“So what brought you here from Ireland?” asked Jim. The Homesmart rep who had called last week to give us an estimate for replacing the furnace and air conditioner, had picked up on my accent.
“In a word – God.” I replied.
“Oh enough said!” He responded, and I knew it would not be one of those service calls that leads to a deeper sharing of hearts and the caller leaving with a “Live at Rivendell” CD : –
The next day however, I had two other repairmen call.
The first, Jon, got our dryer sorted and then on the doorstep leaving asked if I knew any of the other Minneapolis Kyles….like at The Anchor Fish and Chips.
“Oh that’s my son’s place.” I said
“Really! My wife and daughter worked there….I even bussed tables there at one time.” He chuckled. “In fact I know your other sons too!”
Not an hour later he had listened to the Live at Rivendell CD I had given him, checked out my blog, and sent an encouraging text that we were “on the same page”
A few hours after Jon left, Josh arrived to give me an estimate for replacing the defunct condenser and air handler in the upstairs apartment.
Once again he left with a, Live at Rivendell in hand, to play to his three little ones, grateful and bemused because he had never before on a job been given a CD from a musician!
“You’ve a lovely family here.” he commented as he passed by Robin and sons rebuilding their old trailer
The more superficial conversation with Jim had continued….
“So what do you work at?” He’d asked, but without even looking up he’d answered, “Don’t tell me. I’m sure you’re the CEO of some big business.”
I chuckled to myself and said nothing.
Jim’s was a reasonable guess given the wonderful home God has provided for our mission and we realize most folk probably do assume we must be ‘independently wealthy’
Well of course we are, in the sense that Paul says, “all things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future—all are yours, and you are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s.” (1 Cor. 3.21-23)……. but not in the sense of having a source of funds ‘independent’ of God’s daily provision! (I receive around $2,000 a year in Royalties for songs, to put that ‘record straight’ : – )
As I said on a previous blog, when we arrived here, Father directed us simply to “Make friends and be friends,” Then he said, “Only sing for friends….. and never ask for money.’
We knew he brought us here, not to ‘make a profit’ but to ‘be a prophet.” ………In a country where everything shouts Commercial, we were to model, ‘no strings attached’, Relational.
We could write a book about how over these past 28 years God has kept his promise, “Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added onto you.” To the last minute and to the last penny, time and again we have been moved to tears by folks generosity often as the ‘widow’s mite’ has arrived perfectly on time.
An enormous, “Thank you.” to all readers who have been lead at one time or another to support us practically, and to the small group who do contribute regularly.
At the dedication of ‘The Big Green House’ the word came, “It’s a miracle in progress!”
That has proven to be the case as month by month Father has provided what has been needed for us to continue to fulfill our mission in this ‘Home’ as he directs us from day to day.
Is. 50 says, “Morning by morning he awakens my ear to hear….. that I might received a word to sustain the weary.” The outworking of what that looks like has morphed over the years. Nowadays we spend less time on ‘in house’ discipleship and more time listening for that ‘word’ in the ‘morning’ which I will often then share on ‘the blog’.
We continue to have weekly meetings, and in October 21-22, another Freedom! retreat. People can register here, www.paulkyle.org/events
The other day we were talking to a wise brother who has journeyed with us over the years and the continents! We were asking him about what we should do, now that after 20 years in the Big Green House some major repairs were coming due.
His response was, “I see this as an OPPORTUNITY for others to participate with you in the mission! You should take this OPPORTUNITY to let them know that you have this need!”
It was an Ah-Ha! moment for us….. as we saw yet another aspect to this being “The Land of Opportunity”
So now here we are, taking the OPPORTUNITY to say, if you have found these blogs helpful over the years, would you like to take this OPPORTUNITY to participate with us by helping meet the specific need identified in the story above?”
The heating and ventilation systems are now needing work, and we have three different systems in the BGH!!!
If you are prompted to sow into the work we’ve been called to, you can do so by sending a check, or using Venmo or the ‘donate’ button on our website. We also have bank accounts here and in NI that you can transfer to.
Gifts by hilarious faith only please, not by sentiment or obligation : – )
When we were lead to purchase the house we knew it made no sense as ‘a financial investment’, it was such an oddity in this neighborhood. We knew however, that was not the point. It was meant to be ‘a facility’ where we could manifest Kingdom Living.
Hence the title for today’s blog, HOUSEKEEPING, as we share with you what it will take to KEEP the HOUSE functioning as that ‘facility’ for doing our ‘Father’s business‘ in and from this ‘HOME’
…….as we offer to every precious one he sends to our door a –
“Come on on on in the kettle is boiling”**………. either in substance or in song : – )
** Live at Rivendell CD