Growing up my favorite singer songwriter was…Bob Dylan of course. One of his early albums had the title of this week’s blog, “Bringing it All Back Home.”
Little did I think then that we would one day move to make our home in Dylan’s Home state of Minnesota!
This year, Dylan was surprisingly awarded the Nobel prize for literature. The week before the ceremony, we drove past a red brick house in New York where our daughter now has her home. She pointed to it and said, “That is Patti Smith’s Home.” – an interesting God-incidence, as the next week Dylan’s award was received on his behalf in Oslo, Norway – by Patti Smith.
The other night I heard an interview with the head of the humanitarian agencies working to obtain safe passage for the homeless refugees caught up in the conflict in the Middle east. Interestingly it was also from Oslo, Norway, home of the more famous Nobel Peace prize. He was lamenting that in his 30 years of such work he had never met such opposition from all the warring sides to helping resettle those who had been displaced.
Currently there are an estimated 64 million refugees, people who have been forced to leave their homes...the highest number since WWII.
This physical tragedy is a reflection of an even greater spiritual tragedy as countless millions go through life never finding their true Home.…..with Father God.
The news report of Dylan’s award ceremony seemed typically sensational, focusing on how Patti Smith had forgotten the words of a song because she was so nervous…..then I realized mistakes are often Father getting our attention….the song she was singing was, “It’s A Hard Rain’s Gonna Fall.” – a song protesting the injustice and suffering in our world.
Although it may not have been Dylan’s intent, I believe the chorus prophesies of a coming outpouring of the rain of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit that cries “Abba Father”…….Bringing Them All Back Home
In the American culture of “show business” and “big events” pentecostal prophets speak of future miracle rallies in filled sports stadiums
Our vision sees God’s kingdom culture of “authentic love” being expressed in “everyday life” centered not just in human constructions but in that God ordained construct called – the HOME
“…..a man will leave his mother and father and be joined to his wife and THE TWO BECOME ONE…”(Gen.2:24)
It is out of this unity of spirit soul and body that the PEACEABLE KINGDOM OF GOD on earth begins.
God wants to redeem “ME AND MY CLACHAN” – that it not be a fear based greed driven unit but in accordance with His design – a welcoming and safe place of living faith and healing love for all.
It has been our privilege to experience that grace here in America. Since moving to Rivendell 15 years ago I recently counted for the first time those who Father has brought, not just to visit but to live for a season in this house of his love. There were over 50, beyond our own 7 children and their families. As I reflected on the various needs they had arrived with, and on how a sample of them were doing now……I was encouraged : – )
She did get healed from diabetes.
He did get freed from that lifelong addiction
She did find a husband and have the child that she longed for
She did find a husband and have that child that she longed for (yes another one : – )
He did get restored from abuse as a child
She did stop anti-depressants – and find joy again
He did get reconciled to his nasty grandpa.
She did come to peace…. and not take her own life.
He did find a shelter when the court case was headlines
She did find a job teaching disadvantaged children.
He did get the degree and is helping suicidal young people.
They did get married.
They did stay married!
and make their own
Thank you Father!
The Kingdom or Tabernacles age is depicted in Zeph 3:10:
“In that day,’ declares the Lord of hosts, ‘every one of you will invite his neighbor to sit under his vine and his fig tree [enjoying peace and prosperity in the kingdom].’” (Amplified.)
“‘At that time, everyone will get along with one another, with friendly visits across the fence, friendly visits on one another’s porches.’” (Message)
Our son Robin recently planted 24 trees and bushes in our yard – apple, apricot, plum, pawpaw, cherry and hazelbert nut. We look forward to them maturing in the years to come…..alongside this imperfect expression of a coming perfect, Kingdom of heaven on earth.
Very many thanks to all of you who have joined with us over the years in this vision.
May the love of Christ fill your hearts and your homes in this season of hope!
Paul and Hilary