The Kyle Transatlantic Courier Service was in operation again in September. Our friend Roy asked us to purchase and bring a flash drive from the US showing a ‘one woman play’ called “Corrie Remembers”.
Many years ago we had read and watched Corrie ten Boom’s story in the classic, “The Hiding Place”; how she, her father and sister, had help Jews escape during the Nazi occupation of Holland; how their faith had been tried and tested in Ravensbruck concentration camp; how the day before Corrie’s contemporaries were executed, she was released due to an administrative error; how she then realized her life’s work was to tell the world what she had learned about God’s love and forgiveness.
It was refreshing to see this new depiction of the wonderful story (as we had a sneak viewing before passing it on to Roy).
One scene in particular stood out to me.
Corrie and Betsy were witnessing the terrible treatment of the Jews by the Nazis when Betsy exclaimed,
“Those poor people!”
“Yes!” Corrie responded. “How could they treat them so ?”
“No. I didn’t mean the Jews.” Betsy replied. “I meant the Germans!”
I recently read this commentary on Romans chapter 5.
“7 For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. 8 But God demonstrates His own love [agape] toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Verse 10 goes on to explain that God reconciled us “while we were enemies.” He did not wait until we became good, nor did He wait until we did anything at all. He took the initiative by Himself, and then “gave us the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:18, 19). Our ministry, Paul says, is to convey to all of God’s enemies “that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them.”
As ambassadors of Christ, our message is not to frighten the world with threats of hellfire if they do not submit to Christ. Neither is it a message of condemnation in any form. It is a message of what Christ has already done for His enemies, because the love of God is defined in terms of being willing to die for enemies who still hate God. In other words, God does not consider the world to be His enemy any longer. It is only the world that hates God and is in need of being informed otherwise. That is our job as ambassadors.
By setting forth the love of God in Romans 5:7-10, Paul lays the foundations for his teaching on the justification of all men in Romans 5:18.
“So then as through one transgression there resulted condemnation to all men, even so through one act of righteousness there resulted justification of life to all men.”
Those who do not comprehend the love of God will not be able to understand how God could save all mankind.”
Last week you heard Ben sing, “Let there be mercy…… on my foes and enemies.”
When we are able to say this, we are most like God our Father, as we realize that those perceived “enemies” whether a Nazi soldier or an abortionist doctor, the next door neighbor or the City Council, that church leader or that school teacher, my ex- husband or ex-wife, Donald Trump or Barak Obama…….
……. are destined one day to become our friends.
What a powerful gospel!
P.S. The final song I sang at St. Mary’s in Belfast was called The Sons of God Rise Again.
The ‘prince of the power of the air’ – waves, always seeks to ‘divide and conquer’. The ‘worldly’ media which is in opposition to God (1Jn.3.14,15), insidiously stirs this contention by highlighting issues of sexuality and racism in a divisive way. (God through my ‘spell check’ just confirmed my train of thought as in place of divisive way it wrote divine way…….which is what should and will ultimately be ‘broad-cast’!)
That ‘race’ is the root problem’ is quite right, but ‘the world’ fails to understand where that race problem originated. In the final verse of the song I put the record straight:
Since Adam and Eve the killings begun
They’ve known nothing but war between their two sons
But I feel in my bones that the end is begun
As the Sons of God rise again.
Where you born of Adam? Then give me your hand
From Belfast to Beijing united we’ll stand
For the meek of the earth shall inherit this land
As the Sons of God rise again
As the Sons of God rise again.
On the lead up to the Rugby World Cup Final, I came across the series below recording the background preparation of the England squad.
I thought the title was profoundly prophetic, particularly since they lost, for in God’s plan there are in the end, no losers, only winners, for “love never fails.”
What was lost in the first Adam, the father of the human race was restored in the last Adam, the Redeemer of us all.
P.P.S. I happened to notice the number of views recorded for the final episode of the series. Remember I wrote about 144 two weeks ago?