You know what I’m talking about?
These of course are the words of George Floyd uttered as his life was literally being squeezed out of him when just a few weeks ago a police officer in Minneapolis kneeled on his throat until he was dead.
The incident was like “a shot heard around the world”.
Now where did I hear that phrase before?
Ah yes. It was the shot fired at Concord just a few miles from where we have been living for the past 7 weeks, the shot that began the first American Revolutionary War destined to birth the United States of America and usher the world into a new era where for the first time in the history of humanity a new nation would aspire to be founded on biblical principles in what became known as the American Experiment.
Last night we read the words from Haggai, “Once more I will shake the heavens and the earth.” It seems we are living in those days, days akin to the first American Revolution, when in the face of tyranny something revolutionary and of worldwide significance needed to and did happen.
I believe those words carry such power, far beyond that isolated incident in Minneapolis, in these days, because they strike a chord deep within everyone, because we are all beginning to feel, “ I can’t breathe”
This is a spiritual reality that is being played out in a physical reality.
Yesterday Robin went to the hospital for his final appointment with the physical therapist. He emerged, his face red and sweating after being put through his paces……..with a mask on!
This nonsensical mask madness is clearly seen by some, but it is being felt by all.
We identify deeply with George Floyd’s words because we have all had that frightening experience, when for some reason as a child or an adult we found ourselves in a situation where we couldn’t get enough air and felt like we were suffocating.
That is the fear that is literally being induced today, by the enforced wearing of a mask that has the effect of reduciing the oxygen content of the air we breath and increasing the carbon dioxide content stimulating the sympathetic nervous system to release adrenaline, the stress hormone, enabling us for “fight or flight”: because we are loosing our freedom…. as that Sabre tooth tiger closes in, ready for the kill,
It feels physiologically speaking like we are being set up to die.
This time our feelings are to be believed. These physical measures that are being instituted worldwide depriving us of our physical freedom and meaning metaphorically that when we can no longer run, we must turn to face the Sabre tooth tiger that is ready to pounce and kill us, reflect a spiritual reality!
That is why a second American Revolution needs to happen, not the revolution we are currently witnessing in the images subsequent to the George Flood image that are filling our screens, a revolution in the name of anarchy with the removal of all law and order, but a revolution similar to the first American Revolution to establish in a way that never fully happened with this Experiment the first time around, even though it was the intent,
Never have the forces of good and evil been so obvious. Yesterday I watched an interview. You can view it below unless of course it has been “censored” which is very likely. A doctor of standing describing a foolproof cure for COVID 19. The reason why in Taiwan only 7 people out of a population of 24 million have died.
The fact that the Giants of Harfung under the direction of the Queen of Underland have been aggressively trying to censor this clearly life saving news is yet one more proof that despite their protestations that you join them for the feast, their intention is to devour you and your children.
Thankfully we know that there is another King who has a kingdom that cannot be shaken and that is coming even as I type.
Let us each do our part as American Revolutionaries this second time around, to fill the Revolutionary Spaces that have been left empty by those who have retreated in fear, and with faith, hope and love, stand for Freedom of speech, Freedom of assembly, and Freedom of religion, and for the Greater Good, “breath the free air again“ to speak out courageously for the Truth as it is in Christ , that will set us, and the whole world truly free!
P.S. Here a couple of practical ways to stand for medical Freedom if you are so lead.