This drawing and poem by our friend Hilary Curragh was one of the many expressions of love that accompanied the birth of our son Robin, our first child and the first ‘newborn’ in the Gilnahirk Fellowship, later to become Community of the King.
Robin’s arrival had been quite traumatic. It happened to be on the day I commenced my Obstetrics and Gynecology training. His was the first birth I witnessed in preparation for delivering my quota as a medical student. Hilary had been virtually ‘knocked out’ with too much sedation. From there everything seemed to go downhill! It seemed that everything that could have gone wrong did, but I remained for the duration because as a medical student the doctor in charge assumed I could handle it!
The final complication was the discovery that Robin had a rare congenital malformation affecting extensively the blood supply in his left leg. I headed straight for the medical library to read up on possible complications. My stomach sank, and reeling, I drove blindly out into the countryside to find some place where I could process all I had absorbed over the last 24 hours “with sighings and groaning too deep for words.” Never were the gifts of tongues and tears so valued!
“Why me?” I asked.
“Why not you?” Father gently answered.
……and over the next months we experienced God’s grace more than ever in our weakness.
I didn’t tell Hilary what I had read, but a few weeks later she commented, “I think his affected leg is growing larger than the other one.” She was right. We began to measure, and then pray, and measure again, and pray…. and lo and behold the growth of the two evened up. Thank you Father!!
However at the age of 11 Robin sustained a wound on his affected ankle. Now 31 years later, the painful ulcer has still not healed! So this Tuesday, (28th January) Robin is scheduled to have the now cancerous wound and deformed leg amputated.
On the face of it – it seems a depressing story. Yet as Robin shared his story at the last FREEDOM! retreat of being “Awakened”, he was filled with peace and Hilary and I were both filled with joy!
I had just given the talk on “Repentance”, explaining it in terms of our being ‘Awakened’ to truth!.…the truth about God, the truth about ourselves and the truth about this life. We finished with the song, “God works all things absolutely all things, God works all things together for good.”
Then Robin stood up to share. He told the story of how he had journeyed “to a far country” searching for answers. There he had become ‘bound’ by an unbreakable addiction to smoking. Like the son in the story he ‘came to himself’ and finally after many years arrived ‘home’. He asked Hilary and I to help him walk through the 5 steps/keys we teach at FREEDOM! As we talked and listened together to the Holy Spirit he realized that the root of this addiction had been an act of “rebellion” in reaction to the hypocrisy he was seeing in the church. In response to the Spirit’s insights he chose to take responsibility and repented, released, renounced, and rebuked, and then received afresh our Father’s love.
That afternoon driving back to his house he said he had to pull over he felt so ‘intoxicated’! Then a tumor in his mouth that had been growing for sometime suddenly just, ‘popped out’! He smoked a few more times and then one morning realized he no longer had the desire! That morning he decided to quit, and has had no interest in cigarettes since!
This is just a glimpse into Robin’s journey back to his heavenly Father’s house of love. (It is of course actually Dad’s story about Robin rather than Robin’s story.) If you would like to hear Robin tell his fuller story in his own words and follow his progress through this amazing medical odyssey, as the three of us set off today for the operation in Boston, you can follow his blog.
If you would like to contribute to the considerable expenses surrounding the operation you can do so through this link.
From this ‘mighty cause” link you can in turn link to Robin’s blog.
Please do forward this to others who might know our family and be interested in following the unfolding story.
We always begin the FREEDOM! retreat at The Big Green House with Psalm 23:
“The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want: He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness, for his name’s sake.”
May each of us ‘Awaken‘ more and more to this wonderful“kingdom of God” which consists of ‘right choices’ peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. (Rm.14: 17)
Many thanks for your love and support over the years.
In our Father’s perfect plan.
Paul and Hilary
The text on Robin’s truck license plate is of course perfectly appropriate; “If you who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask Him!” (Mat.7:11)