The PEACEABLE KINGDOM OF GOD is hidden in plain sight! From the realm beyond time and earth God writes his story in time limited, earthly lives whether famous or little known.
Two weeks ago we saw how all the eyes of the world were on Nobel winner Minnesota songwriter Bob Dylan and his song “It’s a Hard Rain‘s Gonna Fall” Now at the end of 2016 we see that the 4th most popular world wide google search was for another local Minneapolis celebrity – Prince who tragically died this year of a drug overdose. He was best known for the song “Purple Rain”
Three weeks ago I ended with Psalm 2. After publishing the blog I immediately got two emails from two lesser known characters…..two of my closest native Irish Catholic friends……traditional ‘enemies’ of my Ulster Scots Protestant tribe! Each of them had also been given Psalm 2 that morning!
When I drew their attention to this ‘triple witness’ Eugene wrote back,
“I wonder what comes next after Ps.2?”
At 63, I still try to manage without reading glasses, so I wondered why Eugene was referencing Psalm 27. Well Father uses even our failing physical sight to increase our spiritual insight : – ) and as I pondered Psalm 27,“One thing I ask for…to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and seek him in his temple “ I saw in what I had written, or rather omitted to write of Psalm 2, “KISS the son”, the connection……
INTIMACY is what comes next
I was reminded of a dream my friend Mike shared with me a few weeks ago of two circular hoops, one red and one blue sitting side by side, but not touching…he said it was because of a FEAR of intimacy.
This is reflected in the fear based polarization of the two political factions (red and blue) in the USA.
Things were not always this way. In fact the forging of that impressive document “The Declaration of Independence” was done by a very diverse group who were able to co-operate to facilitate the fragile birth of the new nation.
A key scripture we were given when we moved to America was. Psalm 85. I Subsequently discovered that the meeting of the First Continental Congress was begun with the reading of Psalm 85. John Adams in a letter to his wife wrote, that after it was read, “I never saw a greater effect produced upon an audience. It seemed as if Heaven had ordained that Psalm to be read on that morning.”
In verse 4 the appeal is made,“RESTORE us again, O God our Savior”
RESTORATION does not just mean getting back to things the way there were at that first Congress, or “Before the white men came!” the indigenous peoples might interject, but getting back to the way they were MEANT to be……back to, and even beyond the intimacy of Eden.
Verse 7 then expresses that vision of intimacy – heaven on earth!
7. Love and faithfulness meet together, Righteousness and peace KISS each other. Faithfulness springs forth from the earth and righteousness looks down from heaven.
In the recent campaign Hillary and the Democrats claimed to be the “love” party and Donald and the Republicans claimed to be the ‘truth’ party. Scripture says love and truth are not enemies but are meant to kiss, “Speaking the truth in love we will grow up in every way into Christ.” (Eph. 4:23)
Verse 5 holds THE KEY to our Restoration. “I WILL LISTEN (carefully, obediently, with expectant hope) TO WHAT GOD THE LORD WILL SAY….”
As we come into that place of INTIMATE SURRENDER to the One whose “perfect love casts out fear” (1 Jn.4:18) intimacy with our former “enemies” also becomes possible….and so Paddy, Eugene and myself, all heard an identical word about INTIMACY at the identical time – thousands of miles apart!
Mike said that in his dream the two hoops were meant to be overlaid on top of one another – and the color would then be purple, representing royalty – The King.
The other day I went to pick up the free city paper that got thrown into our porch. Normally I discard it without a thought, however as I leafed through it quickly my eye fell on this headline….“Praying for Purple.” Then Isla came into our living room in her painting garb to ask her mom, “What does blue and red give you?” “Purple” Kim replied.
On Christmas day we had some drama as little Isla developed severe pain in her right arm. Fearing a fracture Daddy took her to ER. Thankfully it was a mere dislocation and the doctor easily popped the shoulder back in! Back home with her strong right arm she pulled her Christmas cracker (a British custom we continue here!) and donned her paper crown – Purple of course. The right arm is a prophetic type of Jesus….the Savior of the world. ( Is.53:1, Luke 1:47,51)
Isla Jane Simone means “The gospel of God’s grace is heard to the uttermost parts of the earth.”
So from the city that in 2016 said farewell to an earthly Prince’s Purple Rain, our song goes up “Lord Jesus we enthrone you, we proclaim You our King…come Lord Jesus and take your place.”
In this coming year 2017 may the heavenly King’s Purple Reign come to the uttermost parts of the earth as they are flooded with Holy Spirit Rain and “Listen (carefully, obediently, with expectant hope)” to the gospel of God’s grace in Jesus the Christ.
P.S. Another Minneapolis singer/songwriter launches his latest album in a few weeks time. Shadowlands by Ben Kyle and Romantica show details are here: release