This afternoon searching for a coffee shop in Boston to find WiFi, the best I could do was to end up sitting in my car in a Dunkin’ Donuts parking lot, sipping a decaf. Two older men approached and I heard them having an animated conversation about the car next to mine. I was just about to pull out when I noticed it was a Subaru Outback. I chuckled and thought, “It doesn’t really matter where you drink coffee….only who you drink it with” for I knew it was Jesus speaking : – )
Let me explain. Just a week earlier Hilary and I had been in Florida. Our friends had lent us their car – also a Subaru Outback. The day after we moved into our KOA cabin, an RV pulled in to the spot directly opposite us. It’s name – Outback.
So I asked Jesus what was the meaning of this triple witness in these two places.
He said, “I’ve been Out ……but I’m coming back : – )
I realized that for us personally there were two other levels of meaning;
We will be coming back to Boston, having made this first trip Out from Minneapolis. We failed to intersect on this occasion with our doctor from ‘man’s best’, Harvard University, but instead have had an experience in God’s Higher School of Learning. To get the full background to this story, you can read and listen to Robin’s latest blog @
A few days before we came to Boston for the amputation, my friend Mike from New Zealand sent me ‘a word’, “Something out of left field is going to happen.” As it turns out, it did,… Robin still has his left leg!
The other level of meaning relates to the assignment Father gave us when He invited us to move to America 25 years ago. We have always sought to only do what we see our Father do by only responding to His invitations. These invitations usually come through His servants. He reminded me that after moving to the US He arranged for us to be invited to the two ‘cradle sites’ of the church in this nation, St.Augustine, Florida, where the first Catholic mass was celebrated on that shore, and New England, where the Protestant Puritans and Pilgrims landed.
Both invitations had come through beautiful believing women, both called Katherine. The name Katherine means “pure.” I think both of these ladies represented the bride of Christ.
Over the next years we made many visits to these two ‘birthing’ places, repenting and interceding, teaching and preaching, worshiping and of course singing……..Lord Jesus we enthrone you, we proclaim YOU are King…….Come Lord Jesus and take your place…….. in this place. We knew that the foundation of the American church had ‘mixture’, and that the building upon that foundation has often been flawed.
We knew we have been called to prepare “the bride” for the Bridegroom who went Out from the earth 2000 years ago, but is coming back for his bride in our day.
Over the last few years our two dear Katherine’s both died. Subsequently our invitations ceased, and we were Out of these two significant places. However over the past few weeks we have found ourselves suddenly back in both!!
Although Jesus went Out after his first (dying) work and will come back for his second (living) work as prefigured by the offering prescribed in Lev.14, he has of course continued to be present by his Spirit in his disciples who have continued his work of, “ …….. doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil.(Acts 10:38). However I believe there is now a greater anointing of the Holy Spirit coming for those who in past generations or in this one have been chosen and prepared through training to join Him in that second great work.
A few years ago my friend Bill introduced me to the kettleball method of training. Before this trip I had pretty much plateaued with the 35lb weight and realized I was ready for the next level of challenge and growth with the 44lb weight. When we arrived here at our divinely provided accommodations in Boston we were delighted to find it came equipped with a gym! I went in to look, and there it was……the 44lb kettleball!
The number 44 represents “chosen”. It also points to Ezekiel chapter 44 which describes the difference between the Old Covenant Levitical priesthood and the New Covenant Melchizedek priesthood under our high priest Jesus. These New Covenant priests will be able to exchange their woolen (earthly) garments for linen (heavenly) garments representing the ability to move between the earthly and heavenly realms as Jesus demonstrated after his resurrection.
Robin’s chosen form of training on the other hand is the X3 resistance band workout. We have been watching him use this and are being taught by him the mechanism of how muscles only grow when they are challenged to the point where they exclaim, “This is going to cripple me!…..I need to become stronger!!!”
As he said this I knew he was prophecying about his own life, for this latest test of being deprived at the very last minute of the relief of lifelong pain and disability has elicited from him the response, “This is all in God’s plan because it’s only as we are challenged that we can grow stronger,”
We have witnessed that growth in his level of faith as he repeatedly gives it all over to God, trusts , gives thanks and finds peace.
There are three levels of faith in the believers life represented in the three feasts. The first level is Passover faith – saving faith. The second level is Pentecost faith – sanctifying faith, and the third level of faith is Tabernacles faith – the faith of coming into perfect agreement with our Father.
We are all being trained up in God’s X3 through our trials to becoming truly and fully like Jesus – Sons of God.
We three in training : – )