‘I have seen the wicked prosper, always carefree increasing in wealth
With their mouths laying claim to heaven
With their tongues possessing the earth.’
What an accurate description of what is being uncovered today! We have seen the largest transfer of wealth in human history over the last few years into the hands of a ‘wicked’ elite who have usurped God’s position and created a false narrative to consolidate their power and control.
Some call these “Babylonian rulers” the “Deep State’ or the “Luciferian DEATH cult.”
They map perfectly onto the description of what God says he hates in Prov.6:16-19
‘There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.’
The psalmist then sees their end,
‘You have cast them down in ruins and suddenly they are no more
But you are my strength and my refuge
You’re my portion now and evermore.’
I mentioned “The Greatest Lie Ever Sold’ documentary last time, giving the fuller truth about the “George Floyd.” Incident. Another documentary I would highly recommend uncovering the same deceit is called “The Fall of Minneapolis.” It tells the story again from the perspective of other ‘good cops’, ‘on the ground’
The title again is full of significance not just because it describes our home town but because it echoes that sudden destruction spoken of in Revelation 18 that we are witnessing even now …..”Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen.” Here is the link. https://www.thefallofminneapolis.com/
The psalmist however almost didn’t make it! He begins the psalm….
”But as for me, my feet has almost stumbled, my steps had nearly slipped.”
This is why verse 2 of the song goes…
”If my heart had grown bitter my children would have been betrayed
So I sought for greater understanding
And found it in the house of God.”
So too when we look at the injustice around us and are tempted to get frustrated with the (apparent) slowness of God to bring judgement and justice, it would be easy to become embittered. But then the psalmist says, he would have become as a “brute beast’
What is that? …..A reversion to base animal instincts….which is exactly what ‘the wicked’ are displaying. In other words our inability to step down from arrogantly usurping God’s position as judge, results in our becoming hardened…… and brute beasts, just like them!
Passing this test takes us to the next level of intimacy with God and the blessedness that then follows.
”Always with you. And being with you nothing else I desire
Always with you. It is good to be with you my God.”
And so the final verse goes……
”Still you hold me by my right hand. You guide my footsteps every day
Afterwards I know you will take me to glory,
And there I will stay.”
This is one of the lyrics that I would now change from when I originally wrote it as my understanding of God’s plan has matured over the years. I would now sing….
”Afterwards I know you will make me your glory and there I will stay………”
Our primary desire should be to manifest God’s glory here and now on earth in accordance with his promise to cover the earth with his glory as the waters cover the sea, rather than it be merely an afterlife aspiration!
I was confirmed in this blog, which had been simmering, after hearing Johnny Enlow Unfiltered last Monday.
Exactly the same message drawn from the story of Job. Highly recommend from 25 minute mark!
Let this version of Psalm 73 speak to you afresh as you listen to one of Paul McAree’s best arrangements ever🙂