Painting by Numbers.
Last week Hilary and I went to the Passport Application Center to apply for our US passports.
We got our numbers, 66 and 67. My mind went immediately to favorite Psalms 66 and 67
“Come and see what God has done……whose eyes keep watch on the nations – let not the rebellious exalt themselves.”
“May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, that your way may be known upon earth your saving power among all nations.”
We waited by the number dispenser and noticed that as another man took his number, another number fell to the ground.
Sensing it was significant I stooped down, picked it up, and put it in my pocket.
It was the number 72. 72 can represent all the nations.*
Back home a few minutes later, my eye was caught by this headline,
“72 nations PUBLICLY worship satanic idols.”
So I turned to read the article below about the opening ceremony of “The Commonwealth Games” – a ‘commonwealth’ that we had a few minutes earlier taken a step away from!
The USA in it’s origins (unlike Canada) rebelled against the Crown and the British Empire (that has morphed now into “The Commonwealth”) asserting it’s independence. This independence however was later compromised as the private bankers from Europe found a way to establish control again in 1871 when the constitution was treasonously altered from “the constitution for the united states of America’, becoming instead a Corporation under ‘the constitution of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.”
I realize in our becoming citizens we have become ‘slaves’ to this Corporation. We are OK with this as it is a step of identification, in order to co-operate with the Lord’s plan to ‘set the slaves free’ in America, and worldwide from this evil, represented in the ‘Central Bank’ entity.
The article also speaks about the number 666 which as you can see, also featured in the three tickets, as I lined them up!
This number is dealt with in depth in a GKM study on Revelation. It explains the negative aspect of the number which most are aware of, but also then the positive aspect which most are not aware of. Stephen Jones writes,
“The beast’s number is 666, but that does not mean that he has obtained it legitimately or that it truly belongs to him. What if he has usurped this number and is using it unlawfully? What if this number actually belongs to Jesus Christ? This may seem like a strange view, until we see that the numeric value of the phrase “and his number is six hundred and sixty-six” is 2368.”
The number 2368 is the numeric value of Jesus Christ in Greek. Jesus is 888, and Christ is 1480. Adding them together comes to 2368. Built into the actual Greek text is a number which reveals the one whose number is 666. It does not belong to the beast, but to Jesus Christ, for He alone is the perfect man represented by three sixes.
Furthermore, the three Greek letters making up the number 666 are: chi, 600, which is short for Christos); xi, 60, which is a cross; and stigma, 6, which means “pierced.” Does not this describe the cross on which the Messiah was to be pierced?
Therefore, I believe we might paraphrase verse 18 above to read: “Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, which he usurped; for the number is that of a particular man, Jesus Christ; and His number is six hundred and sixty-six.”
This blog linked below, and the subsequent 4 blogs, deal with this in depth, and leaves us encouraged and hopeful about how God will indeed humble the nations of the earth, but He will then, as I did
‘stoop down, pick them up, and put them in his pocket!!
……as His glorious kingdom is established throughout “all the nations“!
*“In the Septuagint, there are 72 nations listed in the Table of Nations in Genesis 10. However in the Masoretic Text, it only lists 70.
This means, it is likely, the copies saying 72 disciples were sent out are referencing the Septuagint. While those scribes used 70 were referencing a different source, the one used to compile the Masoretic Text.
So symbolically speaking, in Luke 10, these 70/72 disciples were sent to the nations. This means all the nations will hear the Gospel of Jesus.”
O.D.S. Endweave. Part 3.
In the previous blog I talked about how Our Donegal Sandwich was made up of two personalized slices of ‘bread’ in the Elijah Streams episode, before and after the meat of Johnny Enlow’s presentation about the prophetic significance of this year’s Belmont Stakes.
Then I began talking about ‘the meat’ of the sandwich Johnny unpacked and how it too had a personalized significance for us.
The winner of the race was called MO DONEGAL.
In Endweave Part 1 I talked about the MO aspect. The revelation MOses had on the MOuntain was to do with the nature of God. In response to Moses request that God show him his glory He says, “I will make all my goodness pass before you..” In other words God’s glory is his goodness! This is further expanded on when God describes himself.
“The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, 7 keeping steadfast love for the thousandth generation,forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, yet by no means clearing the guilty, but visiting the iniquity of the parents upon the children and the children’s children, to the THIRD and FOURTH generation.” (Ex.34:6,7 NRSV)
Mo Donegal’s owner was Mike Repole. Mike said the victory was ‘The end of a 40 year journey.’ 40 represents a generation.
I went back today to the start of this blogging assignment 76 months ago! This is the number for Cleansing. I grew up living at #76, and riding the #76 bus!
My BeLOnGings introduction featured a photograph of our family: guess where?
Yes, Donegal.
In September 2015 our family had returned to Ireland for our 40th wedding anniversary.
This photograph of our family as it was then on our 40th, standing on a plot of land owned by my father and mother, thus encompasses 3 or 4 generations.
Johnny linked Mo Donegal’s win to Donald Trump’s Scottish/Irish ancestry and to the Hebridean revival.
Donald means, ‘ruler of the world.’
Johnny’s main point from his notes was….
• DON and EGAL. DON = Trump. EGAL means “equal.” Egalitarian = “based on the idea that PEOPLE are equally important and should have the same rights and opportunities.” “All humans are equal in fundamental worth.”
I believe God is indeed ‘Cleansing’ worldwide as we anticipate the coming of His kingdom government for the benefit of all mankind in the Age of Tabernacles.
In September 2018 we were lead to celebrate the feast of Tabernacles in Donegal.
I realized the Donegal coat of arms (pictured above) represents both the first work of Christ in the cross, and the second work in the hand carrying the message of the cross in ‘Tabernacles’ power throughout the earth.
We sensed it was Father’s time to fulfill the vision of Patrick/Brigit/Columba where the fire of God is rekindled again in Ireland beginning in the north and spreading throughout the land and the whole earth. Bob Jones prophesied to us, “I’ve given you a vision, an awakening; and it’s absolutely going to happen!” This vision is portrayed in the song, ‘O Ireland’. The final verse goes….
O Ireland from whence the gospel light was shed
O Ireland the dove now hovers o’er your head
Only in Jesus could you ever be
One in heart completely free
And once again God’s love proclaim
A burning heart in Jesus name.
2018 was also the year when Pope Francis visited Ireland for the World Meeting of Families. We sought to be the ‘Amen’ on earth to our Father’s revealed will from heaven as 10 of us gathered to worship and pray in a ‘famine cottage’ in Donegal. That Sunday morning Paul McAree came to me excitedly saying ‘Listen to this!”……. It was ‘O Ireland’ being played on the radio!
The final service of the WMOF event had ended earlier than planned, and so the EWTN program presenter had chosen to play ‘a song, written by Irish singer songwriter, Paul Kyle’
She thought it was “to fill in time“, but we knew it was “to confirm God’s time” for the vision to be realized.
EWTN is the most listened to Christian radio station in the world. That morning, the song was literally heard by millions of people in nearly every country on earth!
(This does not reflect one way or another on the pope or EWTN. They are merely conveyers of, as that blog series was entitled, an “Irish Road Sign” from the Lord.)
I have written before about how a similar vision to Patrick’s for Ireland was given to George Washington…….. for the USA……. also with ‘the light’ beginning in the north!
In that same blog I told the amazing story of how we then ‘to the minute’ arrived in Letterkenny, “The Cathedral Town” of Donegal for the commissioning of an American friend, one of 46 young people to take the gospel throughout Ireland. I described the significance of the number 46 as it relates to the restoration of our temple (Jn. 2:20)
After watching the Johnny Enlow video, I then came across the above video by Rachel, (gematria 47) ‘the Writeside Blonde’. It is a fascinating ‘decoding’ of the George magazines, launched by John F, Kennedy Jr.
It just so happens that the edition covering Donald Trump….. was edition 47.
The next President will be….. the 47th.
The week of the Belmont 2022 when Mo Donegal won, Hilary and I were in Donegal ……..celebrating our 47th Wedding anniversary!
Just sayin’
O.D.S. Endweave 2.
Two of the other ‘End Time’ ‘strands’ we have seen Father weave together and been borne out in our own experience have been Ireland and America, who have a shared destiny.
Yesterday Hilary and I became US citizens. We weren’t asked to surrender our U.K. passports, so I reckon we are now dual citizens on earth. Our more important citizenship is of course in heaven!
Gilbert who pipped us at the post having become a citizen a few months ago took the above photograph. After looking at my ‘Naturalization‘ certification he said, “You do know Dad that now from the US authorities point of view St. Paul (where the ceremony took place) is your (st. paul) birthplace, and today is your birthdate?”
It happened to be 27 years after we moved here, and 27 months after we applied for citizenship. As I have mentioned before this has been my ‘life number’
We had a momentary panic that morning because as I reread my letter at 8.40, I realized my ceremony had been scheduled in St. Paul for 8.45! We hurriedly jumped into the car for the 30 minute drive!. As we sped away Hilary looked at her letter. Her ceremony was scheduled for 9.45. When the two letters had arrived a few weeks before, I had opened her letter and then assumed my time was the same as hers…. not an hour earlier! When we did arrive the official reassured us saying, it was not a problem.
Father reminded me of St.Paul’s words, “Last of all, as though I had been born at the wrong time, I also saw him.” (1 Cor.15:8 LBT)
Although ‘humanly speaking’ I was an hour late, from heaven’s perspective, ………..everything had happened precisely when it was meant to!
I could sense the volunteers assisting at the ceremony were mainly middle aged, middle class, blue state (Democrat) white ladies. They were ‘excited’ about welcoming this internationally diverse group into the country, and were expecting the participants to be equally ‘excited’.
We had a mixture of responses. It seemed bizarre that we had to affirm we had not been involved in “prostitution, helping anyone enter the United States illegally, or trafficking in controlled substances”. Crimes which the President and his son of our new homeland between them have clearly been guilty of!
Committing to a ‘more perfect union‘ resonated in our spirits as we know we have come with knowledge of the One who alone can make this aspiration possible.
I felt an empathy for those dear Democrat ladies and their hospitable hearts, but realized that it is by speaking TRUTH in LOVE that we are to grow up in every way into maturity. Majoring on love and denying the truth is as dangerous as majoring in truth and denying the love.
The line from the song Easy Solutions came to mind where when the ‘abortionist’ stands before God he hears the words,
“Yes I know you meant well
But the way down to hell
Was paved with your good intentions.’
We ignore the truth of God expressed in his laws at our peril personally and as a nation.
Thankfully that was not the end of the song or the story. That song is more relevant today than ever. Check it out on Spotify : – )*
* The Ascent of the Bright Hostage.
O.D.S. Endweave 1.
Having looked at the personalized slices of ‘bread’ offered to us in the Elijah Streams interview I now turn toward ‘the meat’ of Our Donegal Sandwich.
Mo Donegal was the name of the winner in the Belmont.
Johnny Enlow linked Mo to momentum, Moses and mountain.
I would add another. Mo is short for Maureen a friend and prophetic intercessor who we journeyed with ‘up the mountain’ in Belfast.
I had been lead to call our last gathering ENDWEAVE. Maureen’s husband Bill wrote to me the following day.
“Maureen was not aware that you had termed last night’s gathering, Endweave.
The word she got from The Lord, the day before our get together was, “Watch how I WEAVE everything together. Every strand is important and has it’s place.”
God’s weaving together can be seen with the ‘big picture’ but also with us, ‘little people’
Over the years I can recall three experiences where at a designated time and place akin to Moses in Exodus 33/34 I experienced God ‘brushing past me’. One of these instances was in Donegal.
We began to meet with a group we were training as a prayer team for the FREEDOM! retreat. One of the group and her husband were a well known and much loved and respected couple in the community in Northern Ireland and active in mission work far beyond. They were both doctors and seemed fit and well, but a few weeks into our visit, her husband, suddenly and unexpectedly died! He had just turned 70 years a few days before.
Obviously this dear sister had to drop out of the team training and the retreat. She told us that after the funeral, (that was attended by many hundreds of people) she intended to ‘get away’ to spend time alone with the Lord. She would go to stay with her sister in a caravan on a piece of land her family had owned for generations – in Donegal.
We were amazed to then discover this ‘piece of land’ was the ‘mountain’ where a few years before I had my ‘Moses-type encounter’ with the Lord!
A week later she arrived back in Belfast, in time to be welcomed back into our ‘koinonia’ circle at our final ENDWEAVE gathering. As we entered into worship, we began singing,
“On the day you were born I danced over you on the day you were born I rejoiced
On the day you were born all heaven proclaimed,
‘You’re the child of my love you’re my choice.'”
At one point I opened, and couldn’t believe, my eyes. She and another one of the sisters, were in the centre of the circle, engaged in a divinely choreographed dance!**
“Freedom! Freedom! Freedom to dance and sing!
When you know the love of the Father
When you know the love of the King.”
It was a holy moment – too sacred for a photograph…… had anyone even thought!!
She then shared how in the very same spot I had my encounter, she had her own Moses experience on that Donegal mountain, and that her heavenly Father had spoken to her through the words of a song,
“You give and take away. You give and take away.
My heart will choose to say,
Lord blessed be your name.”
I realized those words from the book of Job were being recast. Instead of a disgruntled wife goading her husband with “Curse God and die!” here was a woman recently widowed who had been touched by the glory and the goodness of God, freely acknowledging as she danced and sang the truth that “From him and through him and to him are all things!”
She shared how she had owned the Zeph.3:17 scripture, on which the FREEDOM! song was based since her baptism, when it had been sung over her.
“Yahweh your God is there with you, the warrior – Savior.
He will rejoice over you with happy song.
He will renew you by his love.
He will dance with shouts of joy for you!”
…..and now more than ever……. she knew the reality of it!
In looking for photos from the area I came across this one and thought “How appropriate!”
…..for ‘godly grief’ leaves us with ‘no trace’ of regret, but as our sister acknowledged, – only Gratitude, for that which our Father, who dances with delight over us, has given!*
* (2Cor. 7:10)
** I did witness this once before when one evening in our Upper Room during worship, another dear friend shortly after her husband was taken home, abandoned herself to the Lord in dance, partnering on that occasion with her beautiful and beloved banners!
A Few Good Men.
I have so much meat in ‘Our Donegal Sandwich’ it is taking some time to see how to arrange it!
In the meantime I was given this piece. Juan O Savin, David Sumrall and Trennis Evans are three good men who using the framework of Proverbs 6: 16-19 describe what really happened from their perspective on Jan 6th on that “Bloody Hill”
Again it is a long watch also at 1hr29 minutes(?), but it behoves us, certainly as Americans to be properly informed as it is literally ‘on this hill’ that America will live or die.
The corollary of the Proverbs passage is of course our aspiration to ascend ‘the hill of the Lord‘, as described in Psalm 24
3 Who may ascend the hill of the Lord?
Who may stand in his holy place?
4 The one who has clean hands and a pure heart,
who does not trust in an idol
or swear by a false god.
5 They will receive blessing from the Lord
and vindication from God their Savior.
6 Such is the generation of those who seek him,
who seek your face, God of Jacob.
7 Lift up your heads, you gates;
be lifted up, you ancient doors,
that the King of glory may come in.
8 Who is this King of glory?
The Lord strong and mighty,
the Lord mighty in battle.
9 Lift up your heads, you gates;
lift them up, you ancient doors,
that the King of glory may come in.
10 Who is he, this King of glory?
The Lord Almighty—
he is the King of glory.
This we can and will do, by the grace of God and the virtue of the blood of Jesus, the King of glory.
Our Donegal Sandwich. Part 1.
On our return to the US I was directed to watch the following……
Please permit me to be a bit more personal on this blog.
In 1990 in Baltimore, the prophet Bob Jones prophecied to the leadership of Community of the King. His word for Hilary and I was……
“I see you under tremendous stress. I see the enemy trying to tell you, “It’s not going to happen in your life.” But the Lord is saying, “Yes it is! I’ve given you vision, an awakening and it’s absolutely going to happen” The enemy’s going to use every religious spirit he can against both of you to keep you from accomplishing those things that the Lord wants you to do. He’s got people just as close to you as he could get them to hammer you. He hasn’t brought you down. I saw a lot of opposition against people as I prayed for them today but you two have got the strongest opposition I’ve seen yet. Therefore you’ve got the strongest grace. You’ve got the strongest help. And I’m going to tell you you’re in the place of your anointing. and you aren’t deceived.”
This was at the height of the Northern Ireland ‘Troubles’ when we’d been called to lead a fellowship made up of believers from the two waring communities. The Community of the King described not just what we were but whose we were, and it was our allegiance to King Jesus that would be, and still is, being tested.
I have come to realize that this was just a practice run for what lay ahead – the last few years!
When I went to watch the above Elijah Streams episode I thought “It’s a bit long!” But every minute of the 1hr 29 was worth it and had a powerful application for me and by extension if you have been reading these blogs for some time – for you : – )
The meat of the sandwich is Donegal. Mo Donegal was the name of the horse that won the Belmont Stakes in The Triple Crown on June 11th. Johnny Enlow’s profound prophetic interpretation of that race runs from the 20 minute mark to the 60 minute mark. As you know I have written much about Donegal over the years. I will reserve comments on that for the next blog. In this blog I will look at the ‘bread’ Father used to make up my personalized sandwich: -)
The first 20 minutes consists of Steve and Johnny discussing their previous episode with Juan O Savin (whom we have previously recommended). One of the issues that had created controversy was Juan’s strong language.
When I wrote and recorded the song “All Will Be Well” my use of a 4 letter word also created controversy. You can follow our conversation in the comments section here after the song on Youtube. Then when in Ireland another brother approached me and said he thought I was definitely wrong to use that word. I found Steve and Johnny’s apologetic was not only insightful and wise but a personal wink from ‘Dad’ : – )
The other personalized slice of ‘bread’ was to do with the question Johnny answered at the 60 minute mark about the exposure of church leaders who had been ‘bought off’ by the Deep State with regard to Covid and ‘the jab’
Personally we have experienced over the last few years in Bob’s words, being ‘hammered’ again, both from a financial and psychological point of view by people close to us. Thankfully I have not yielded to this pressure but have continued to speak about what God has been revealing to us. Once you’ve seen something it’s hard to unsee it! This has simply been the grace of God working in us. (1 Cor.15:10)
In Ireland we had three instances of loosing something…… having to let it go to God……. and then finding it again. Our friends bought us the tee shirt as you see above : -)
One of my Donegal blogs on September 18th 2019, Amazing Grace Country, told of how Donegal was in fact the location where the song Amazing Grace had been written.
The first verse goes. “I once was lost but now I’m found………….and then………was blind, but now I see.”
We hold nothing against those dear friends who have opposed us but have released them to God and continue to pray that they be blessed with the grace that where they are blind they might come to see even as we wish the same for ourselves.
Today for the first time in months I ran out of the local wood and circled back to find the return path.
The topography had changed. The path was no longer there….blocked by a fallen tree.
I realized, “I just need to stop, reflect and change direction……to find my way home.”
Over the last few years the world’s topography has changed dramatically.
I guess being willing to stop, reflect and then if necessary change direction, is the grace called repentance. (Acts 3:26)
We are thankful that unbeknownst to us our covenant keeping God was preparing us for all of this 32 years ago!
What a Dad!
P.S. Here are Johnny’s rough draft notes from this episode.
P.S. The Truth About Cows and Climate
After posting yesterday’s blog I came across this excellent presentation by one of our favs, Dr. Paul Saladino.
He lays out the science that cows and sheep have a very minimal effect on raising greenhouse gasses and that regenerative agriculture using livestock is in fact the way in which our sick soil can be healed.
If you watch the whole video it will also clarify my comment about the 415 ppm CO2 level being the lowest….which it is, over millions of years, even though the level has been rising a little over the last few decades.
He points out that this topic comes under the category “If you tell a lie often enough it becomes accepted as a fact”
Saving the Shire
On our flight back to Northern Ireland we discovered that Belfast has the dubious honor of being selected by the World Economic Forum to be one of it’s ‘Smart’ Cities.
“Ouch!” I thought “If this happens It really will ‘smart’ for those we love who live there!”
Sure enough 5G transmitters could be seen popping up everywhere. One family we know who are ‘awake’ to the New World Order’s agenda, were in the process of leaving their beautiful city home for the country. Sadly however most folk in the “Shire” are sleepily unaware of the reality of Mordor and the impending danger.
Arriving back in the US we again were dismayed to read of how ‘climate hysteria’ had lead to a plan being enacted to slaughter one million cattle and sheep in Northern Ireland, supposedly to ‘save the planet’
Sadly many believe this ‘Mainstream’ non-sense without question! The rush to ‘decarbonize’ is puzzling when the CO2 level is at an all time low of 413 ppm. From my high school biology I seem to remember that lower down on the food chain this was essential for the earth’s plants to conduct photosynthesis!
Here is a report that gives insight into the war in which we are all engaged and how we can like the Dutch farmers righteously respond.
The good news is that God is sovereign and reigns over all! Over the next few days I plan to finish my report on how we witnessed his saving hand at work over our days in Northern Ireland!
In Life and Death We Belong to God
Dr Carrie Madej describes in this next video how within the last week she and her friend Dr. Zelenko, “went home”……… one on earth and one to heaven.
She tells of her own miraculous escape from a plane crash in this latest episode of Critically Thinking with the 5 docs. Her amazing story begins at the 47.40 minute mark. (The earlier part describes the depth of evil we are facing but also talks about some suppressed therapies that are now becoming available)
These are two courageous servants of God I have referenced in previous blogs.
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