Yesterday Hilary and I did something we rarely do. We went out ‘for a run in the car’. I was not fit for a ride on our bikes as I had collided with a tree when playing soccer with my sons and grandsons which left me with a very painful hip. You should see the tree though😀
So we ventured out to explore the picturesque Wisconsin countryside.
We ended up in Stockholm, Wisconsin that is, and in the historic Stockholm Pie and General Store that boasts it is ‘The Best Pie Shop in Wisconsin’. On our way back through Minnesota we stopped off for a pizza in Redwing.
From Pie to Pizza are again something we don’t do a lot of.
Driving back I became aware of an ache, a ‘groaning’ …….not just in my hip, but in my spirit.
It was that intercessory groaning of Romans 8: 26, when we don’t have words. It was the groaning of Jesus as he carried the weight of the sins of the whole world on the cross as recorded in Ps. 22. ‘My God, my God , why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me , from the words of my groaning.”
We had noticed in the two eating establishments how many very overweight folk there were, uncomfortably overweight, unhappily overweight.
‘It’s what they’ve been fed’ is what came to me. ‘Not just the ‘bad food, but the bad information from ‘the father of lies’ who has ensnared them and robbed them of health, of joy, and of hope that it could be any different!
Hilary added, “Yes, traditional pie was likely ‘in the beginning…….created good!’ …..no GMO wheat, or insecticide covered berries, and sparing on the sugar. Then out into the fields to work it off with healthy manual labor being blessed by grounding of the earth and vitamin of the sun, God’s truly ‘safe and effective’ remedies for illness.
We continued pondering in silence, and our spirits lifted again with the depth of the sun bathed greenery all around on tree clothed rolling hills and crop laden valleys, not unlike the ‘drumlins’ that had enfolded me as a lad decades before when come Sunday afternoon we’d take granny ‘out for a run in the car.’ through County Down in ‘the Emerald Isle.
Then that other ‘groaning’ scripture came to mind. Roman’s 8: 22 …and hope began to arise,
‘For we know the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only creation but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons,the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved.’
Pondering this hope, moved me from Pain to Pang……. knowing that there is a joyful birthing taking place even now, not just for the sons of God but ultimately for all and for the whole of creation.
We crossed over the Mississippi, named by the first European explorers, “The River of the Holy Spirit’ back into Minnesota, and headed north.
I looked up……..
Highway 61. ……….Revisited from my Dylanesque youth!
Of course! It is Isaiah 61, quoted by Jesus of himself…….and of us, his body, for it is given for us to be the mediators of this hope
‘The Spirit of the Lord God……….. is upon me, because he had anointed me to bring good news to the poor, he has sent me to bind up the broken hearted, proclaim liberty to the captives and the recovering of sight to the blind to set at liberty those who are oppressed to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.’
Today I caught up on the latest Johnny Enlow Unfiltered, Episode 67. ……there it all was being told again, all that we had been experiencing, right from the on point ‘Trump’ clip at the 8:40 minute mark through to the end!
The previous episode #66, was also a profoundly sobering follow up to The Sound of Freedom message. Another must watch.