The other day a friend trying to recall a particular healing modality, made a stab at it as “Ortho-miracular healing”
That got me thinking.
When we tell our story I always say that 38 years ago I left off practicing ‘conventional medicine’ but we have continued to be involved in God’s wider and deeper ‘healing’ practice.
I think Ortho-miracular healing would be a good way to describe how we approach it : – )
My friend was of course meaning to say Orthomolecular healing.
Orthomolecular medicine describes the practice of preventing and treating disease by providing the body with optimal amounts of substances which are natural to the body.
Orthomolecular is a term that comes from ortho, which is Greek for “right,” and “molecule,” which is the simplest structure that displays the characteristics of a compound.
The simplest structure in this life which the bible calls a ‘walk’ is ‘the next step’.
We’re told “The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love” (Gal.5:6) So since Hilary and I bowed our knees as young people to Jesus as Lord, the ‘right’ next step has always been the step of loving obedience prompted by the faith of Christ within us. (Gal.2:20 KJV) We are on the same ‘simple’ life page at least in terms of our aspiration if not always performance!
So Ortho-miracular healing is the miracle of what happens when we just live life doing “The next loving thing!”
These days I do quite a bit of dish washing at home. We also have a garden which needs tending…weeding and watering!
These tasks give plenty of reflective time, and I have realized that Brother Lawrence and Francis of Assisi were also practitioners of Ortho miracular healing as one ‘practiced the presence of God’ amongst the pots and the pans and the other when asked what he would do if he were to die at sunset, replied he would simply continue hoeing his garden.
Setting about these ‘ordinary’ occupations in faith and with love transform them from ‘dull and mundane’ to ‘divinely charged’ training as sons and servants whose eyes are fixed on our heavenly Father as we are being prepared in this ‘earthly simulation’ to be united with our bridegroom at “the Marriage supper of the Lamb.”
Plenty of food needing harvested and dishes to be washed there!!
While we are told to “Set your hope fully on the grace to be given when Jesus Christ is revealed” (1 Pet.1:13) when we will put off mortality and put on immortality, we are given glimpses of how this way of “Ortho” living in the Spirit can bring “miracular healing” even here and now.
Last week while sorting some files I came across the Thank You card pictured above. Despite the fact that there were three handwritten pages inside, Hilary and I could only vaguely remember Joe and Sue from Iowa, who God had brought into our lives briefly 13 years ago.
The puzzling card just lay there on my desk the rest of the week.
Then on Sunday night while we were out, our son Robin answered a knock at the door.
“Hello. We are Joe and Sue from Iowa. I’m sure your parents don’t remember us, but 13 years ago we visited for a FREEDOM! retreat and they prayed for Joe who was suffering from serious chronic bipolar mental illness. After we went home we went to his psychiatrist and asked if he could come off his medication. He did and he has been healed and in his right mind ever since! We just wanted to call and say how profoundly grateful we were!”
I still only remember a little about that encounter, but I assume we just did, “The next loving thing”
…… practitioners of Ortho miracular healing! : – )