12. She is consumed with self interest, seeking to consume the weak and the vulnerable…..like the child not yet born! The revelations that are now coming about the extent to which children have been sexually abused is shocking ordinary folk. Women ‘as the more fragile vessel’ (1 Pt.3:7) have also been historically on the receiving end of this exploitation being overtly treated as “second class citizens” or more subtly manipulated by current social pressures to behave and compete as men, denying the nobility of their femininity and the calling of many as mothers and homemakers
As I pondered what I should say to the Council, this is the first part of what I was given:
“Mayor Murphy, members of the Council…..Thank you for this opportunity to speak. and for all the good work you do on behalf of our City.
I think Mayor Murphy you may have heard our son Ben’s song,
“Daddy was a preacher in a shipbuilding town.
Momma rocked the cradle and wore a crown;
Because of you, Yes Lord because of you.”
Well, meet the preacher!…but I will try to be brief.
I would like to tell you about one of my heroes……This little girl grew up in a wealthy family…..but it was not a happy home. One day, when she was 15 years old she put two ice cubes instead of one into her father’s drinking buddy’s whiskey and her father said to her, “Get out of this house, and never come back”
That day she made a decision, albeit subconsciously. She decided she would not live for money, seeing it did not bring happiness, but she would live – for love. And so she got married and they moved into a small two bedroom house in Robbinsdale where she lovingly and responsibly raised their 7 children.
Then one day she heard that the little girl across the street had run into the same problems that she’d had growing up. “Sure dear.”She said, “Come and live with us. You can be part of our family.”
That caring mother is Mary Lou Clarkin, 58 years resident of Robbinsdale, sitting over there…… She told me her ‘adopted’ daughter turned out pretty well..…she became a Robbinsdale Queen in the City’s beauty pageant!
I think that is why my Hilary and Mary Lou get on so well together….As we’d say in Ireland, ”They’re cut from the same cloth.” Hilary is an incredible lover too.
Early on in our marriage she left her career in Education, and after defeating England at Wembley stadium on TV, as the song intimates, left her Irish international hockey career….because she felt her first call in life was to create a stable, loving and happy home. And so again as the song says she “rocked the cradle” – 7 times… but that was only the beginning!
I was talking to Ben the other night and he said, “Dad the lyrics are actually Momma cooked the meals and wore a crown.” And I said, “That’ll work too.”…because since we got married 43 years ago Hilary has cooked thousands of meals, made up thousands of beds, spent thousands of hours listening, counseling, coaching and praying for all sorts of people who have come to our home needing help and healing.
For money? Not a penny…. For the love of God, because like Mary Lou, by the grace of God, Hilary’s heart is no longer captive to fear and self interest, but her heart has been set free by love, to reach out and welcome many others in to our family……This, is our way of life.
We don’t consider ourselves religious. We just follow Jesus. When asked by his followers, “When did we see you hungry and feed you or thirsty and give you drink. When did we see you with no place to stay and invite you in? When did we see you sick and tenderly care for you?” Jesus answered, “Don’t you know? When you cared for one of the least important of these my little ones, my true brothers and sisters, you demonstrated love for me.”
At our first appeal we were told we were guilty of overcrowding. You see each person in our home has only 800 sq.ft.!! Please forgive my sarcasm, but Jesus used it once too, when he told the community leaders “You are obsessed with peripheral issues. You strain out a gnat… and swallow a camel! You should be concerned with the weightier matters of justice, faithfulness, and mercy, which means a readiness to help those in need.”
So we were informed if we told guests 3 and 4 to move out we would be forgiven the fine. These people are not numbers to us. This is our sister Shiela, a courageous Lakota mother seeking to responsibly raise her teenage daughters, in the midst of a hurting indigenous culture. Their names are Amber Sky and Hopa.
When this proposal was made to us, Hilary and I just looked at one another and smiled. We were both thinking, “Tell Jesus to move out? No; not for any amount of money.”
You see, my son Ben was right when he wrote “Mamma rocked the cradle and wore a crown. Because of you Yes Lord because of you”, because according to Jesus’ Code Book, it is Marylou Clarkin, Shiela Zephyr and Hilary Kyle who are the Real Robbinsdale Queens – in heaven’s beauty pageant.”
This message was confirmed to me in a dream the night before the Council meeting. As I woke, I sensed when I opened my eyes the digital display on the clock would confirm the dream. The clock said 3.33. When I rose later that morning and went downstairs I found someone had left a check on my study desk made out for $333. It was on the next evening as we were reflecting together after the Council meeting that someone discovered the Hebrew word for Queen has a gematria of 333. Then I realized the dream had been given on the third day of the ninth month 3.3.3. Hence the Three Queens of Robbinsdale.
P.S. Tomorrow, Monday 10th, Hilary and I will be leading a time of worship and sharing in a friend’s home in Belfast. Those of you in Northern Ireland who read the blog are welcome to come! The address is 6 Waterside View, Waterman’s point. Shore Road. Opposite Belfast High school. We’ll begin at 6pm with a meal. Please bring a side.
P.P.S. Because we go to the wilds of Donegal next week, I aim to complete this series reporting on recent events at The Big Green House before we leave wi fi behind and go silent for a few weeks!