Last week we got a new license plate in the mail. Before putting it on the car I did something I wouldn’t have thought of doing a few years ago, I paused to listen.
Sure enough there was Father’s ‘gentle whisper’ in the sign.
‘9′ is to do with ‘visitation’. There are 9 fruits of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. These are the ‘fruits of the kingdom’ that Jesus is looking for in our lives.(Matt.21:43) Jesus is the Heavenly Fruit Inspector coming to gather evidence to present in the divine court. In Luke 19 he laments over Jerusalem ‘you did not recognize the time of your visitation.’ 40 years later the city was destroyed. The few ‘good figs’ (Jer.24) were the disciples and converts who had recognized and received Him and many were expelled from the land by persecution. They were spared the judgement and began the first stage of the faith journey – justification.
’40’ represents the wilderness training God’s people undergo as these fruits are cultivated through testing and training. (Deut.8) This is the next stage of the faith journey – sanctification.
Between the numbers and letters there is an outline of the State of Minnesota’s border with neighboring Wisconsin giving the profile of a white face. This reminded me of Moses face that shone after encountering God on Mt Sinai, and Jesus on the mount of Transfiguration. Both these incidents prophecy about the change we are anticipating. “Set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.” (1 Pt.1:13)
The double helix reminded me of DNA. When we are changed in our ‘atom-os’ (1 Cor.15:51,52) Our Divine Nature will be Activated. This will be the third and final stage of the faith journey – glorification where we will cross over into the Promised Land, regaining the inheritance that was lost in Adam as we are “filled with all the fulness of God.” (Eph. 3:19)
‘VXL’ spoke to me of ‘the more excellent way’ (1 Cor. 12:31) This is the way of love which is the way of God, who is Love. As we receive the heart of God and the mind of Christ we will be fitted ‘to rule and reign with Him’ in the Great Sabbath Millennium that is almost upon us. (Rev. 20:6)
I believe a major step in this coming into oneness with God is the discovery that while He is absolutely just, as the title of Pope Francis’ book suggests, “The Name of God is Mercy” and that ultimately, and for all, His mercy triumphs over His judgement. (James 2:13)
I believe this song (captured in our basement) captures that heart and mind toward which we are journeying:
I’m so glad I paused to listen……and that you paused to listen too : – ))