The last time we came to Ireland a friend asked me, “Are you here to do ministry?” I replied, “I don’t think in those terms so much anymore, rather I simply try to Live Life, Look and Listen, and Learn how to Love. I believe the Christian life isn’t so much about what you do but about who you do everything with.
Father’s commentary usually turns the world’s view upside down. Majors become minors and minors majors, the significant, insignificant and the insignificant, significant. We tend to focus on the things over which we have control. When something out of our control happens we often dismiss it lightly for example with a “Wasn’t that a co-incidence?”
Last Tuesday for example when I posted the blog related to golf I found myself that evening watching Rory Mclroy the No.1 Irish golfer being interviewed in our hometown of Minneapolis USA while we are sitting here, just a few miles from his hometown of Holywood N.Ireland!! Tuning in to Father’ voice begins by refocusing on the things like this that are outside of our control and continually asking, “Father are you saying something to me through this?”
On this occasion I simply took it as His smile confirming that all men’s steps are perfectly ordered by him and his giving me an illustration for this point in my blog : – )
Then take our recent encounter with St. Columba. Known as the ‘dove of the church”, his name crops up in it’s many forms all over the world in rivers, cities, flowers, nations…….
See what you can pick up on the fringes of these photos of The Main Event of St. Columba
In Gartan, Donegal, (pictured above) where the saint was born and spent his early years we were the only ones present until we were about to leave, when another car pulled up. The lady admitted to being a dedicated groupie of both Columba and JFK journeying anywhere in the world to the next commemorative lecture or anniversary for either ‘saint’!
“Five hundred a day cross over to his famous monastery on Iona.” she said,” And look at this – only you and me are here!” She lowered her voice. “At the last lecture the professor told me his birth stone was actually under the big slab in the corner of the wee chapel just here….not where the large commemorative cross stands – down there.”
We had a look ‘just here’
Then we went ‘down there’:
I photographed the damaged stone……. and more
We paused at the Holy Well. Another human sign……
……..and another heavenly one……. for those who have eyes to see.
From Gartan we drove to Derry. I have visited the impressive St Columb’s Cathedral in (London)Derry (Hilary’s birthplace) a number of times in the past but last week on another wet Irish afternoon walking and praying around Derry’s walls I discovered for the first time – ‘the wee church’ in the shadow of this much larger sanctuary. The ‘wee church’ was said to be the site where Columba’s first monastery was actually established.
Then within the ‘wee church’ there were several impressive stained glass windows and artifacts but only one ‘wee’ acknowledgement of ‘the dove’
I photographed it – a framed version of the poem: Columba The Scribe
Three hundred churches he founded Three hundred were close by the sea; And Columba as well as the churches, Three hundred good books, wrote he
On looking into the photograph there was the third “Not the Main Event” sign……in the wings of the dove.
We are all actors and all of our stories (even the spider’s) are being spun into The Big Story.
I realized I had been raised in Gortin, not a spelling’s stone’s throw from Gartan.
Maybe I’ll write 300 blogs too : – ))
P.S. After last weeks BR blog I received this encouraging email from a friend whose steps are also being ordered by the Lord:
Oh Boy! Your friend BRian saw the golf ball and wondered what God was going to be saying to me. Two Saturday’s ago I played my second ever game of golf and most of the balls went off the course. I really didn’t care because I was with brothers in Christ for the fellowship.
God has been showing me how to find grace in the midst of fire. I am very blessed to have the assignment of interim CEO for a regional YMCA and have discovered conflict, water leaks, and a spirit of confusion from some new direction almost every day. The Lord says, “keep walking, choose joy and be my vessel of blessing and redemptive judgement – all things work together for good.”
P.P.S. Another friend Sam, who came to run the Twin Cities marathon with us several years ago, told me the BR running shirt was branded by Bill Rogers former American marathon record holder. Sam in fact had one of the shirts (that he maybe wore on one of his 30 to date marathons!)
Thanks for all the feedback friends : – )