“And Jesus went about doing good and healing all those those who were oppressed by the devil.” ( Matt. 4:23,24)
It’s a joy and privilege to join with Jesus in his work and this description of his life is a good summary of the emphasis of our service since Father moved us into Rivendell in 2002.
The first half of our 24 years in America involved much traveling nationally and internationally, but the second half has been shaped by “The Big Green House” on Parkview Blvd., where we have been able to offer many people a home and the family experience they have never had, and to host regular Freedom! retreats where we have seen dozens of folk get “Unbound”
Jesus said, “If they persecuted me they will persecute you also.” (Jn.15:20) Jesus was crucified for ‘doing good’ and so it should be no surprise, and our joy and privilege, when we encounter opposition in simply following his example.
As we move through judicial process with the local City I have read again the accounts of Jesus’ trial in the 4 gospels and have been pondering Jesus’ few chosen words;
“You would have no power over me if it were not given you from above.” .….affiriming the sovereignty of our Father in all things,
“My kingdom is not of this world, if it were my servants would fight.” …..affirming the radically different way we are called to live and respond when under attack in ‘this world’
“……for this reason I came into the world, to bear witness to the truth.”
This did not mean asserting ‘facts’ in a courtroom. but continuing to conduct Himself there in the same way he had privately and publicly over the previous 33 years as a true son authentically reflecting the nature of His Father.
One of the scriptures that describes this nature is, “A father to the fatherless a defender of widows” (Ps.68:5). James tells us genuine religion in the sight of God the Father is to care for the orphans and widows. (Jm.1:27)
Again this rings true to the direction we have been lead over the last years……wakening up to “Good Morning’ Dad!” is the foundation of our life together and the retreats we host The blog from August 17 2017 “Of Widows and Windows” describes the outworking of the second part of the verse.
So what has the blog title got to do with all this?
Well K.I.S.S. stands for Keep It Simple Stupid. It brings us to the fifth S in this series.
“I Will Speak to You – SIMPLY.”
Jesus said, “I thank you Father, that you have hidden these things from the wise and learned and revealed them to babes.” (Matt.11:25)
I believe to better hear God speak we need to not be smarter...but to be simpler…more childlike.
Let me give one recent personal experience of this ‘Simple’ communication;
As I lay in bed ‘listening’ a few nights ago, Father drew my attention to one of a number of you who have been standing with us in this current skirmish. This particular sister we have never met in person but through our music and blogs we have connected in the Spirit, and she will frequently now respond to my blogs with little email encouragements! Last night it dawned on me the significance of her names. Her given name – is Sarah
This name of course brings to mind the story of the miraculous birth of Issac, the child of promise…. but this happened only after Abram had tried to help God along through Hagar birthing Ishmael. Well God always gives the flesh opportunity first before confirming as Jesus said, “The Spirit gives life; the flesh accomplishes nothing.” (Jn.6;63) That’s why both Abram and Sarai both needed to have a name/nature change! The Hebrew letter ‘hey’ that was added to both their names signifies ‘the breath of God’ for it is “not by might nor by power but by my Spirit” that God’s will is then accomplished through Abraham and Sarah (Zeph.4:6)
Our current address on PARK-VIEW continually reminds us that God doesn’t need our help….all we need do here is simply “STAND STILL and SEE the salvation of our God.” (Ex.14:13 and 2 Chron.20:17)
Then I realized our friend’s last name was…….
Hadad……or should that be Ha! – Dad.
Isaac means “He (God) laughs”. This then is the laughably good news of the New Covenant…..that we will NEVER succeed in our own strength, and our Father laughingly affirms – He will ALWAYS succeed in what he purposes – by His Spirit!
This is why we read “Jesus held his peace” as he trusted completely and surrendered utterly to his Father’s will at his trial. Our prayer is that we too will not ‘fight’ as the world does, but simply stand with Jesus who “entrusted himself to him who judges justly”….. thus bringing life through his “obedience unto death….even death on the cross.” (1 Pt.2:23, Phil 2:8 )
Thank you Sarah Hadad for bearing “witness to the truth”………Simply by your name : – )
And one final chuckle…..I first time I heard the K.I.S.S. technique defined this way by my friend “Fanta” Clark, a retired bishop in the Anglican church in Ireland. Recalling this I wondered which diocese he was responsible for, and discovered…. he was Bishop of ARDAGH : – )
Do you recall the August 27th blog?
Boy does Our Da have a quare sense of humor?!