WHO are you listening to?
As I said in the last blog, we no longer live in the days of BBC or ITV, ABC or NBC, but at a time when most on the planet have access to an almost unlimited number of voices they can choose to listen to.
As the Mainstream/Establishment voices have become increasingly corrupt it is important that we grow in discerning of spirits and judging of character. I have talked about this in terms of those whom I sense have the COURAGE to open mindedly (HUMILITY) seek to know (which involves “FACTS that add up over time”) and live (INTEGRITY) the TRUTH.
I am honored that you continue to read my blog!
WHAT are you hearing?
“FAITH comes by hearing, and hearing by the WORD OF GOD” (Rm. 10:17) This morning on my bible app I listened to several chapters of Jeremiah, including Chapter 29. This afternoon a double witness came, reading the Christmas greeting from our friend Maureen, she finished her inspirational update with these words from that chapter….
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
In the end of the day we should be hearing words that express the TRUTH about the Love, Power and Wisdom of God, giving rise to REAL faith in our hearts.
WHEN can we expect this future hope to come to pass?
Tonight I woke with my mind filled with the prospect of turmoil over these next days. I opened my eyes and the clock read 12:17. I knew Father was saying that we live in THE TIME described in Daniel,
“THEN the sovereignty, dominion, and greatness of the kingdoms under all of heaven will be given to the people, the saints of the Most High. His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will serve and obey Him.’(Dan.7:27)
The number 12 represents authority and the number 17 represents victory. We are now no matter what happens in the world around us to walk in authority and know the victory that is ours in Christ.
The assurance that we are living in the THEN of Daniel 7:27 has come from studying what scripture reveals about, God’s timing. https://godskingdom.org/studies/books/secrets-of-time
HOW will this take place?
This evening I checked in with two people who have recently been brought to my notice. Mike Adams, known as The Health Ranger does a daily update on political developments with some commentary on where he sees things going. I have appreciated Mike’s work on natural healing. naturalnews.com (Father highlighted his names to me.”Who is like God?” and the work of the two Adams!)
Today Mike wrote, “VP Pence, a traitor, is planning on accepting the Joe Biden electors on January 6th and fleeing the country as the civil war begins.”
I then caught a sentence or two from Professor Toto. Again the name describes how he seeks like the little dog in The Wizard of Oz to pull back the curtain of deception. Referring to Pence’s critical role in the electoral process on January 6th, Professor Toto said, “I don’t believe for a moment VP Pence is going to betray the Republic.”
Well these two brothers cannot both be right!
The “HOW” is something we can never be sure of. As someone said, “If you want to hear God laugh, just tell him your plans” Things never work out the way we imagine!
The word ‘hope’ from Jeremiah however, is not a vague optimism, but a confident expectation!
The following lyrics were given to me before recent events unfolded over 2020 revealing, when we pull back the curtains of censorship and propaganda, the ubiquitous extent of global corruption and control
Though wrong is called right and right is called wrong
Though the court is corrupt, true religion gone home
Though the famed and the fortuned dictate the song
Though our fallen desires just play us along
These fallen desires includes the desire to know HOW we are going to get to that ‘future‘. This is one of the desires we are to set aside,
and know by FAITH, as the chorus of the song states, that