I want to take the risk of sharing another example of holiness and (Irish) humor that came up this week.
Many are currently puzzled by the lack of common sense and the sketchiness of the science behind the regulations that are currently being imposed on us by some technocrats and politicians at the cost of our civil liberties.
For a sane and scientific look at the facts, here is Ivor Cummins.
I believe Father highlighted for me one root cause of the lunacy
……Self importance
Last Sunday 10 of us humans gathered in the open air at Lisnabreeny Ring Rath.
As we sang,
The heavens declare the glory of God………
And the whole of creation cries with one voice
Your Maker loves you!
Rejoice! O Man! Rejoice!
……..we were joined by a chorus of birdsong.
A herd of cows drew near with transfixed gaze and a couple of dogs appeared scurrying amongst us😊
We were directed to Isaiah 40 which speaks about the greatness and transcendance of Creator God as revealed in the heavens and the stars, in contrast to man, small as a grasshopper, and transient as grass.
“The Feast of Trumpets” pointing us to the day when the dead in Christ will be raised, was begun with the news of the death of the ‘iconic’ Supreme Court Judge, Ruth Nader Ginsburg. As we drove to the ancient circular fort our friends informed us that earlier that morning a prominent local Judge we had known had also suddenly died within the feast.
We turned to verse 23.
“He makes the JUDGES of the earth chaos, meaningless, as nothing, insignificant, emptiness, vanity, futility, useless, falsity. No sooner are they planted, no sooner are they sown, no sooner do they take root in the ground, than he blows on them and they wither, and a whirlwind sweeps them away like chaff.
From the top of the hill we had a spectacular view of Belfast and much of the North. We read of the “good news” that was to be proclaimed from the mount of Zion, now Sion represented by Mt. Hermon.
Matt. 17 describes how “On the 6th day“ Jesus along with Moses and Elijah was transfigured on the Mount, pre figuring how some year when the time has come for the feast of Tabernacles to be fulfilled, we too should expect to be glorified. If a day is as a thousand years, six thousand years from Adam chronologically points to this time!
At that time the Father announced, “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.” (Matt.17)
“It’s all about knowing our true dentity.” One of our circle within the Ring offered.
“Let me give you some background. I am a tight arsed Ulster Prod!” He continued.
”Used to be” His wife muttered………as if from the Father…….as we all chuckled.
I was reminded of a comment another Irish friend had made about his father whom he honored.
“He was a very Holy man. Would never have thought of taking the Lord’s name in vain. But he had a very earthy sense of humor that was graphic. For example he used to say,“
“He’s as tight as a bull‘s arse going up a hill!”
For my Ulster Protestant friend to have used the same turn of phrase about himself was to me ‘humorous humility’. For his wife to acknowledge the transforming work of God that can take the negatives we may inherit from our culture or our family and lift us up to discover our true identity as “Beloved sons of the Most High God.” was to me ‘humorous honesty’
A dour mean spirited stereotype can be conformed into the joyfully generous hearted image of the Son perfectly reflecting his loving Father.
Thus was revealed the antidote to Self Importance, when as little men we try to make ourselves big by taking control over others, because we have not discovered who we truly are, in Christ……and “rest secure”
The gathering drew to an end as we sang together,
”I am in Christ. Christ is in me.
This is my true identity
And I will dwell in the shadow of your wings.
And I will rest secure.“
……..and the cows, a symbol of Tabernacles, turned around when the song was done, knowing it was time to engage again in their own “rest work”