The impetus for our road trip east, was a wedding. Our nephew Tom was getting married in Toronto on Sunday 11th August.
We thought this would be a good opportunity to visit our friend Carolyn who also lived in the Toronto area and she was delighted at the prospect. A few days later we got a message from her.…..
‘I’m getting married to Muroslav and the only date that works for us is Saturday 10th August!”
What are the chances of two of our friends both getting married in Toronto one day after the other???
Then there was a third wedding that signaled to us this was a strong and timely message from the Lord.
One morning our daughter Laurie announced at breakfast.
‘I woke during the night and had an urgent sense I needed to have this ring cut off.” She told of this ‘meaningless’ ring she had worn for 30 years that was now irritating her finger and she was unable to take off!
So we headed in to Kingston i.e. the King’s Town where after a kindly old jeweler surgically removed the ‘meaningless ring’ we went next door for coffee.
The conversation shifted to our both recounting our experiences in Ireland where we had separately visited the month before.
We told of almost getting to Galway. Laurie told of their making it to the city.
Turning around she recognized another local friend and introduced her Irish parents.
‘Oh! My family are from Cork’ (once called Queenstown) she said. ‘In fact next week I’m going over there for a family wedding in Galway.’
I began piecing this second amazing set of ‘Godincidences’ together..
The claddagh ring originates from a fishing village in Galway.

Unlike Laurie’s old discarded ring It is full of meaning……the hands of friendship, and heart of love, under a crown. The motif is captured in the phrase, “Let love and friendship reign.”
The story goes….”Once upon a time,, a young Irish sailor was captured and sold into slavery. Far from his native land, he held the memory of his sweetheart deep in his heart. He never forgot her. Years later, on his safe return to Galway his gift to her was a Claddagh ring.”
Is this not reminiscent of our Bridegroom King’s return to wed his Queen?
It was our nephew’ Tom’s second wedding. His previous marriage which had ended sadly had been the first of 8 weddings we attended in the summer of 2008. Father showed us how each of those weddings represented one of the 8 days of Tabernacles as reflected in the 8 miracle signs in John’s gospel. (Dr Stephen Jones has written extensively about this at Godskingdom.org )
The first of the signs was the turning of water into wine at the wedding in Cana. This prophecies of how at the first resurrection we will like the water be changed in our atomic structure (Gk.’atomos’) as described in 1Cor.15:52.
Our first wedding that summer was Tom’s in Cana-da. In the city of St.John.
On this occasion it was my brother – St. John who was lead to speak about Cana once again!
‘The amount of wine Jesus created.” John announced, “….would have filled 1000 bottles!”
He was unaware that 1000 is the number for ‘glory’ this again pointing to our ‘glorification’ and the manifestation of the ‘sons of God’
6 (‘stone water jar’) years ago we had helped Carolyn move back ‘home’ to Canada. We often talked about how we could get a clock to her that had been left behind. At the same time she had made for us the beautiful wooden slab pictured above on which is embossed Patrick’s breastplate around the ‘tree of life’.
We knew this was the God appointed time for the exchange.
I noticed the clock was stopped at 2.20.

22 is the number for, ‘Sons of Light’
The exchange again presented a double witness to our coming into complete unity with Christ who is ‘the tree of life’ we now feed on.
I shared with the couple our sense of 3 Victory Laps. Carolyn smiled.
‘Look what Miroslav had me make and put up on our wall yesterday.”