The book of Job and The Space Trilogy both have very beautiful endings!
We read of the daughters born to Job after his ordeal “Nowhere in all the land were there found women as BEAUTIFUL as Job’s daughters, and their father granted them an INHERITANCE along with their brothers.” (Job.42:15)
Their given names speak of the loveliness, the consecration, and the maturity of the BEAUTIFUL end time BRIDE. The INHERITANCE piece points to the pre-fall relationship between man and woman, needing no ‘pecking order’ but coming together in a powerful and complementary unity as was the ‘original intention’ at the beginning in Genesis and as portrayed at the end of the book in Revelation at, ‘the marriage supper of the Lamb’
The Space Trilogy also ends with ‘a feast’, and ‘a marriage’ beautifully restored.
The husband Mark who had sold out to the ‘beast’ system realizes now, how brutishly insensitive he had been to the beauty of his wife. Up until the last sentence we wonder will she receive her humbled husband now returned home? I love the way Lewis genius for understanding men and women is revealed in the very last sentence of the Trilogy.,....”the sleeve of a shirt – Mark’s shirt – even hung over down the outside wall. And in all this damp too. How exactly like Mark! Obviously it was high time she went in.”
I noticed that all three of the books had 17 chapters. interestingly this is the biblical number for VICTORY a victory that is is only realized at the very end of the story but is assured throughout!
This is why I choose the song “O Behold the Lamb.” to head this blog, for this is the Lamb ‘slain before the foundation of the earth.” (Rev. 13:8) In other words the end of the story can be known from the beginning. Our journey through all the ups and downs of this ‘mortal coil‘ is that we might learn to ‘behold the beauty of the Lord’ throughout (Ps..27:4), knowing like Job that ‘our Redeemer liveth’
Leading up to Christmas a ‘beast of a storm’ brought windchills of – 30’s and 40’s our way. So as Robin’s song “A Billion Little Ways” put it, we were,”In the belly of the beast’ ……’Locked Down’…….. this time not in submission to a capricious human government but in awe of a benevolent creator!
And yet in this place, (where we find ourselves again today with another 10 inches of snow!) there is such beauty.……for those with eyes to behold it.
My normal running path had narrowed with snow bowed branches. A pause to savor and catch the beauty with my phone before ‘passing through the restriction’ heightened the joy of this little “Job journey”!
For the beauty of the earth, For the beauty of the skies
For the love which from our birth over and around us lies
Christ our God to thee we raise this our sacrifice of praise.”
………..was another old hymn that rose up with fresh meaning
“Hidden treasures in hard times.” was how Megan, Dave and Cindy Watson’s daughter described the family’s faith perspective throughout Dave’s recent ‘Job journey’ beginning with CPR by a stranger on the sidewalk!
It reminded me of how I had been given to ‘behold the beauty’ during my illness.
There was of course the realization that beauty is not ‘skin deep’ as I beheld in the mirror my disfigured face and knew at a deeper level the joy of “Christ in me”, as I shared in the last blog.
I was repeatedly made aware of Psalm 23. “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.”
Amazingly time and again provision was made.
Primarily this was through people, especially my bride as she manifested the unfailing love of Christ that from our birth, ‘over and around us lies.’
She discovered a card that dear friends from the Netherlands had sent us last Christmas. He is a prophet. It’s often only in retrospect that we understand something to be prophetic and what that prophecy (Blessed 2022) meant!
On one occasion I discovered that milk and honey could both help with the itch. Hilary had arrived home that day with a little jar of honey. Despite the fact we had just purchased a 50 pound tub of honey she’d felt prompted to buy this. It turned out that the Manuka type of honey she’d bought was even more perfect, and the milk Robin had bought was raw…again perfect. It felt like the ‘land of milk and honey‘ had come to me! Remedies such as Basil leaves , an aloe vera plant and silver, all just happened to ‘turn up!
“You anoint my head with oil.” the psalmist says ….and the essential oils which have for 25 years been our ‘go to’ again provided healing and relief from Father’s medicine cabinet in nature.
“My cup runneth over” shows how by faith we can move beyond temperament where the optimist and pessimist see the cup as half full’ or ‘half empty’ to realizing the everything God allows in our lives has it’s place in fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives in his time, as this scene from The Chosen illustrates so well.
On rereading the Christmas story in this year of 2022, the character Herod was highlighted to me, and how he evilly ordered the slaughter of the children under 2 years of age.
Human nature has not changed and we have seen over the last few years that there are still what psychiatry would call ‘psychopaths’ and ‘sociopaths’ in our day, who rise to places of power and will do literally anything to preserve and increase that power.
In The Space Trilogy this is personified in the character Weston who became what Lewis described as the Un-man. In tandem we see Ransom move in the opposite direction and morph through his Job-like struggles into the True man, a son formed in God’s image.
Likewise, with the exposure of the evil and corruption that has been so deeply embedded in our modern world, there has come the emergence of many ‘beautiful” people we would otherwise never have been aware of.
I think of many of those I’ve mentioned here over the years who have all been granted not the whole truth, but an an aspect of truth to share with those who ‘hunger and thirst after righteousness’ A beautiful emergent community of courageous heroes like…..Kash Patel, Dave Hayes, Johnny Enlow, Del Bigtree, Joseph Mercola, Amazing Polly, Zach Bush, Neil Oliver, Shiva Ayyadurai, Andrew Bridgen, Judy Mikovitz, etc.etc.
None of the ‘good guys’ are without fault even as we must believe none of the ‘bad actors’ who are human are without hope of redemption.
The most beautiful heroes of course are that community of truth seekers whom you have found and gotten to know personally where you live, likely little known on earth, but recognized from heaven!
It is a critical time in His-story, when we must each and everyone of us, “Chose you this day, whom you will serve.”
Then as the song says,’“
“The scene is set, this is your slot.
Walk on…….. and give it all you’ve got.”