When the apostle Paul speaks about “my gospel” (in Romans and 2 Timothy) I believe he is not intending to convey that the content of what he believes was any different than say Peter or Luke or James. Rather he is saying, “This is the gospel as I personally have come to understand, experience and embody it.”
So I believe when last week we were given the opportunity to “testify before governors” (Matt.10:18 ) we were given the opportunity to declare “This is who we (Paul and Hilary Kyle) are and how we now live because of the good news from God we have come to believe.”
I believe Father also pointed out to me that Paul the apostle, like this Paul (and like most people!) was prone to “fear” in the natural. That is why God had to say to him and to me three times. “No Fear!” “No Fear!” “No Fear!”
The first time was in Paul’s epistle to the Hebrews where we read the verse I will quote below.
The second time was in vision in the Acts 18 story which I have also referenced as a type of what we have been acting out.
The third time was in the shipwreck story of Acts 27. I believe this angel also appeared to me one night a few years ago with the same message that Paul the apostle received, beginning, “Fear not.”
Below is the second half of “my gospel” that I was able to declare at the City Council meeting on 4th September:-
“Jesus said, “It is not right to make an innocent person pay a fine. Justice is perverted when good people are punished.” (Prov.17:26 )
So ‘Dr Kyle the psychiatrist’, got to thinking, “What accounts for this present madness?” ..where these mothers, worthy of honor, are being fined, and put out onto the street?
I think I found the answer in a quote from Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida “Fear makes devils of cherubim”
Might there be FEAR at work..
..…when a Private Property No Trespassing sign appears in a window?
…..when someone walks into City Hall, brandishing a legally held firearm, that might just be loaded…. metaphorically speaking of course?
….when at a Public Hearing someone speaks prospectively about the Big Green House being filled with sex offenders?
I must admit I too experienced fear 5 months ago when I watched the Robbinsdale City car pull up and a man with an official looking name tag round his neck step out.
Fear is a very understandable emotion for us all when we perceive a threat.
But I believe F.E.A.R. stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. Yes these feelings of apprehension are very real for each person, but they are based on a falsehood, a lie that probably began way back in our childhood when we were wounded by that other wounded person, and we began to believe the lie, “They are not to be trusted. I’m on my own. I have to take control. I need to look out for myself.”
The antidote to a lie – is the truth. Jesus said. “The truth will set you free.”
So as Pat Connelly, the code enforcement officer, walked toward our door I remembered ‘a truth’ I had been thinking about that very morning, where Jesus says….”I will never leave you…..I will never forsake you. Therefore with confidence we will say. God is our helper; we will not be afraid; what can man do to me?” (Heb.13:5,6)
The good news for all of us is, that the worst any man can do to us is – pull the trigger! The fear of death is the root of all fears. But death’s OK! They pulled the trigger on Jesus…. and he came back to life!!…. and what’s more he promised never to leave us or forsake us!!!
The antidote to fear is trusting in this truth…the truth that everyone of us has a heavenly Dad who delights in us, and who will never let us down, and who really is managing everything for everyone’s ultimate good.
From this basis of trusting in His love, we can then begin to learn to trust and love one another.”