Last week Hilary and I went to the Passport Application Center to apply for our US passports.
We got our numbers, 66 and 67. My mind went immediately to favorite Psalms 66 and 67
“Come and see what God has done……whose eyes keep watch on the nations – let not the rebellious exalt themselves.”
“May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, that your way may be known upon earth your saving power among all nations.”
We waited by the number dispenser and noticed that as another man took his number, another number fell to the ground.
Sensing it was significant I stooped down, picked it up, and put it in my pocket.
It was the number 72. 72 can represent all the nations.*
Back home a few minutes later, my eye was caught by this headline,
“72 nations PUBLICLY worship satanic idols.”
So I turned to read the article below about the opening ceremony of “The Commonwealth Games” – a ‘commonwealth’ that we had a few minutes earlier taken a step away from!
The USA in it’s origins (unlike Canada) rebelled against the Crown and the British Empire (that has morphed now into “The Commonwealth”) asserting it’s independence. This independence however was later compromised as the private bankers from Europe found a way to establish control again in 1871 when the constitution was treasonously altered from “the constitution for the united states of America’, becoming instead a Corporation under ‘the constitution of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.”
I realize in our becoming citizens we have become ‘slaves’ to this Corporation. We are OK with this as it is a step of identification, in order to co-operate with the Lord’s plan to ‘set the slaves free’ in America, and worldwide from this evil, represented in the ‘Central Bank’ entity.
The article also speaks about the number 666 which as you can see, also featured in the three tickets, as I lined them up!
This number is dealt with in depth in a GKM study on Revelation. It explains the negative aspect of the number which most are aware of, but also then the positive aspect which most are not aware of. Stephen Jones writes,
“The beast’s number is 666, but that does not mean that he has obtained it legitimately or that it truly belongs to him. What if he has usurped this number and is using it unlawfully? What if this number actually belongs to Jesus Christ? This may seem like a strange view, until we see that the numeric value of the phrase “and his number is six hundred and sixty-six” is 2368.”
The number 2368 is the numeric value of Jesus Christ in Greek. Jesus is 888, and Christ is 1480. Adding them together comes to 2368. Built into the actual Greek text is a number which reveals the one whose number is 666. It does not belong to the beast, but to Jesus Christ, for He alone is the perfect man represented by three sixes.
Furthermore, the three Greek letters making up the number 666 are: chi, 600, which is short for Christos); xi, 60, which is a cross; and stigma, 6, which means “pierced.” Does not this describe the cross on which the Messiah was to be pierced?
Therefore, I believe we might paraphrase verse 18 above to read: “Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, which he usurped; for the number is that of a particular man, Jesus Christ; and His number is six hundred and sixty-six.”
This blog linked below, and the subsequent 4 blogs, deal with this in depth, and leaves us encouraged and hopeful about how God will indeed humble the nations of the earth, but He will then, as I did
‘stoop down, pick them up, and put them in his pocket!!
……as His glorious kingdom is established throughout “all the nations“!
*“In the Septuagint, there are 72 nations listed in the Table of Nations in Genesis 10. However in the Masoretic Text, it only lists 70.
This means, it is likely, the copies saying 72 disciples were sent out are referencing the Septuagint. While those scribes used 70 were referencing a different source, the one used to compile the Masoretic Text.
So symbolically speaking, in Luke 10, these 70/72 disciples were sent to the nations. This means all the nations will hear the Gospel of Jesus.”