The last blog finished with the children singing “Deliver me”
The Passion translation renders Psalm 8:2,
“You have built a stronghold by the songs of children. Strength rises up with the chorus of infants. This kind of praise has power to shut Satan’s mouth. Childlike worship will silence the madness of those who oppose you.”
The last two blogs have highlighted this ‘madness’ and our need to ask Our Father. “…..and deliver us from evil”
The heroic, Dr Joseph Mercola for years has talked about the benefit of vitamin D. Adequate levels of this important nutrient are likely the single most important factor in maintaining health in the face of the ‘covid’ crisis. Fraudulently labelled by the government and Mainstream media as part of a “Disinformation Dozen” this Joseph has been marginalized and maligned by the Mainstream fraternity of ‘healers’
A few days ago he published as always a well researched article entitled, “The Two Biggest Thugs in Modern Day History.” The article is of course unavailable now because of how truth continues to be suppressed and free speech censored. The two people he described, both featured in videos in my last two blogs.
I knew in advance about one of them, because I had an experience one night many months ago when the Lord woke me and said, “I am going to show you evil.” I waited, expecting to see maybe Hitler, Mao, Stalin or Gengis Khan. Instead, it was the so-called ‘healer’ Dr. Anthony Fauci who appeared in front to me.
I fear both Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates will ultimately be seen to be responsible for the deaths of millions of people.
As Dr. Peck points out in “People of the Lie” these ones who are being used as instruments of great evil should be the object of our pity rather than our anger, for ‘There but for the grace of God go I.”
Deliverance however, is at hand.
Evil is as old as the devil, God’s servant, who we read was already on the JOB, in the oldest book of the bible!
Another one of his early assignments was when he incited the fraternity of Israel’s jealous sons to throw their young brother, Joseph, into a pit, maybe to kill him, certainly to sell him into slavery.
And yet the end of that story which becomes the end of every story, where the devil has been given his head, is when Joseph’s brother’s, recognizing their error, fall down in terror before the one they have betrayed. Joseph responds by saying to his brothers,
“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, THE SAVING OF MANY LIVES.” (Gen.50:20)
The Satanic depopulation agenda that has been advanced by the likes of Fauci and Gates is clearly of evil intent. Jesus contrasted the devil’s INTENT to his own when he said in John 10:10,
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”
As the enemy’s evil plans to rob us of life becomes more and more exposed and obvious, so God’s greater plan that we might experience MORE ABUNDANT LIFE is also being revealed in our day!
Both the story of Joseph and the story of Job affirm to us that,
….after we have gone through some real pain,
we see how……
“God works ALL things together for GOOD.”
….both for us and for our family and friends.
I have been referencing personal prophecies we received in 1990 from the prophets Bob Jones and Paul Cain, that are being fulfilled NOW – in this 32nd year. Interestingly 32 represents God’s covenant promises!
At the time we received them we were leading a fellowship called, Community of the King in Belfast. In recent years we have worked under the title Coming King, derived from the song “Lord Jesus we enthrone You, we proclaim You are King…..Come Lord Jesus and take your place.”
At a large meeting in Maysfield Leisure Centre, never having met us and in the natural knowing nothing about us, Paul Cain signaled us out, named us and began to speak……
“I see you sitting in a place where there is a number 6 – and you’re looking in number 8 where the King’s presence is supposed to be dwelling…. and it’s not as exciting as it used to be. But the King is still there…. and He’s coming! …………..”
“Is this making sense to you? – Wave your hand if it is – Sure it is!”
It sure did make sense, because at the time we lived in a semi detached (duplex) – number 6, Kensington Drive. We had put a door on our landing through to the other part of the duplex which was number 8!….. Number 8 housed the office for Community of the King!
Paul went on to say,
‘You’re going to have such inner peace, and ‘glory’s’ and ‘hallelujah’s’ springing out of your life.
He finished with,
“I’m letting him see my face again and he’s going to see my glory….and you’re going to walk all the days of your life in the house of the King – in the fellowship of the King! Great joy is going to accompany this in the name of the Lord!”
I recently realized that this year I turned 68. 6 + 8 = 14. 14 is the number for DELIVERANCE
“So what is the significance of the photo?” ‘ You’re wondering.
You might recognize our neighbor John. He arrived up a few months ago in great pain and with very restricted movement in his left arm. He had dislocated his shoulder. He had delayed seeking medical attention because in his own words. “I ain’t going to that hospital cause they’re going to want to ‘jab’ me!'”
So I had him sit down and with the help of Duck Duck Go, refreshed my Med’ school memory, and then began pushing and shoving and twisting and turning in an attempt to reduce the dislocation. All however to no avail. As you can see, he’s a big man and it looked like he’d left it too long.
“Ah well John.” I said. “We’re just going to have to ask God to heal it!”
We prayed, and he left.
John came to our circle the other night, and I asked him, “John how is the shoulder?
“Look” He said, stretching his arm in the air. “No Pain!”
He had forgotten to mention it!
We had a good laugh together, and lots of ‘glorys’ and ‘hallelujah’s’
D(ELIVERANCE) DAY is for HERE and for NOW!