The week before we left for Ireland, two of our neighbors on the block reached out to us.
Lena is a lady who is African American, (but with enough Irish blood to make her a good rugby player : – ) active in the Black Lives Matter and LGBT movements. She was eager to break her happy news to us that a new life was forming within her!
John is a white man (but with a good deal of Native American blood) very ‘working class’ (Irish) /‘blue collar’ (American). He came to our door distraught, wanting to break the sad news to us that his bride of 44 years had just died suddenly at home.
In fact he wanted to use our toilet, as a miscommunication between the professional services meant that her body was still lying on the living room floor 6 hours after a failed violent resusitation attempt that left him traumatized!
The next morning John returned. He had a request. He said, “You know we aren’t really church going people……but we do believe in Jesus, and do believe the Creator has put us on this earth to help other critters, whether human or our four legged friends. …….and I know you are the same…….so I was wondering……would you be willing to take the funeral service? ‘
Then very reluctantly, while warding off his daughter Christina’s embarrassed protests he offered….’. In fact I was wondering, because our house isn’t really suitable….. could we possibly have the reception here – at the Big Green House?’
’Certainly John. We’d be honored to host it.’
The funeral was delayed until a few days before we had to fly. The Oswald Chambers meditation seemed particularly appropriate that morning:
The funeral was to be at a cemetery in our old neighborhood. I recalled an experience I’d had there just after we moved from Ireland while jogging through it in ‘the fall’ just as the glorious leaves were falling at the end of their brief lives. I noticed an old tree, maybe 150 years old, had just been felled, and the inevitability of death for every living thing struck me, and the song ‘The Other Day’ was born, inspired by Gal.5:6 which says the only thing that matters at the end of our days is ‘faith expressing itself through love’.
I shared in the funeral home how that song was given to me 25 years before ……for this precise day……..and place…….and person – for in talking with John and Christina I had discovered Bernie was a lady of faith that expressed itself in love in their Little Yellow House in the same way it did in our Big Green House, by becoming over the years a home for ‘stray people’ as her daughter put it. (Only they had managed to avoid getting into trouble with the code enforcement officer : – )
36 people came to the reception, the same number that signed the petition in support of us at City Hall. In scripture 36 is associated with ‘enemy’ and is made up of two Hebrew characters representing ‘authority’ and ‘nail’. ‘The authority of the nail’ speaks to me of the power of sacrificial love that has overcome our enemies, death, sin and Satan, and converts our human ‘enemies’ into friends.
When we arrived in Belfast as usual we went for a walk to combat ‘jet lag’ . We go ‘down to the sea again.’ Cultra is the priciest real estate in Northern Ireland. We like to look at the big houses here we might have aspired to, like the one above called Cuan, whose neighbor is ‘The Royal Northern Ireland Yaght Club.’
Alas our postal address is not ‘Cultra. County Down.’ but, ‘Robbinsdale Minnesota’ – but we wouln’t swap stories (or neighbors) for the world : – )
P.S. The last two ‘hard copies’ of that song on CD just went to Christina above and our friend Julie Norbury in Australia! …..but I would encourage you if you haven’t got one to access it through Spotify or iTunes : – )