“Deeply challenging and provoking. Thank you.”
After posting Jordan Peterson yesterday, I got the above message from a holy sister in Belfast.
Then this morning, March 2, in my reading of Proverbs chapter 2, what stood out was verse 2. There’s 222 again!
“So train your heart to listen when I speak and OPEN YOUR SPIRIT WIDE TO EXPAND YOUR DISCERNMENT— then pass it on to your sons and daughters.”
Having moved to the USA and been privileged to travel to all five continents and share across the denominational band width we have been wonderfully blessed to have been exposed to an amazing breadth of influences. Hebrews 5:14 talks about training ourselves “to distinguish good from evil.”
Hilary’s father was an great judge of character (after all he approved of me : – ) as is Hilary. Together I think we have we have something of a nose for “Good People” which is reflected in who we tend to seek out to listen to. This does not mean we agree with everything they say, we must always ask Father what to receive and what to leave, but there is some trust there to begin with, as we open our spirits wide to expand our discernment.
Last night in my sleep, I met and spoke with Dell Bigtree. I believe he’s another ‘good man’, not perfect, but with his heart in the right place. I have mentioned a number of other ‘good people’ over the years in the blogs who may be ‘out of the box’ or maybe that should be ‘out of the matrix’ since we have stopped watching ‘the box’, that God has been using to speak to us.
God of course can speak to us through anyone, good or evil…….. In fact through anything.……like this morning’s GreenMedinfo meme : – )