One of the runs I enjoy when in Belfast is up the Creagah Glen to the Rath near the spot where hundreds of years ago the O’Neill chieftain’s castle stood. Today the Rath overlooks Belfast City. At the top of the quiet Glen I discovered this historic SIGN.
Last year I lost my running shoes. (Yes, believe it or not I just left them at the side of a road and forgot about them!) Subsequently I experienced a real grace in procuring a replacement pair in TJMaxx at little expense of time (first pair I lifted) or money (75% off!)
As I donned these new shoes (‘of the gospel of peace’) for this year’s Glen run I realized the significance of their name. In the background of the above photo, is the Glen river……at this time of the year a mere ‘brook’, but given time, after a few good Norn Iron showers, it is transformed into a veritable ‘cascade’.
Father said to me that the Brooks Cascadia shoes were the double witness that the history that was made at that spot would repeat itself…..that in our returning from the US to Northern Ireland we were like the advanced party (Brook) to be followed by a larger army (Cascade). The SIGN says 120,000 US troops followed. The number 120 represents,‘the Holy Spirit’ (as in the Upper Room on the day of Pentecost). 1000 represents “glory.”
I believe this SIGN points to an outpouring (Cascade) of the Holy Spirit until the glory of the Lord covers the whole earth.
I mentioned previously the connection between America and Ireland in the vision common to St. Patrick, the Anishinabe tribe and George Washington, of the fire (of God’s love) being rekindled in both lands.
Just after returning to Minneapolis I got a notice from two Minnesotan friends, who are called as evangelists, about doors opening for them, to announce the good news in Ireland.
I just got a phone call from the daughter of another close friend I hadn’t seen in many years. She was excited to tell me her orchestra, from a local university here, was going to tour Ireland next year, touching many of the spots I mentioned in my reports. She asked of I would come and speak to help prepare the group for the trip ……and to sing – “O Ireland.”! As I arrived at the rehearsal the orchestra were playing the piece, “The Lord of the Dance.”
“You do know who the Lord of the Dance is?” I began. “No! It’s not Michael Flatley!! It is God our Father, for Zeph. 3:17 says God dances over us!”
Thus I announced to them the good news of our Father’s passionate love that Ireland is to be awakened to hear once again!
I told of Patrick’s vision and then sang the “O Ireland” song, concluding,
“.…..and once again God’s love proclaim ….A burning heart in Jesus name.”
“We’re out of time!” David the conductor said, “But you’ll have to come back. I can prepare us musically but we need your help with more of this spiritual preparation!”
I remember in the early seventies how God used visiting Americans to help us move to a new level of experiencing God in what became known as the ‘charismatic movement.’ I believe we are on the verge of not just another ‘movement’ but a monumental shift to a higher plane than the ‘Pentecostal’ one we have been operating on for the last 2,000 years. It is time now for the Fall Feasts to be fulfilled lifting us to a higher ‘Tabernacles’ plane.
As our ‘Commander- in – chief ‘ co-ordinates his surrendered forces worldwide and Irish like the Kyles are sent west to America and Minnesotans like Mary, Karl, Joshua, David and Rachel find their way back east to Ireland, maybe it’s time too, as we humbly co-operate with him and with one another, for another of the songs I was given 35 years ago to find it’s fulfillment in our day, for we have all been, “Born into a Battle”
“For the kingdom of this world it shall become
The kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ
And He shall reign for ever and ever more.”