“God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.” (Psalm 46:1,2)
Through modern technology we are more tuned in to what is happening in the world than any previous generation….and it is indeed frightening! If our “first response” to those ‘mountains’ sliding into the sea is not to TREMBLE, we are indeed out of touch with this first level of reality.
The first word in Psalm 4:4 can be variously translated
I would suggest these three represent a journey Father invites each of us to take.
ANGER I believe is a response to unresolved FEAR or SHAME. However the rest of the verse holds the key to entering into a deeper level of reality and therefore peace.
“Meditate (ponder) in your hearts, on your bed, and be still.”
The voice of ‘Abba’ in our spirit that brings us to stillness and peace is “small” and can be easily missed if we do not know how to access it.
“On your beds” gives the clue. Scientists call it the alpha state when our brain waves slow down and we can slip past the conscious (soulish) man who guards our heart which is where we are told reside the ‘springs of life’ (Prov.4:23) Others have called this “The Heart Zone” which we enter when we are in a state of physical, mental and emotional relaxation such as occurs just as we are about to drop off to sleep or just as we are waking up.
As I have come to appreciate this, my nighttime wakefulness has changed from being a source of frustration to a source of fruitfulness as I enter into a time of deep communion with my Father.
To put it another way, in my ‘night watches’, I no longer
DEBATE with the DEVIL in my HEAD
in his language of FEAR and SHAME
but DROP DOWN…….
and in His language of TRUTH and GRACE.
This is why I need to learn like the German coastguard how to “SINK” i.e. to “drop down” and think, from my spirit not from my soul, from my heart not from my head. And so as I receive Father’s perspective, by morning, I….