My friend Mike shared with me how he had wakened the other day with the song “Now is the Time” playing in his mind. I remarked that I had just been talking to Ben about finishing our album “The Whole of Creation”. Ben had felt he should include a second version of that song on it. As we drove into Minneapolis airport this morning there it was for the third time on a giant billboard in front of us,………”NOW IS THE TIME”
Another song that’s been going round in my mind the last few days is entitled, “Are you Ready for the Storm?” As I went walking yesterday humming the melody, my attention was caught by the above tree…… an oak that looked like it had been twisted in two by powerful winds.
I recounted the verse in Psalm 29:9 “The voice of the Lord twists the oaks and strips the forests bare, and in his temple all cry “Glory!’
A footnote gives another quite different reading, of “twists the oaks” – ‘Causes the deer to give birth’
A few years ago I went for a walk with my friend Brian Rupe, a YMCA camp director in Pennsylvania. He was pointing out the damage done by a tornado that had just touched down on the property. As we gazed at those contorted oak trees strikingly illustrating that verse…… a mother deer walked across our path with her two newborn!!
The power of God’s voice that destroys is also the power that creates.
Atop the twisted oak above did you notice the figure….wielding a sickle?
Before leaving home I snapped another picture of the original painting by Colin Davidson that is the cover of the Come Lord Jesus album inspired by the verse in Rev 14:15………“Thrust in your sickle and reap for the time to reap has come for the harvest of the earth is ripe.’
Do you notice the background as the harvester goes about his business?
In these dark days of gathering storm clouds in our world we ready ourselves to receive the wind of the Spirit, that will tear down …..and at the same time bring to birth in order to bring in the harvest of the earth.
I lifted the painting off the wall and initially tried different positions to avoid the reflection from the glass, but then I realized I should just snap it “as is”, on our ‘star quilt’ gift from our Indian friends with the emerging light….
In Peter’s words reflecting on his “mount of transfiguration” experience
“We weren’t, you know, just wishing on a star when we laid the facts out before you regarding the powerful return of our Master, Jesus Christ. We were there for the preview! We saw it with our own eyes: Jesus resplendent with light from God the Father as the voice of Majestic Glory spoke: “This is my Son, marked by my love, focus of all my delight.” We were there on the holy mountain with him. We heard the voice out of heaven with our very own ears.
We couldn’t be more sure of what we saw and heard—God’s glory, God’s voice. The prophetic Word was confirmed to us. You’ll do well to keep focusing on it. It’s the one light you have in a dark time as you wait for daybreak and the rising of the Morning Star in your hearts.” (2 Pt. 1:16-19 Msg.)
As we arrived in Amsterdam, once again insistently from the Father came the message: