No prizes for guessing the question we were asked most often when back in the Brith-ish Isles?
“So what do you think of Donald Trump?”
A hard question to answer in a few minutes. Fortunately I had a quick one line response. “I am not qualified to vote – so I don’t feel responsible to make a judgement!”
Today our renewed Resident Alien cards arrived in the mail. As ‘aliens’ we are not entitled to vote. Since being lead to move here 22 years ago through the story of Abraham who was one of that company who “admitted they were aliens” (Heb.11:13) we have remained comfortable with this status knowing that our ‘true’ ‘citizenship is in heaven’.(Phil.3:20)
We understand that our responsibility in this place is to “Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” (Jeremiah 27:19.) As European exiles, I believe seeking the welfare of our new ‘home’ begins by entering into relationship with those given the original mandate to care for this part of creation……but more about that later.
Back ‘home’ again in our land of exile, after 6 weeks at ‘home’ in our land of origin we see more clearly than ever the connectedness of these, our two ‘homes’
To understand America and ‘The Donald’, whose Scottish name happens to mean ‘world ruler’, I believe you must first understand our ‘tribe’ – the Ulster Scots. One writer entitles his book,’The Other Irish” for when talking about the Irish in America everyone immediately thinks of the great wave of Catholics who came as a result of the Irish famine in the mid 1800s. A hundred years earlier however another breed of Irish from the North and antecedently from Scotland had arrived to play a pivotal role in the embryonic days of this ‘new’ nation. The impact of this people group in shaping the American psyche was enormous….as testified to in movies and books like,”American Sniper” about the life of Chris Kyle (No, not my younger brother : – )) or “Born Fighting” by Jim Webb.
This morning I was doing a project under our kitchen sink! As I entered that still place of the Spirit, I was able to observe myself and my reactions. Father then began pointing things out to me – about me! I recognized a ‘defensive posture’ in my soul. “This is my project, just give me space and let me figure it out myself!!
As I turned from this to the truth, “And God is able to make all grace abound that at all times and in all things having all that you need you will you will abound in every good work.” ( 2 Cor.9:8) I started perceiving in the comments that came from different quarters no longer “threat” but “grace.” I also anticipated the hand of a benevolent God who was working all things (even the contorted pipes and rotting chipboard) together for good! (Rm.8:28)
Within minutes rather than hours the project was completed to everyone’s satisfaction. (Note Gilbert’s grin above – he actually did the lion’s share of the work : -).
I realized the job had ended up a joy! Why? Because I had stopped “fighting”and started “surfing” the wave of grace that awaits all who “trust in his unfailing love.” (Ps.147:11)
So what has this got to do with next week’s election?
You’ll see more clearly in next week’s blog : – ))