I thought with it being around St. Patrick’s day I should pass on to you a photo my friend Eugene sent me from Ireland. (I’m glad he was able to safely free himself from the driver’s seat and calmly record the event!) I’m publishing his name and photo because he is a holy man who lives out Ps.119:168,(KJV) “Great peace have they which love thy law, and nothing shall offend them.”
What relevance has this to today’s blog? Well I’ve been lead to make last week’s blog the first in a Trinity, so I needed a second racial joke in order to balance things out for my German friends and introduce a few thoughts on our entering into deeper communion with the second member of the Godhead – Jesus. You’ll have to wait until next week to see which nationality gets made fun of in the name of the Holy Spirit : – )
Enough of my Paddy humor, now let’s get serious…but not about ourselves…in fact that’s the problem!!!
Last week I talked about learning to Drop Down in order to Delight with Dad in our hearts instead of Debating with the Devil in our heads. This week focuses on a Double Dose of Jesus Joy.
Jesus Joy is also located in our hearts, but is connected with our heads as the following photograph illustrates
I was directed to work as a delivery/deliverance man for 3 months for Jimmy John’s. This is me and my friend and co-worker Greg, beside our vehicles which are topped with the same symbol that is on our foreheads. For Greg and I the JJ stood for Jesus Joy. Our goal was with every sandwich delivery to also bring along a double dose of Jesus Joy deliverance. (You might notice our two vehicles were cons-trucked out of Eugene’s salvage : – )
So driving at breakneck speed to the corporate office or the private home or the local college I would seek to ‘get out of my head’ and Drop Down into my spirit in preparation for the upcoming 10 second encounter, so that I would receive from Jesus, the TREE of LIFE, a leaf for the “healing of the nation” I was about to meet. (Rev. 22:2)
I remember on one occasion I had barely opened my mouth when the lady exclaimed delightedly, “You’re from Ireland!…I’ve just been there!…O how I loved it!” She was thrilled as I gave her a copy of “O Ireland.” On another occasion I mentioned to the Korean receptionist about my trips to her homeland. She was so happy to get a copy of my ‘hit’ song there, Lord Jesus We Enthrone You…..and I was privileged to plant yet another seed. And so with a song, a smile, a listening ear, an inspired question, an encouraging comment, an essential oil, or a prayer as I drove away, I sought to feed both body and spirit.
This high pressured “Freaky Fast” environment was a challenging learning curve for an old guy like me.
The One Way
to survive…
and to thrive….
and have others thrive….
was In Christ to Abide
……and have His word
…..abiding in me
…..offered free.
The poem that is Psalm 1 talks about “the man” who we are in Jesus Christ and “the tree” which is who He is in us. As we identify with our “new creation” man, “Christ in us”, we will, “delight in, and meditate (‘chew the cud’ Msg.) on God’s law day and night”
The Hebrew word for law here is Torah, which is made up of 4 characters that together pictorially represent, “What comes from the Leader nailed to the cross.”
As we abide in this One who is “The Word” we will find as the psalmist says that we become “blessed fruitful and prosperous in ALL that we do!”
A few years on from sandwich delivery I continue to trust that the life giving word that I need in any and every situation will come up like ‘cud’ from where I have stored it in my heart through this practice of bible meditation.
In Jeremiah 31:33 God promises “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts.”
…………… as we co-operate in this process we all get to wear that Jesus Joy deliverance hat –
…………….not on, but in our heads
…………….and on our hearts.