Hilary is enjoying creating photo albums of some of our adventures….using those free coupons of course as all Proverbs 31 wives do : – )
I’ve come to see that the Bible is God’s photo album.
For example Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians is a snapshot revealing at a certain moment in time the condition of that church’s life and the nature of Paul’s relationship as a father to the believers there.
He was answering some concerns that had been brought to his attention. Their unity in Christ was faltering as people were breaking into factions. Paul identified the root problem as the pride of immaturity. He also pinpoints a failure to distinguish between soul and spirit.
The world with it’s pervasive culture tries to ‘capture’ our souls (to profit itself) by that which is EMOTIONAL and LOUD.……yet what is offered leaves us feeling empty…….
One of my sons sent me a song by the popular Father John Misty expressing the disillusionment of many in his generation in the establishment……including the church establishment. The punch line (a play on Springsteen’s famous song) – “Bored in the USA”
We in the church, when evangelized by the world, employ the same marketing techniques, and most immature believers know no better than to be wooed emotionally by BIG names, numbers and noises while at the same time being conditioned to be spectators sitting in rows to passively watch the TV, the computer, the basketball game, the movie, the band and now, “the ministry”…..all happening – out there!
Failing to understand this critical distinction between spirit and soul we mistakenly take the bible snapshots and with our ‘soulish mind’ try to apply them in our current situations.
The result? –“Bored in the church!” (Maybe this was the sort of church experience Father John Misty felt more razed in than raised in?)
God’s intention is that we learn how to be genuinely lead by the Spirit – in here!
When we relinquish the illusion of control and tune in to God’s voice that is STILL and SMALL speaking in our spirits, we find ourselves being wonderfully and continually FILLED!!!
The result of this way of living is that we escape from being prisoners framed in our own bad photo album to become actors moving in His marvelous movie.….in fact the same movie that Paul and the Corinthian church were playing in.
Recently I was in a first Corinthians church type situation. It metamorphosed from a boringly predictable service to a glorious rerun of one of the New Testament miracles where someone received back their sight! No one had any notion this is where things would end up, but as the designated actors knowingly or unknowingly played their parts, alternatively resisting then yielding to the Spirit’s prompting, a very antagonistic and tense situation gave way to tears and hugs of joyful reconciliation. Hope was kindled as the young people saw unfolding before their eyes the sort of “demonstration of the Spirit’s power” that St. Paul was promising his Corinthian family, that transforms lives and situations.
I wondered, “Was this also how that scene ended, from which that Corinthian snapshot was taken?”
The Trinity Studios movie is called Creation Restored. It is written and directed by the Father, stars Jesus the Son and is produced by the Holy Spirit. When you are awakened by the Spirit to find that Father has cast you in this, the real Christ movie, life can never be boring again as you realize in a living and exhilarating way…..SCRIPT — U – R !
P.S. You may have noticed I just discovered the color button : – ) I guess that makes it
Trinity Studios in glorious technicolor
P.P.S. We are planning to be in Ireland (also England and Netherlands) from May 1st – June 7th. so that may influence blog posts over the next weeks.