Thank you Collins for responding to last week’s blog with Psalm 45:3. ‘Ride forth victoriously on behalf of truth, humility and justice.”
I think the order here is significant. It is only when in the pursuit of truth we dismount in humility from our ‘hobby horses’, denounce our idols and desist from our isms that we are freed to ride with Jesus the just Judge who puts things right.
The antidote to all human sch-ism is God’s coming king-dom of justice, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.(Rm.14:17) This kingdom “Is better felt than telt.”
At a meeting I was at recently, some indignant young white folk were ‘shaking the fist’ at President Trump. Then painfully but peacefully a young native woman began to speak.
“I am of the minority group. I know what it is to be horribly abused and maligned. If I allowed myself to go there I could imagine some very scary scenarios……but as I have gone instead to Father God he has directed me to 2 Timothy 2:1-4
1 First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, 2 for kings and all who are in authority, in order that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. 3 This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires [thelei, “will have”] all men [including those in authority] to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
and so I am going to pray for this President.”
The kingdom was ‘felt’!
To enter and dwell in this kingdom the most important sch-ism to discern is that between our soul and our spirit, for the kingdom consists in…. the Spirit.(Rm.14:17) The word of God, we’re told, is alive and active piercing to the division of soul and spirit.(Heb.4:12) It is when we are in tune with God’s active and living word within us that we can discern what is soul and what is spirit. The soul can get dressed up in all sorts of ‘religious’ as well as ‘spiritual’ language and behavior…but it is still soul. It shouts down the still small voice of my spirit and leaves me devoid of real peace and joy as the true ‘child of God’ me.
Paul writes to the Corinthians,
“I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be lead astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ. For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it easily enough.” (2 Cor.11:2-4)
I share Paul’s fear that we live too much in our souls with our dominant reality being what I think, what I feel, what I want. As such we are susceptible to manipulation by the worldly voices in the media – mainstream and social. (See Dec.6th blog)
We can take the title “Christian” but God looks into our hearts checking for sincerity and purity. I believe that is what he found in that young Indian woman’s heart.
I have written much about our Indian friends, but since coming to America, Father has also given us some great Cowboy friends with a similar ‘sincere and pure devotion to Christ.’
One of them, a prophetic brother who lives near the Canadian boarder was ‘horse whispering’ long before it became fashionable. His painting above is entitled “Self portrait with 45 and Stamping’ Kid.” I treasure the memory of running along the Northwoods trails beside Joel as he rode bareback a magnificent creature with whom he had developed an Edenic relationship. Joel was recently lead to connect with the local Natives. His daughter laughingly told me, “He’s pretty conservative….. except for the Standing Rock pipeline where now he is standing solidly with the Indians!”
Another Cowboy who first visited us in Belfast many years ago has been released by Father from his tough inner city teaching vocation to return to the family homestead in rural Nebraska to raise cattle in a God, earth and creature honoring way. Pete and Sandi have also found themselves caring for many disenfranchised young people in that area in an expression of ‘Father’s house’ similar to our own.
The Western narrative I and the rest of the world was raised on, pits Cowboys and Indians against one another as enemies.
These Cowboy and Indian friends of ours, inhabit the same land and are united in the same king-dom where they reverence and honor, with sincere and pure hearts, the same Creator and the same King.
This is the hope for America…and the whole earth.
Please watch the short video below.