Our journey ‘into’ has been of necessity first a journey ‘out of’
In the middle of the night on March 4th, 2019 I went to the Upper Room of The Big Green House to ponder the email I had received that day from the Mayor of Robbinsdale.
It was clear that God had “hardened Pharoah’s heart.” Reagan, our cordial fellow Irishman, had been remarkably favorable toward us at the City Council meeting where we had presented our case and sung our song requesting we be able to continue opening our home for hospitality to those who were not ‘Kyle’ by birth. Now however, it sounded like the ‘powers’ at work in “Big Government” (OK ‘quite’ big government in ‘little’ Robbinsdale’s case : – ) had reasserted themselves – ‘the bully’ was back!
(The City subsequently insisted we immediately evict the single mom and her daughters who were living with us! I had an inspired idea! Although Shiela felt they were ready now to move on, she needed time. I called our son. “What about you Katie and Rex (the dog) and Steve the cat doing a house swap?” I asked. They were game. And so four critters moved out of the BGH and four criters moved in….. and the asinine code was complied with!)
That night, I had sat down at the “RELEASE” station in the Upper Room where we had located the second ‘Step’ we teach at the FREEDOM! retreat. Glancing to the side I noticed on the table the Lion and the Lamb, and realized the date was the only day of the year that contains a command, “MARCH FORTH.”
MARCH it is said, “Comes in like lion and goes out like a lamb.” The Lion and the Lamb both speak of Jesus our King whom we have committed to follow.
Was I prepared to RELEASE, to ‘Let go’ of this place where we had seen so many experience being set free by Jesus?
“Yes Lord. Wherever you lead, we will follow.” I answered.
We thought at the time a physical move was imminent, and yet we are still here two years later! The fuller significance of that word subsequently dawned on us……..
On the wall beside the table there is another lion……..
I realized what God has been emphasizing to us is not primarily that we should “MARCH FORTH” outwardly, but that we should “COME FORTH” inwardly. The quality he is looking for is for us to STAND with COURAGE for TRUTH and JUSTICE.
A few months later our daughter’s family of four moved in from New York and the City ‘bully’ once again surfaced, insisting we let them inspect our home! I knew this time we were to STAND. I replied that according to our 4th amendment rights the City needed to have just cause to believe we were in breech of the code, and we would only grant them permission if they stated the breech, and acquired a warrant!
That was the end of the City’s intimidation. When we stood firm in the authority we have in Christ, in the face of the evil spiritual power behind the ‘Big Government’ bully – it backed down.
I believe we are now at the time in redemption history of the fall of “Mystery Babylon” as recorded in Revelation 18. (This is well described by Dr Stephen Jones who has been given a remarkable insight into God’s “Secrets of Time” and how this is playing out in our day, in his extensive bible studies available free on line at godskingdom.org )
As we come to the end of this era, verse 4 applies now more than ever to believers.
“And I heard another voice out of Heaven, saying, “COME FORTH out of her, My people, that you may not partake with her sins, and that you may not receive of her plagues.” (Rev.18:4. LSV)
I realized that God’s primary concern is not how we are located in things, but how things are located in us.
“The wicked flee though no one pursues, but THE RIGHTEOUS ARE AS BOLD AS A LION.” (Prov.28:1)
This is the COURAGE to STAND for TRUTH and JUSTICE our Irish friend I referenced last week is displaying and that our son Robin has displayed.
Robin’s health challenges over the years have given him a passion about researching to understand what truly makes for health.
A few months ago he told us, “God asked me to not wear a mask.” He didn’t want to hear that, as by nature he is a ‘people pleaser’, but he obeyed, and even on his trip back to Boston for his ‘check-up’ he chose to drive rather than fly, and have to wear a mask. His testimony was that God’s abundant grace accompanied him as with kindness he was able to share our Father’s ‘smiling face’ and what he had learned with the open hearts God had prepared in advance.
Part of our journey into the good health Hilary and I now enjoy (which I will detail later in the series) has involved our learning about the connection between oral health and overall health. Here is another recent article about how these are negatively impacted by masks.
Mask wearing is of course just one symptom of a much graver malaise, a government and media induced, ‘mass delusional psychosis.’ Here is an excellent interview with a courageous and compassionate psychiatrist…….
It was at this time of year that Patrick the ‘hostage looser’ faced down the same dark druidic forces, to STAND and SHINE, as he lit the pascal fire on the Hill of Tara. Subsequently Ireland was rapidly converted to become a light to the nations. May Patrick’s vision for Ireland and George Washington’s for the USA of that light/fire being re-lit/kindled be fulfilled in our day.**
“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. STAND FIRM, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.“ (Gal.5:1)
“ARISE and SHINE for your light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen on you.” (Is. 60:1)
**…….and for any and all countries….like the Great Southland of the Holy Spirit, Julie? : – )