At the end of the last blog I plucked the title Just Give Me The Good News, ‘out of the air’ so as to speak, without any forethought. Moments after posting the blog I then discovered a link to some of that Good News. In fact true to Is. 65:24 “Even before they call I will answer…..” the link had come into my mail box before I even posted!
That blog sought to awaken us to the evil and corruption of these days. This report describes how the evil and corruption of two of the GIANTS of Harfung, the vaccine child of BIG PHARM and Monsanto the child of BIG AG, are even now being exposed and brought to account.
Click on the video below to see the result of an action begun a few years ago. Today is 22 May 2020. The video starts at 1.22.22. It looks like the ‘sons of light’ (#22) are starting to shine !!!!
“Weeping may endure for the night but joy comes in the morning.” (Ps.30:5)