Not only was St. Augustine the ‘cradle site’ for a new expression of ‘church’ in America where the Europeans began imposing a colonial brand of Christianity on the indigenous people of America, but it was also the ‘cradle site’ for the ‘civil rights movement’ where the first African slave market in North America highlighted the equally broken European – African relationship.
My new friend in the Cathedral shared with me the above photo as the “cleansing surge” of Hurricane Matthew flooded King Street, which was renamed to acknowledge the place where Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. had begun the long march for justice for his people.
That afternoon I drove down the dried out King Street on my way to the home of a black pastor and his wife. These friends lead a church appropriately named Christ the King. “Lord Jesus we enthrone you, we proclaim You are King….come Lord Jesus and take your place.” has for years been our song in this place.
As I passed through the historic Lincolnville area I noticed the array of little churches. There was almost one on every block, each clearly denominated by the doctrine that set it apart from the others as being more true, more pure, more right….baptism, faith, mission, holiness, pentecost etc.
I reflected on how as followers of Christ we have often usurped the place of Christ as King of His church and become our own little kings.
I recalled when we moved to the USA having a vision. I was riding on a horse and then saw King Jesus, the “rider on the white horse” and “the armies of heaven” sweep by. (Rev.19:11-14) Initially I was excited that I was a part of such a glorious company but then realized I wasn’t keeping up with them. I looked down and saw I was in fact riding a ‘hobby horse’ “Unless you get of your ‘hobby horse‘ you can’t join me and the armies of heaven.” He said.
I reflected on how denominationalism was just like racism and all other isms – buddhism, hinduism, optimism, pessimism, feminism, chauvinism, capitalism, communism, zionism, liberalism, intellectualism, fundamentalism, activism and so on. All sch-isms began in the garden when in disobedience we ate of “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil”. Our ‘eyes were opened’ and now disconnected from our Father, we began gathering information with our senses and trusting in our own judgments instead of in His word. In pride and independance we began to act like gods climbing on to our ‘hobby horses’ of beliefs that were flawed, dividing things and people into ‘good or evil’, ‘right or wrong’, ‘in or out’
Our ‘hobby horses’ are what the bible calls the ‘idols of the heart’. An idol is when I(is)the DOL(L)…. in other words MY opinion or belief becomes the object of my affection. Repentance is when we turn from these idols to seek and serve the living and true God – and begin eating from the tree of LIFE – giving TRUTH which is “Christ in you” (1 Thess. 1:9, Col.1:27)
After reading my last blog, my son Ben reminded me of a dream he had several months ago just before their last child Asher was born. He said, “It was set in St Augustine… as the ‘Cathedral’ crumbled and fell into the sea, we found ourselves in a boat and I was holding ‘Asher’ or ‘the child of his love’ as we weathered the waves back to the shore and I heard the voice say “I care about this child SO much”
It reminded me of the story of Paul’s shipwreck in Acts 27 where all 276 on board are brought safely to shore….for God SO loved the world. This is in contradiction to the traditional teaching of eternal torment where the majority of humanity are for ever separated from God in an unending painful parallel reality. It was St. Augustine who was largely responsible for this teaching.
I realized the cleansing surge of water that swept along King Street in St. Augustine was a sign of how God will in wisdom and power by His Spirit fulfill His word, “I will put MY law in their minds and write it on their hearts…and they will ALL know me.” (Jer.31:33,34). Then His new covenant promise will be kept, “You shall have NO other gods before me.”(Ex.20:3) and our isms, idols and hobby horses will be swept away as every knee bows and every tongue confesses that Jesus is Lord – and all truly acknowledge Christ – the King (Phil.2:10,11)
Yesterday we participated at the funeral of a dear friend called Mark. As I sang the line from The Flame song, “Press toward the mark for the greatest prize……..” I knew this was indeed Mark’s aspiration in life. He, like St. Paul, desired to receive the prize, the “ekanastasis” or ‘out-resurrection from among the dead’ (Phil.3:11), to participate in the first resurrection and to reign and rule as part of that overcomers company with Christ in the coming 1000 year expansion of His kingdom on earth (Rev. 20:6)
Mark’s parting words were. “Never judge. Always forgive.” Mark had learned to eat from ‘the tree of life’.
As we stood by the graveside of our recently departed friend and the words were spoken “dust to dust, ashes to ashes”….I thought of our newly arrived grandson, ASHer and that “child of His love” that will rise from the ashes of a fire-tested church to lead the way in this next season of His-story……. until all things are put under the feet of Christ.(Heb. 2:3-9)
Glancing upwards into the clear blue sky, we spotted a solitary eagle. He circled for a few moments and then ascended beyond sight.
Let us too “press toward the mark (and the Mark : – ) of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”