One of the songs we pulled out of the archive to sing at our Citizenship Celebration event was Land of Opportunity.*
The chorus goes,
“Welcome young man to the Land of Opportunity
Every day she’ll come knocking on your door
Welcome young man to the Land of Opportunity
But shhh!… Don’t you ask what that opportunity’s for
I said shhh!…. Don’t you ask what that opportunity’s for.
Boy, did it strike me as more prophetic than ever, for these days, in which we live!
I have been reading For The Sake of America, by Sheila Holm in which she recounts how over the last few years God has taken her on a journey of discovery, unearthing the ‘real’ history of the USA – the history you will not find written in the school textbooks!
It is a story about the First Nations who were given stewardship of this land by the Creator. Then the Pilgrims who were among the first to arrive from Europe, who shared this vision from heaven for this Land of Opportunity.
I remember back in 1993 in Belfast, reading of the Pilgrims, “Some came for land, some came for money, but they came to pray, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on this part of earth, and then from this part of earth to the uttermost parts of the earth, as it is in heaven,”
This solidified our conviction that we were to ‘imitate their faith’ and forsaking our homeland, we set out the next year on the same journey and with the same purpose.
The Land of Opportunity song appeared on the first album of our Trilogy chronicling our ‘ADD – venture‘ of faith.
Someone at the celebration night commented to me, “Did you realize that when you put the three albums together, The Ascent, The Trek and the Voyage (picturing us traversing mountain, plain and ocean) you get an ATV?…an Alll Terrian Vehicle!
“Ha!” I chuckled. “I never saw that before!”
In Sheila Holm’s book she uncovers the story of the ‘good guys’ whose aspiration is represented in the Faith Monument we visited on one of our early assignments, at Plymouth Rock. The Pilgrims knew as they fled oppression they were being given by God in their new homeland a unique OPPORTUNITY – FOR GOOD.
The humbling story of the Pilgrims, their faith, courage and sacrificial love is well told in the movie MONUMENTAL by Kirk Cameron which I would highly recommend here.
The movie leads up to a visit to the little known Faith Monument, the significance of which is imperative for our day. It describes the strategy given the Pilgrims that informed the Founding Fathers as they drafted the Foundational documents.
Faith points to heaven with one hand, for God must be the object of our Faith, and in the other hand holds a bible, the source of His Word. Four other figures represent Morality holding the Ten Commandments in one hand and the scroll of Revelation in the other. Her eyes are shut as character is formed first on the inward heart before being expressed outwardly in Law, applied with Justice and Mercy. Education depicts a Youth being taught by a mother together with Wisdom, represented by a Grandparent standing on a globe and pointing to the bible! (I warmed to this in the light of the current opportunity I have with three of my grandsons in WW4K : – ) Finally Liberty is seated with a sword, prepared to protect family and liberty, subduing Tyranny to achieve Peace.
Sheila however, then also uncovers the story of ‘the bad guys‘ who have infiltrated the nation in an attempt to derail it from God’s original purpose. They see it as a Land of OPPORTUNITY – FOR EVIL!
Their aspirations were represented in The Georgia Guidestones. The first of the Satanic ten commandments thereon is all you need to read, to begin making sense of the madness of the last few years.
“Maintain earth’s population at 500,000,000” That goal would require killing 13 out of every 14 people currently alive on earth! She describes in detail (too much sometimes for me : – ) the diabolical infiltration of this nation’s institutions.
We know that this Luciferian plan is doomed to fail…… as God’s people apply 2 Chronicles 7:14, and each of us play our scripted part in ‘the story God has written.’
Currently God is ‘sifting out the hearts of men before his judgement seat.‘ as “The Battle Hymn of (or was that for) the Republic” states so prophetically.
We are at another, “Choose you this day whom you will serve? “ moment. Are we a part of the devil’s, Great ReSet or a part of God’s, Great Awakening? Is our purpose in being here on earth and at this time and in America, to acquire ‘fame and fortune’, or to grow in, “All that really matters – faith expressing itself through love.’ (Gal.5:6)?
Back To The Future was one of the movies we watched in Belfast that God used to confirm to us we were to come here. It tells the story of the Adventure that followed an Irishman who moved to America!
I smiled when the take away to the Monumental movie was……
“The only way forward is to go back.”
Now as ‘American citizens’ we want to
……help people remember “the ancient paths” (Jer.6:16) and “the rock from which you were hewn” (Is. 51:1) honoring the God who formed and peopled this land.
……pray for and participate in that ‘future full of hope’ (Jer. 29:11) that lies ahead, beyond a Republic, where God’s will is done and his Kingdom has come, on this part of earth, and to the uttermost pasts of the earth, as it is in heaven.